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Crossovers That Should Not Be XV: The (Bad) Ideas Just Keep On Coming - Printable Version

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- Jinx999 - 01-28-2013

Saber would be Mulan, of course
I've been having a hankering to cross Shadowrun with Chronicles of Amber. First for the linguistic confusion (what do you mean, "shadowwalking"?) and second because the Shadowrun sues annoy me.

- Ebony - 01-28-2013

Bob Schroeck Wrote:
robkelk Wrote:This thread on the SJGames Forums, just getting started as of this posting. (And, yes, I've already copied over post #254 from this thread.)
Raoul T. Baggins:  We can't stop here!  This is orc country!
The Joker (somewhere near Crime Alley): We can't stop here! This is Bat country!
(We were somewhere near the outskirts of Gotham when the drugs started to take hold....)
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."

- Duane Peters - 01-28-2013

We've secretly replaced the town of Rivendell with the town of Riverdale, and vice versa. Let's see who notices *first*.

- Shepherd - 01-28-2013

Morganni Wrote:I can't think of anyone particularly suitable for Saber, Lancer, or Berserker though.
Could the Berserker position be filled by Demona? http://gargoyles.wikia.com/wiki/Demona 

"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV

- classicdrogn - 01-29-2013

Merida's queen mum could be Be(a)rserker, and that would leave Demona free to be Lancer. Not that she's big on weapons, but speed yes, and enough cunning in battle for the Mad enhancement to be as much weakness as strength. The problem of course is that "Merida's mum" is a character in someone else's legend rather than the hero. Of course, so is Demona.

Didn't Mulan use a spear for part of the movie? If so, she's probably the only one actually technically qualified as a Lancer in terms of using a polearm.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

- ECSNorway - 01-29-2013

If Mulan is Lancer, that leaves only one left as Saber -- Elizabeth Swan.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.

- Jorlem - 01-29-2013

Does Leia count? Star Wars is Disney, now.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber."  --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.

- classicdrogn - 01-29-2013

Leia could be Rider with a speeder bike, but she doesn't actually fight much - a bit of suppressive fire while escaping the Death Star and Cloud City, then strangling Jabba. I think the speeders might actually be her biggest action sequence. SWEU is another story, but I don't count fanfic even if it is published.

What about Lilo and whoever from the movie set in New Orleans? With the frog?

As for E. Swan... is that PotC or Twilight? I have no issues with PotC-girl as Saber.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

- robkelk - 01-29-2013

We've secretly replaced Archer from F/SN with Jonathon Archer from Enterprise. Oh, boy.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

- Proginoskes - 01-29-2013

Elizabeth Swan is indeed the Pirate King. (I always thought that the epilogue-scene did her a great disservice, having her wait ashore for Will Turner. In my mind, she sails the salt sea.)

- Bob Schroeck - 01-29-2013

robkelk Wrote:We've secretly replaced Archer from F/SN with Jonathon Archer from Enterprise. Oh, boy.
As I once posted http://drunkardswalkforums.yuku.com/for ... 850/type/0]elsewhere and elsewhen in the forums...
I Wrote:Theorizing he could space travel within his own galaxy, Captain Jonathan Archer stepped onto the bridge of the Enterprise and vanished...
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

- Jorlem - 01-29-2013

ClassicDrogn Wrote:Leia could be Rider with a speeder bike, but she doesn't actually fight much - a bit of suppressive fire while escaping the Death Star and Cloud City, then strangling Jabba. I think the speeders might actually be her biggest action sequence. SWEU is another story, but I don't count fanfic even if it is published.

What about Lilo and whoever from the movie set in New Orleans? With the frog?

As for E. Swan... is that PotC or Twilight? I have no issues with PotC-girl as Saber.
Isn't there an optional class for leaders, that replaces one of the non-Knight classes?
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber."  --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.

