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Character WiP - Printable Version

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- Ace Dreamer - 06-23-2012

dark seraph Wrote:
Ace Dreamer Wrote:Doesn't his/her armour act as a secretarial AI to do all the paperwork for her/him? [grin]
The armour has no AI, mainly because Skyreiko said she looks enough like the Meta from Red Vs Blue.... and that nut job was hunting down and killing people for their AI's.

But the idea of Josh deciding to make an AI to help her is tickling the muse... does Fensapce have any Transformers? j/k
I think I saw a fanfic where someone used the Allspark to Transformer-ise various small gadgets, like a watch or mobile phone.
If you want an AI that can go everywhere with you, then, that would let you have one as a shoulder pet, was wrist mounted, or could hide inside your armour, if needed?
(probably not the only one...)
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind

- dark seraph - 06-23-2012

*Reads the first Surfing with Aliens*

Josh: Well, seeing as I can't fit a normal car now.... *gets a motorbike, a ton of scrap metal, some Transformer DVD's, a hand full of USB's full of decent Transformer fan art and fics and finally ad's a 40k space marine motorbike* This can only end in win or something stupidly amusing.

- Ace Dreamer - 06-23-2012

dark seraph Wrote:*Reads the first Surfing with Aliens*

Josh: Well, seeing as I can't fit a normal car now.... *gets a motorbike, a ton of scrap metal, some Transformer DVD's, a hand full of USB's full of decent Transformer fan art and fics and finally ad's a 40k space marine motorbike* This can only end in win or something stupidly amusing.
So, you want a motorbike that is a Warhammer 40k gaming geek? [grin]
Brains will sell him/her all the painted figures. [grin]

"Sorry, Boss.  Gotta rewrite my army list.  They've changed all the points values, and nothing works anymore."
"Then I've got to play-test it against a few standard armies."
"Shouldn't take me more than two, three, five days at most."
"So, can I help you go bust Boskone ass sometime next week?"
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind

- dark seraph - 07-07-2012

*blows some dust off*

So still working on finish the bio, but when I went to look at Fen stuff for Spartans, all I got was this.

Quote:The Spartans are cybernetically enhanced and use powered armour of various types. The Spartans are best known for their Search and Rescue actions, mainly because they place themselves on all open stations, Space Vessels and large Space Ships they can. They are reluctant to field Space Marines due to the use of similar forces by Boskonians. Those they do field, the Grey Knights, are always accompanied by two general Spartans and a Senshi commander. Grey Knights are almost universally respected for their near-fanatical dedication to the protection of humanity. (The evacuation of Crystal Osaka only succeeded due to the sacrifice of three Grey Knights.)

Any guidelines or suggestions with how would one try to join the Spartan corps or that? Or would this be a case of "Make it up as you go"? (within limitations)

- Dartz - 07-07-2012

Nope. Fire away.

The Panzer Kunst Gruppe began as a line in the same paragraph, before being expanded. Josh could be recommended by a friend, or approached by a recruiter who's heard of her. Or, could be one of the founders. It's a good chance to define the corps' training methods, attitudes and equipment.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?

- HRogge - 07-07-2012

dark seraph Wrote:Any guidelines or suggestions with how would one try to join the Spartan corps or that? Or would this be a case of "Make it up as you go"? (within limitations)

Just tell the poor guys that the AI Cortana and Serina have chosen NOT to join them. Wink

- dark seraph - 07-08-2012

Sweet. *digs out Ghosts of Onyx and the Cole Protocol* Time to read up on the reference material Tongue

- Black Aeronaut - 07-08-2012

Of course, that's not to say that they can't have their own version of Cortana and Serina. Wink

- Rakhasa - 07-08-2012

blackaeronaut Wrote:Of course, that's not to say that they can't have their own version of Cortana and Serina. Wink
Two Cortanas? Catfight! (wich of course CI's Cortana would win, wiht her far greater experience in all feline-related things)
Ok, so it won't happen, and no Spartan will ever dare to say it loud where either of the Cortanas can hear. But they are all thinking abou it.

- dark seraph - 07-08-2012

Updated bio!

Quote:Name: Joshua Greenway
Gender: Female (born male)
Ethnicity: Australian
Citizenship: Australian

In 2012 after much saving and planing, Joshua had finally got enough Handwavium to create something he had always wanted, a personal suit of power armour. But not wanting to be another Tony Stark wannabe, he started working on a suit of Majolnir Mark 6 battle armour from the halo series.

Once the suit was completed, in a fit of fanboyish stupidity, He climbed in and powered it up. Unfortunately, the suit was every bit as good as the fiction made it up to be. As he went to pick up the helmet, his simple movement effectively turned him into a human bouncy ball, sending him through the remaining wavium and half way down the block before the suit safety cut off power.

Eventually he came to in the Leonard H. McCoy Memorial Medical Center, When he crashed through his remaining handwavuim, he coincidently ingested/inhaled most of it, resulting in an extreme biomod. Josh's body is now on par with that of the Spartans he was trying to mimic, but as expected, the change had several quirks as Josh is now a seven foot tall elfin woman that with a blond wig, could pass as Power Girl

After finally getting her paperwork settled, she decided to head off into space and see what she could find out in the stars. Signing on as s hired gun on a friends transport, Josh at first had great fun, the pay wasn't great, but she was in space, so everything was perfect.

But as she travelled through space, she heard more and more of the Bosconians and their activities, from slavery, piracy and all out war. 

A certain old comic book line came to mind. “With great power, comes great responsibility.”

At the next the space dock she handed in her notice, took her armour and headed out for the Cyber Confederation to join the Spartan corps.

Amazon Brigade: Stands seven foot tall, with a body that’s a mix of super model and pro athlete.
Stormtrooper accuracy: When using pistols, machine guns or stranded rifles, could not hit the broad side of a barn from inside it unless...
AoE FTW!: Any weapon that would cause an area of effect will hit dead on. (this also includes shot guns for some reason)
Bad Poker Face: While Josh has a decent poker face, her ears are an excellent indicator of her mood, tending to move on their own, ranging from pressed flat against her skull when angry, drooping when upset, wiggling when amused and much to her embarrassment, sticking straight out and turning a slight red when "excited" Tongue 

Armour Quirks.
What the hell is this black stuff?: when the suit is exposed to extreme environments (hard vacuum, extreme heat/cold), it gains a strange layer of black ash/sludge.
Two man job: No matter what Josh does, the armour always seems to take 2, some times 3 times as long to put on by her self that with if she got some one to help, but she's still a little uncomfortable about anyone being in such close proximity to her. (or embarrassed as all hell Tongue )
Bit tight: Most standard MJOLNIR chest plates are incompatible with Josh's build, meaning she needs to go for the handful that have in her words "More breathing room." and even then she will some times complain of tightness.

My first attempt at a fic will be dealing with Josh's training in the Spartans, then probably her first mission Smile

- dark seraph - 08-13-2012

*blows dust off again*

So, 10 pages into writing a fic (jebus, I remember when I used to struggled to write 2 pages) and I would like a experienced Fen to look at what I got so far and give me pointers. send a PM and I'll hand you the link to the Gdoc.