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Fun MMORPG for Naruto Fans - Printable Version

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- zero sum mgame - 06-28-2008

Still accepting applications?  I'm seem to be in the market for a new village.
[Image: zerosum.jpg]
Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!

- Morganite - 06-29-2008

Certainly. I think it'll be some time before we'll lack room for anyone willing to actually play... Too many of the people we get are new genin who
stop playing after a day or two. -.-


- zero sum mgame - 06-30-2008

Cool. I'll be along as soon as the game lets me.

ETA: App is sent.

- jpub - 07-06-2008

MAN. I'm trying to get Bruce Jr, Lil' Bo, and Lil' Ro to complete my D-Rank Allies, and the idiots don't want to show. Am I screwed because
I'm a SP Jonin?

- zero sum mgame - 07-06-2008

No, you're just unlucky. I went back and got Bruce and Ro as a Jonin, and got lucky enough to get them both quickly.

- ECSNorway - 07-07-2008

Mrrr. Difficulty numbers on some of these missions are insane... how to pump up my Genjutsu range to 15+... not easy.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.

- jpub - 07-07-2008

Yeah, those Bs are killer. I'm going to be doing D and C for a long time.

- katreus - 07-07-2008


Ro-Sham-Bo Redux -- +2 Range, +2 Strength, +1 Stamina per mission

Water Clone Jutsu -- +1 range

Welcome to Good Burger -- +2 range

Various kidos, particularly Shorty's jutsus

Chakra armor -- buy from general store, +1 range

Duelist's Aura -- buy from arena, +1 range

Various items from general store

Letter of Marque -- NWW

K-Dog's headband -- spin the wheel in the party house

- jpub - 07-11-2008

Anyone get the answer to that scavenger hunt? I can't get it to work properly.

- Morganite - 07-11-2008


You know, I don't begrudge McMasters getting his ad revenue for things like this, but even before the current bug it apparently didn't work for a lot
of people...


- jpub - 07-27-2008

Do I need to be Season 2 for Billy, Emosuke, and Pinky to hit L2? I've done their missions, and they won't jump - it says 'soon'.

- Morganite - 07-27-2008

No, you just need to keep doing it until they level up.

The explaination of the mechanics I saw is that the chance of levelling starts out fairly low, and goes up every time you complete the mission. So, you might
get lucky and have someone level quickly, or you might be unlucky and have it take forever.

One reason why it's a very good idea to get the theme that doubles your chance of levelling allies in season 1... you have to level a fair number of them
for the season 2+ rank exams. I was stuck as a chunin for an annoying length of time this season because people wouldn't level...


- Norgarth - 07-27-2008

No, you don't need to be season 2+.

You start with X% chance of leveling them up. Everytime you pass that mission and they don't level, a few more percentage points are added to the chance.
sooner or later they'll finally level.

Being Season 2+ can make it easier, since there's a theme that increases the chance of leveling.
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin

I'm sure you've already noticed this, but... - zero sum mgame - 08-08-2008

The Eleventy-billionth Hokage is looking for players with "well-mannered BVS forums" to bounce ideas off of. We don't have a forum, but we do
have a fair number of players. Should we throw our name in the hat?

- Morganite - 08-08-2008

I'm not sure the number of people here who play would be considered that large.


- Norgarth - 08-08-2008

I have to agree with Morganni.

On a side note, I'll be out of town for the latter half of next week.
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin

- jpub - 08-11-2008

F-ing Emosuke and his F-ing CDs. Any clues on how to get them? I've spent the past 10 days running missions with that git trying to get the last 4 I need
to promote him, and it's not happening.

- Morganite - 08-12-2008

The first set of wasteland allies seem to drop them far more often than Emosuke himself. If you're there yet. There's also a B-rank taijutsu mission
they can be found on. ("Rock Out on Stage")


- Norgarth - 08-12-2008

If you have Olmec, then having him alongside Emosuke can help.

Once again, I'll be out of town from the 13th til the 17th, just so you know.
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin

- Morganite - 08-12-2008

Hmmm. And I'll be out of town the 14th through the 18th. '.'


- Morganite - 08-14-2008

Yeah. Out of town.

ECSNorway, jpub, I've given you both permissions to add ninja and buy upgrades. So, if I can't get internet access this weekend, one of you can buy
BurgerNinja and let in anyone who applies.


- ECSNorway - 08-15-2008



And it's about time for Tieh to go for Jounin... past time, actually, I just haven't managed to get F*ing Billy levelled yet.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.

- ECSNorway - 08-29-2008

Mrrrr. Do we have Distilling available yet?

What do we need to get?
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.

- Morganite - 08-29-2008

Distilling's not a "we", it's a "you". Special mission unlocks after you've done 20 outskirts missions.


- ECSNorway - 08-29-2008

Ahh, ok. Which means I have to actually do Outskirts missions... which means I have to get bingo'ed. And, IIRC, have the Village Leader bingo'ed, as
well, in order to get Haus, right?

Or I could just trade Pizza for Greass, if someone else already has Distilling.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.