- RomanFanboy - 01-29-2013

    Re: 177
    The D&D Ranger will always be an abomination to me so long as a human must be evil to take Indians or Communists as a favored enemy.  (Not to mention that I haven't heard of a good sourcebook with a proper listing of tribes by places and times of hostility, with levels of activity, so on and so forth.  Indian, like white man, is far too broad a classification to really work when you are studying with all consuming enmity.  So 'I hate this tribe, because of crimes their polity has committed against me and mine, but that tribe also hates this tribe, because of racism, so I can work with that tribe' tends to result.)  
(In other words, Favored Enemy is the least distorted part of the class, and even that is a little wrong.  In Middle-earth, most observed orcs tend to belong to a common societal background, as well as one of two major political factions.  In other words, for that case Counter-society and counter-political faction overlap with counter-'Race'.)
    Take a look at IIRC, Roger's Rules for Rangers.  The required equipment list is different from the two melee or one ranged options that D&D uses.  (IIRC, a long arm with associated gear, and a big fighting knife or hatchet.)
    Then there is the whole Animal Companion nonsense.  Rangers tend to be light infantry.  Even the Texas Rangers, who used horses for transport, would have had a string of remounts rather than a single horse.  (Of course, fiction likes to hand wave things, so you get things like the Lone Ranger and Silver.)

Characters in Nanoha are often named after cars.  Mages in Nanoha are often modeled after mecha.  I just noticed today that there was a car called the Skylark.  There is something that can be vaguely considered a mecha by the name of Skylark.  (Today means last week or longer, when I wrote the thing down.)
Short version: The author who wrote the Lensmen books, which inspired the Star Wars Jedi, also wrote a series which may have inspired the Death Star.  Except that the Death Star was probably significantly nerfed in comparison.
'Yo Chlorine Breathers.  I hear you like suns, so I put suns in your suns, so you can sun while you sun.'
I cannot figure out this crossover as of yet without doing one or the other property injustice.  (I love Skylark, and like Nanoha.  I may be being too much of a purist.  My Little Skylark: Slaughter is Friendship.)
Take Rei Ayanami from Sic Semper Morituri, and have her perform a variation on Rorschasch's 'Save Us' monologue.  '...then they'll say "Can I have my money back?" and I'll say "No".'
AMG/Devil Survivor 1
Which is to say, increment the number of the battle royale/gotta-kill-em-all by one.
Remember the Raj Whitehall books?  There is a new one coming out, and that gave me the following lovely.
We've secretly repla... err, supplemented Center with certain of Drake's other characters.  There's the 'I don't want to share headspace' options like Adele, maybe Alois, maybe Ilna, the 'I really don't want to share headspace' options like Tovera, Joachim, and so forth, the 'might actually be appropriate' options like Garric, Carus, Aide, and then there is the 'everybody Drake has ever mentioned as difficult to share headspace with, or as someone he chooses not to write for his own peace of mind' option.
Pick the last and dump on your poor bastard of choice.  
If Nasu is the Japanese Stirling, think about a Fate/Dies The Fire cross.  I stopped following the books, but I've heard some bits that suggest that it would only take a little fiddling to get things to work.
ZnT/Skylark: Louise summons Richard is pretty simple.  Mechanical educator->language->teching up->going home->spaceliner to elsewhere & peaceful thinky aliens tech up the planet  Now, Louise summons Marc goes into more plottish places.  Maybe she can learn to pinch hit for Babydoll?
Necroscope of Justice League Unlimited Blade Works
Suppose that Doctor Ishida from Nanoha A's has some relation with Doctor Ishida from Bleach.
EMIYA Archer/Captain Archer was done in Erfworld, with hints of Quantum Leap.
Unlimited Food Porn is the name of a John Biles Fate fic.
http://www.thekeep.org/~wombat/Stories/ ... ayHime.txt
Russ Van Loan: Note that for time periods in the late nineteenth century, the total defeat of the National Rifle Association might amount to former confederates gaining uncontested control over the nation.  So, ranging from CSA to Draka.  Is this what you consider a utopian golden age?

