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Trump news the third - Printable Version +- Drunkard's Walk Forums (http://www.accessdenied-rms.net/forums) +-- Forum: General (http://www.accessdenied-rms.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=1) +--- Forum: Politics and Other Fun (http://www.accessdenied-rms.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=17) +--- Thread: Trump news the third (/showthread.php?tid=4033) |
- robkelk - 12-07-2016 Well, I suppose this was to be expected: [img]http://timedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2016/12/cover-final.jpg?w=280&quality=85&h=373"> -- Rob Kelk "Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of the same sovereign, servants of the same law." - Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012 - ordnance11 - 12-07-2016 Yay....more ego striking. Btw....Behold the new Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkle Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs __________________ Into terror!, Into valour! Charge ahead! No! Never turn Yes, it's into the fire we fly And the devil will burn! - Scarlett Pimpernell - Black Aeronaut - 12-08-2016 Quote:ordnance11 wrote:Oh, Trump is gonna make his job difficult to be sure. He's going to demand unreasonable things of Mattis, and when Mattis can't deliver (especially if Mattis says 'No can do!') Trump will do what he can to make it look like it's all his fault. It is, after all, what he does - shift the blame and try to spin things in his favor.Quote:Black Aeronaut wrote:Peterson's Law applies to him as well as everyone else. And he will be fighting a 2 front war. Against the 4th estate at the Pentagon and trying to rein in the soon to be POTUS. So it's gonna be a question of how effective is he going to be and how long is he going to last at the job. You have a better chance of turning a Sodak BB inside 300 ft. than turning around a bureaucracy in 4 years. We'll see in 4 years. Rob: I've been keeping my radio tuned to NPR lately just to keep tabs on things. Funny thing they remarked on: Time Magazine also listed Hitler as 'Man of the Year'... right before war in Europe broke out. Also, you might wanna fix that image URL if possible - I have no idea what it's trying to do. ordnance11: That comes as absolutely no surprise to me. Even better yet is Trump trying to strong-arm Boeing. Crony Capitalism? Looks like it to me. I wonder how much Trump is gonna look like Boss Tweed by the end of his first term. - robkelk - 12-08-2016 Does the link not work outside of Canada? (goes and changes it for the link on TIME's website) That might be better. -- Rob Kelk "Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of the same sovereign, servants of the same law." - Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012 - ordnance11 - 12-08-2016 Okay, is Trump forming a government of Goldman Sachs and Generals? Or is he forming a junta? It's fueling my suspicion that we will eventually get into a gratuitous war. Because you have a thin skinned POTUS with no control with a group of professional soldiers who have the Pavlovian reflex of obedience to superiors as his underlings. __________________ Into terror!, Into valour! Charge ahead! No! Never turn Yes, it's into the fire we fly And the devil will burn! - Scarlett Pimpernell - Black Aeronaut - 12-08-2016 And people wonder why we're worried. ![]() - ordnance11 - 12-08-2016 I wonder if folks like Logan are fine to getting into another conflict when the other 2 are still ongoing? I supposed so or they don't care. *shrug* From Garrison Keiler : “Voters in high dudgeon against Wall Street manipulators and the Washington aristocracy vote for the billionaire populist who puts tycoons in power.... If Billy the Kid had been smart, he’d’ve run for sheriff." __________________ Into terror!, Into valour! Charge ahead! No! Never turn Yes, it's into the fire we fly And the devil will burn! - Scarlett Pimpernell - Dartz - 12-08-2016 Haha..... The Horns of the M. Once you see it, you can't unsee it. ________________________________ --m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig? - ordnance11 - 12-08-2016 Quote:Dartz wrote:Oh boy, now that you mentioned it. Think they did it deliberately? __________________ Into terror!, Into valour! Charge ahead! No! Never turn Yes, it's into the fire we fly And the devil will burn! - Scarlett Pimpernell - Black Aeronaut - 12-09-2016 Someone did. And no doubt someone reasonably high-up in the food chain over at Time Magazine is hearing about it, too. ![]() - DHBirr - 12-09-2016 Not to mention the "Divided States of America." CBS has already quoted somebody unnamed at Time saying the "horns" were "entirely coincidental," and have happened to at least 35 other people, including Slick Willie in '98 and Pope Francis in 2013. They