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Live Action "Ranma" Movie coming to Japanese TV - Printable Version +- Drunkard's Walk Forums (http://www.accessdenied-rms.net/forums) +-- Forum: General (http://www.accessdenied-rms.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=1) +--- Forum: General Chatter (http://www.accessdenied-rms.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=2) +--- Thread: Live Action "Ranma" Movie coming to Japanese TV (/showthread.php?tid=11140) Pages:
- robkelk - 12-12-2011 SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS Plot summary, including a giveaway of the ending, on furinkan.com SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS -- Rob Kelk "Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of the same sovereign, servants of the same law." - Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012 - RMH999 - 12-13-2011 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gDJgxSyhsI For however long it lasts.... someone has the full movie up on youtube. If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it? - Albert Einstein - Bob Schroeck - 12-13-2011 If it's available in a fullscreen mode, it should be savable as MP4, as I understand it -- and of course there are utilities out there to do the saving, too. -- Bob --------- Then the horns kicked in... ...and my shoes began to squeak. - Ransan - 12-17-2011 I have just watched this thing in softsubs....and....in my opinion, it is complete and total garbage. It's like someone took some random episodes and scenes from Ranma 1/2, haphazardly strung them together, and then added a plotline that Go Nagai DISCARDED from either Cutie Honey or Kekko Kamen. And then, to finish it off, sodomized the ENTIRE thing with a Jackhammer. And while we're on the subject of anal rape, lets talk a bit about the plot. In addition to the above train wreck of a plot, we also have to deal with the characterizations. Most of whome are either flandarized or are large cases of "Did not do the homework", and special effects that came out of Power Rangers. All in all, I want my hour and a half back. There is nothing redeemable about this thing. It's proof positive that Rumiko Takahashi doen't give a firk bing blast and the Ranma franchise anymore. I'm disappointed, revolted and, disgusted by this whole thing. I'm going to bed now, and pray to god my subconscious can expunge this horror from my mind. - Logan Darklighter - 12-17-2011 Ouch. Just... ouch. Many thanks for saving all of our sanity at the price of your own. - Bob Schroeck - 12-17-2011 Gah. And I was so looking forward to this. -- Bob --------- Then the horns kicked in... ...and my shoes began to squeak. - Jinx999 - 12-17-2011 Found a review: http://animediet.net/uncategorized/live ... y-to-spare Not as negative as Ransan's, but far from gushing. - dark seraph - 12-18-2011 I was on Gtalk with Ran while he watched it.... an any time you have to take a break from something to watch the Abridged version is a bad sign. And while I am no where near as big a fan as Ran... even I was slack jawed at how they missed stuff that even I vaguely knew about the anime. So I'll be saving my cash and probably getting one of the Anime films instead. ![]() - Ransan - 12-18-2011 Yeah, I'll give it the benefit that the casting wasn't bad. However, in my opinion both the writing and directing ruined those characters. Except I'll give the kudos to the actors for Ranma, Ranma-chan, and Akane. the Ranma actor was pretty much spot on except one scene I despised, and that was the writers fault, not his - though I will say he could have chosen to work out a bit more prior to the role. Akane was solid throughout. Ranma-chan I think was the weakest, but I couldn't tell if it was the writing or just her interpretation. Soun was off. Normally the character of Soun Tendo tries to put on an air of stoicness or calmness, he frequently fails, but it more often the that it's usally crying or panic. Soun usually only shows happieness when he thinks Ranma and Akane are about ready to confess all. So this interpretation fo a Soun SMILING all the time kinda creeped me out. Genma would have been okay, if not for the subtext added into the writing that he was a womanizer. Genma had his faults. Gluttony, Greed, and Sloth, but in NO part of the manga or anime was he ever suggested he cheated on his wife. Kasumi is usually smiling and serene. I remember her only smiling twice in the whole hour and a half, and those times it felt fake. In a couple of early scenes she was also snarky, dur to the fact that I think the writers stole lines from Nabiki and gave them to her. Nabiki....oh frar god. Nabiki was WRONG. To see the Ice Queen of Furinken High reduced to bar hostess was just....I sobbed. Kuno was by and large okay, but he came off a bit "Menouish" (UY) sometimes, and too clever for his own good. They had also partially merged him with Mikado Sanzenen, and well *shudder* Gosenkugi was okay, but there isn't much to that character in the first place. I thought the actor was a bit too tall. Dr. Tofu - sigh. Reduced for