    Regarding #184, I am certain that my statement is correct.
    Firstly, the methods for the cases you cite would probably be of the dispersal sort, the kinds of methods law enforcement might prefer to use.  These sort of methods rely on human psychology being present.  The other set of methods would be destroying or overwhelming the rioters with greater force.  This latter sort of process does work better using more people rather than less, and heavy infantry rather than light.  (I imagine the Texas Rangers may have also used these some.  However, I don't think the horse era Texas Ranger troops were all that big.  As for more recent times, I suspect that the government of Texas would prefer using the first sort over the second sort.)
    I may be reading too much between my own lines, but for the case I was thinking of, methods that work for one to a few people would be pretty worthless.  The case was rioters /possessed/ by demons, with hints of drugs.  I was remembering something I'd read about how folks on a PCP rampage can only be reliably quickly stopped by a wide enough wound channel passing through the heart.  I was also thinking of the 'zombies' in Ringo's Queen of Wands.  For scale I was assuming 'more than enough to tear them to shreds'.  Excluding the 'All the Red Rangers' episodes, I think a group of Power Rangers tends to run half dozen to a dozen.  Five hundred or so would be a major issue for that number, I think.  I was assuming no easy exorcism.  My expectation was minimal risk of no one dying if a standard power ranger group were sent up against the rioters.
    Addressing the next ambiguity, unspecified Ranger can be read many different ways.  For me, the default is the light infantry concept recorded in Roger's Rules for Rangers.  This trades, IIRC, protection and combat endurance for mobility, while preserving killing power.  This is kind of the opposite of what one would want to be able to stand up to rioters in battle, especially if one does not want to escalate to lethal force.  I can't speak to how well Army units of whatever sort, manned by graduates of Ranger school or otherwise, handle riots.  I do not know anything about the tables of equipment for modern infantry.  Power Rangers are more handwavey and dependent on authorial fiat.  Give them something like Fujino Asagami/Elfenlied, and they can subdue the rioters with a good chance of killing many.  Don't, and they haven't the manpower and equipment to do anything other than die.  Note that I mentioned 'five'.  As for the Texas Rangers, I'm sure that they are more than capable of stopping smaller riots by overwhelming force.  My understanding is that they tend towards smaller numbers, widely distributed.  I expect that, for sizable riots, if Texas could only resort to force, that they would prefer to grab a concentrated unit that trains more regularly with the usual sort of counter riot equipment.  
    We tend to equip people sent in for that with heavier protective equipment, and other gear, for a reason.  Light infantry tends to drop armor and such because they can kill enemies faster that way.  However, with rioters, for some reason, killing them is often not the desired outcome.  Rioters have all sorts of ways of injuring a person, should they get their hands on them.  Heavy protective gear, which probably would be lethally dangerous facing competent infantry, gives a significant margin of additional safety versus rioters.  That, and a good supply of less lethal weapons mean that one can not only survive going against rioters without a plan to kill them, but safely subdue them in a way that leaves them alive.  Even if killing the rioters is on the table, having tanks and IFVs rather than none, and having more weapons like machine guns and grenade launchers rather than less probably makes it a safer and more effective process.
    What I've seen of Tokusatsu has generally had small numbers of masked heroes defeating larger numbers of mooks.  I do not think that it is very in genre for numbers of 'mooks' in excess of thirty to one to dogpile the heroes and tear them to shreds.  If the heroes do have the powers to deal with those sort of numbers, playing by realistic rules, then there is a pretty decent chance of at least some lethal consequences.  My understanding is that the Power Rangers usually use easy exorcism versus armies of possessed citizens.  Excluding that, if the heroes don't die, a slaughter seems likely.  There may be a Tokusatsu series where the heroes freely slaughter potentially curable people who are not their enemies.  If so, I haven't seen it.