Chiropractor to School Nurse, and Tofu's gentle nature was kinda lost as the actor attempted to ham it up in a few scenes. All in all, I thought the characterizations were rather poor, and excepting the case of the three mains, were either flandarized or wound up a case of "Did not do the homework". If I had been cast as an anime or manga character, one of the first things I'd do is sit down and read/watch the original source material to help hone my characterization. These people obviously did not. - Bob Schroeck - 08-14-2012 Threadcromancy ho! A subbed version can be found here. -- Bob --------- Then the horns kicked in... ...and my shoes began to squeak. - Ransan - 08-14-2012 And why would I want to watch this again, Bob? My Ranma wallscrolls are STILL in the "dishonor" position that I put them in after the FIRST time I watched this. - robkelk - 08-14-2012 Well, I haven't seen it yet... -- Rob Kelk "Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of the same sovereign, servants of the same law." - Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012 - Bob Schroeck - 08-14-2012 Ransan Wrote:And why would I want to watch this again, Bob? My Ranma wallscrolls are STILL in the "dishonor" position that I put them in after the FIRST time I watched this.Some of us might want to see the trainwreck regardless. If only to go "if only..." and wish for better things. -- Bob --------- Then the horns kicked in... ...and my shoes began to squeak. - dark seraph - 08-14-2012 Ran, show us on the doll where bad film touched you ![]() - DHBirr - 08-14-2012 Quote:Kasumi is usually smiling and serene. I remember her only smiling twice in the whole hour and a half, and those times it felt fake. In a couple of early scenes she was also snarky, dur to the fact that I think the writers stole lines from Nabiki and gave them to her.I haven't read enough of Ranma to judge fully, and haven't seen the anime at all, but I've read references that say she could be a bit snarky early in the manga ... and a bit I did read included one such moment. It was when Genma described to her the "Cat-Fist" training debacle, and said, more or less, "And with each failure, my heart was more torn up!" To which Kasumi replied, "Not to mention your son!" ----- Big Brother is watching you. And damn, you are so bloody BORING. - Bob Schroeck - 08-15-2012 Oh yeah, the early manga Kasumi had a bit of a... well, "nasty" is a bit too strong a word, but "naughty" is too weak... streak in her. She rejected Ranma sight unseen for being too young, because "younger men bore me" (suggesting at least some experience with both younger and older men, and said with an outright scowl), and some of her early dialogue which many folks interpret as cheerful obliviousness could well be fairly subtle snark -- the infamous "violent maniac" line, for instance. And don't forget her reaction to the Cat-fist -- which was to pile kittens on Ranma. -- Bob --------- Then the horns kicked in... ...and my shoes began to squeak. - robkelk - 08-15-2012 And let's not forget... that mallet that Akane loves to use originally belonged to Kasumi. -- Rob Kelk "Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of the same sovereign, servants of the same law." - Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012 - Pyeknu - 08-29-2012 Let's hope that Takahashi-sensei will put the full stop on any attempts like this in the future. - Jorlem - 08-29-2012 I thought I read something about her having OK'd the script? ----- Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea. "Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia. - Bob Schroeck - 08-29-2012 That certainly appeared to be the case when I first posted about it. -- Bob --------- Then the horns kicked in... ...and my shoes began to squeak. - Ransan - 08-31-2012 robkelk Wrote:And let's not forget... that mallet that Akane loves to use originally belonged to Kasumi.Um, Akane's mallet using is more or less a Fannon exaggeration. The only time I remember using a mallet in the anime was in the first movie where it is handed to her by Nabiki. And the only times I remember using one in the manga was on Genma. When Akane hit Ranma (and she only really did until about Ryugenzawa), she'd either hit him with her fists (or elbows), or with nearby available objects (i.e. Tables, Shinai, her weights, bookbag, etc.) - ECSNorway - 09-07-2012 Yup. Kasumi's actually the only one we see using it in the manga. -- Sucrose Octanitrate. Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode. - Bob Schroeck - 09-08-2012 Although I have some official artwork stashed away somewhere that shows Akane holding a mallet -- it's actually a pic of Ranma, as I recall, but he's against a white background with a repeating pattern of little black-and-white images of the fiancees -- I specifically remember Ukyou with the jar of special sauce, and Akane in a bit of a combat crouch with a big mallet in her hands. However, the mallet thing is definitely off-topic for this thread. Let us respawn it elsewhere. -- Bob --------- Then the horns kicked in... ...and my shoes began to squeak. |