0µ -12 BlazBlu, Touhou, maybe some Eva.
4X/Fate Stay Night.
You have researched Magecraft I
You have activated the leylines on Homeworld
You have found Command Ruins on Homeworld, where there was nothing before.
You can now summon the legendary homeworld of a great historical Empire.
Super Robot Wars Alpha Protocol
Super Robot Wars and the Boxcar Children.  Because in the context of the former, the latter sound like the product of some sort of deranged super soldier program.
Bring Eva forward some score years, replacing Gendo and Yui with the Shiba siblings from the Irregular at Magic Highschool (Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei) light novels.  Authorial fiat whether NERV cognate has set up a tenth Magic Highschool to house pilots.  I dunno how messed up the Shiba siblings turn out to be, and that would probably be the most significant variable as to how this would turn out.
Fate Jojo/Persona   Stands, Persona, and Servants.  Same or different?
Buffy Halloween fic.  Crossover with Otokojuku.  Firstly, it would be most wrong if the one who goes as Edajima Heihachi, Principal of Otokojuku is Snyder, especially if the personality sticks afterwords.  Someone must go as Edajima Heihachi.  Secondly, IIRC, Sunnydale has a middle school, a high-school, and a university.  Middle school cheerleaders are Otokojuku First Years, Highschool cheer-leading team are Second Years, and the College team are Third Years.  
Getter Emperor of Mankind WH40K/Getter Robo
Last I'd checked, there are something like a dozen classes, across all of the sources Typemoon has approved that are mentioned on the wiki.
Berserkers are supposed to have snapped in life or in legend.  I cannot recall Demona doing more than making poor choices in cold blood, which she regretted, and also acts of anger which she didn't regret.  I dunno, authorial fiat.
I've also heard that heroes need to be extremely agile to qualify for Lancer.
Beast-The Beast, summoned in Fate/Prototype
Monster-Shiki Ryougi, Fate/Extra
Avenger-Broke the grail third war
Saver-sort of opposite of the avenger class
Ruler-this was used as a war administrator in an AU war where there are two teams of seven facing off.

- ECSNorway - 01-29-2013

Shepherd Wrote:
Morganni Wrote:I can't think of anyone particularly suitable for Saber, Lancer, or Berserker though.
Could the Berserker position be filled by Demona? http://gargoyles.wikia.com/wiki/Demona 
She might fit in better as Caster?

(ETA: Wow. Post delayed by -something-.... I put this up -last night-.)
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.

- classicdrogn - 01-29-2013

Probably the only better Disney Girls candidate would be Maleficent, and the sheer maintenaince cost to summon her would probably be prohibitive. Dragons are a Big Deal in nasuverse, after all. So, yeah, Demona as Caster for this little freeway pileup of a "can't look but can't look away."

As for the agility req of Lancer, Mulan should still fit... though what I was remembering as spear sequences may just have been staff work during the martial arts training montage.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

- Ross Van Loan - 01-30-2013

Golden Oldies Department : We've replaced Capt. Nemo with Little Nemo to  make the sinking of the Nautilus a dream sequence. 

- classicdrogn - 01-30-2013

Ooh, shiny... 20k Leagues/Search for Red October! Possibly the rest of those Verne stories that can fit into a single 'verse (and maybe The Secret Log of Phineas Fogg as well) and the rest of the Jack Ryan-verse...

Anti double-post edit- Today, we've switched Red Devil Asuka Sohru-Langley with Diavolo Rosso Erica Blandelli. Let's see who notices first, Shinji or Godou!
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

- classicdrogn - 01-31-2013

Fate/Hitchiker Mice - Reaching Akasha was never about finding answers, it's all about the Question!

Fate/Excel - Fuyuki City, also known as simply "F." To prevent knowledge of magic from spreading due to the Holy Grail Wars required the formation of the Office of City Security, while maintenaince of the extensive underground works of the Grail led to the establishment of ACROSS ... but even in cooperation, mages are always fierce rivals!
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

- robkelk - 02-01-2013

Excel gets a giant robot, courtesy of M'ACROSS...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

- Labster - 02-01-2013

Okay, how about a Romulus & Remus/Holy Nativity/Dracula/Lupin III mashup?  I only ask this because this is the plot of an actual episode of Lupin III:
Jesus (yes, that Jesus) was born with a twin sister named Camilla; however, since the girl child was a vampire, Joseph
left her out in the desert to die.  So she was raised by wolves (and also bats, apparently).  All grown up, she decided to get revenge on her brother J.C. by stealing the gold statuette of their mother Mary.  And then she was buried in a coffin, sleeping for 2000 years with the golden statue in her cold undead arms.  The coffin was found by an archaeologist, and the vampire was awoken by a blood transfusion given to treat
her apparent anemia.  Camilla returned to Japan to meet her brethren vampires in a medieval castle -- a European style castle in Japan, natch.  Lupin hears of the golden statuette and pretends to be seduced and converted by Camilla.  Even though he is exposed by his own reflection in a mirror, he manages to steal the golden idol with a horde of vampires chasing him and his gang.  When it looks like Lupin's backed against a cliff and done for, their prayer is answered -- Goemon's sword is thrown at the vampires and struck by divine lightning.  Our villain protagonists escape, and end up donating the golden idol of Mary to a church.
The fact that this does exist in canon, does not counter the fact that this Should Not Be.  However, I must confess, I was entertained.
-- ∇×V

- RomanFanboy - 02-01-2013

Ouch, ouch, ouch.

Very nice one vorticity.

I can see how they came up with the idea. Japan tends to have an odd take on Christianity.

Story of Romulus and Remus. Mars raped the Vestal virgin Rhea Silva. (A Vestal virgin was something like a Miko, for anime fans who hate classics.) Romulus and Remus were born as a result. They were left exposed to die, and suckled by a wolf. Then they were raised by a farmer. Romulus and Remus went to found Rome. Remus leaped over the walls of Rome, and Romulus executed him for it. (Wikipedia says this was murder. It was not. Enemies come over wall, friends through the gate was an old Roman legal thingy. Coming over walls was commonly capitally punished.) Romulus was first king of Rome, and was followed by Numa, who was no relation. (It was a while before the kingship in Rome became hereditary. The famous Caesar was descended from some of the kings involved in this, IIRC the third or fourth king.)

Numa was the one who set up the temple to Janus, the doors of which only closed during peace. (For Buffy fans, there seems to be major differences between the Buffy version, and how he was important to the Romans. Of course, the Romans were ever fiddling with their pantheon.) Hence, they tended to be open all the time.

For some reason my brain is trying to come up with a plausible fix to 'Jesus had a vampire twin sister, separated at birth.' The least contrived way first involves someone else named Jesus, per common Hispanic naming. Say, Kira's younger brother Jesus Yamato, raised by a nice Catholic family in the southwest of North America. Cross Seed over with a property with a vampire virus. Jesus was the control, and the sister was gestated infected with the virus.

We've secretly switched the Bobbsey Twins with Garan no Dou (KnK). Let's see if either has the interest and ability to solve the other's mysteries.

Let's add a third. Touko can only use the Bobbsey twins as hands and feet. They are now in P4 town, and need to need to resolve that situation.

Guest starring Yotsuba Koiwai as the friendly Wild Card.

Guest starring someone from Wild Cards as the friendly Wild Card.

Guest starring Alex Mercer as the friendly Wild Card.

Guest starring Frank and Joe Hardy as the friendly Wild Card.

Guest starring some random wino as the friendly Wild Card.

Guest starring Alucard from Hellsing as the friendly Wild Card.

- classicdrogn - 02-01-2013

Alucard as freindly anything ... does not compute. At best, he's only laughing at you on the inside... more likely he's about to mess with you, if not seriously F your S up. Yes, behind that Guy Fawkes mask, Anon is Alucard.

WRT the brothers, I always thought it was supposed to be Romus (hence Rome) and Romulus was just a distortion introduced by getting tongues tangled around latin naming conventions. Popularized all the more (linguistically) recently by Star Trek.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

- Norgarth - 02-01-2013

Alucard can be friendly (meaning he's not actively trying to kill you)
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin

- Bob Schroeck - 02-01-2013

From what I've seen of Hellsing, if you're not a Hellsing, Alucard is only friendly in the way friendly fire is.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

- Seraviel - 02-01-2013

We've secretly switched He-Who-Walks-Behind with Christopher Walken. Let's see if Harry Dresden will escape him this time.
-People may die, but ideas are forever. Je suis Charlie.