didn't dare claim "Divided States" was a typo.... ----- Big Brother is watching you. And damn, you are so bloody BORING. - ordnance11 - 12-09-2016 And Trump decided his gonna remain the producer of his TV show. __________________ Into terror!, Into valour! Charge ahead! No! Never turn Yes, it's into the fire we fly And the devil will burn! - Scarlett Pimpernell - robkelk - 12-09-2016 Nowadays, "producer" can mean as little as "this guy came up with the idea and slips us a few bucks every so often". -- Rob Kelk "Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of the same sovereign, servants of the same law." - Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012 - ordnance11 - 12-09-2016 Quote:robkelk wrote:It's called conflict of interest ,Rob. Just about every federal ethic rules discourage even the appearance of it. It's beginning to look like a different set of rules apply to the soon POTUS and his cronies. I.E what rules? If he's not willing to follow the small things, what makes you sure he'll follow he rules and guidelines when it impacts him greatly? I would not be too surprised if a Watergate style scandal erupts sooner or later. The warning signs are already there. __________________ Into terror!, Into valour! Charge ahead! No! Never turn Yes, it's into the fire we fly And the devil will burn! - Scarlett Pimpernell - Bob Schroeck - 12-09-2016 The problem there is that the Republicans would rather see the country go down in flames than impeach one of their own. So a scandal may well erupt, but you can rest assured that Trump will never be called to task for it. Impeachments are only for Democrats, for the crime of being a Democrat, after all. To clarify for our conservative board members: I expect both sides to be corrupt to one degree or another. But over the past thirty years I have come to expect the Republicans to be crass, obvious and gloating about it, as if it became a virtue because they are Republicans. -- Bob --------- Then the horns kicked in... ...and my shoes began to squeak. - ordnance11 - 12-09-2016 Quote:Bob Schroeck wrote:The conservative members should not be too surprised if they get called out for the corrupt shenanigans. What goes around comes around after all. What is disconcerting is the wholesale amnesia of what happened during the Bush 2 administration. I'll give odds the same thing will happen again. Obama is going to look like a saint next to Trump. Edit: Someone mentioned Trump's nominations to head the EPA and DOL is like appointing an arsonist to head the fire department. __________________ Into terror!, Into valour! Charge ahead! No! Never turn Yes, it's into the fire we fly And the devil will burn! - Scarlett Pimpernell - Bob Schroeck - 12-09-2016 What's the surprise? It's a standard Republican tactic. Remember James "We don't have to preserve the earth; Jesus is coming back next year!" Watt in charge of the Dept. of the Interior? -- Bob --------- Then the horns kicked in... ...and my shoes began to squeak. - ordnance11 - 12-09-2016 So it's back to governing philosophy according to which century again? So your cronies ( and most of these appointments came from people who donated a lot of money to Trump's campaign) are going to come in, use their power and influence to make themselves, families and friends a crapton of money and while wrecking the country in process? I really hope that Trump's supporters doesn't use the excuse that the Russians gulled them when this is all over and done. __________________ Into terror!, Into valour! Charge ahead! No! Never turn Yes, it's into the fire we fly And the devil will burn! - Scarlett Pimpernell - Black Aeronaut - 12-09-2016 Obama a saint? Hah. Trump is Gonna make Bush II look like a saint! - ordnance11 - 12-09-2016 Quote:Black Aeronaut wrote:Ain't that a cheery thought. Well, I'm going to turn off the TV on Jan 20. Good thing we are given time off on that day. __________________ Into terror!, Into valour! Charge ahead! No! Never turn Yes, it's into the fire we fly And the devil will burn! - Scarlett Pimpernell - RMH999 - 12-09-2016 The Purging of the heretics is beginning! Begone foul believers in climate change! Since this is the internet - I'm being sarcastic. Climate change is real and shooting the messengers because you don't like the message is just going to blow up in your face (unfortunately, the rest of us will get caught in the collateral damage). If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it? - Albert Einstein Meanwhile... - Bob Schroeck - 12-10-2016 ![]() -- Bob --------- Then the horns kicked in... ...and my shoes began to squeak. - Labster - 12-10-2016 That's right. Leave Donald alone! Leave him alone, you lügenpresse. Ugh. In terms of the "draining the swamp", how about we instead let the Wizard of Trump welcome you to Mnuchinland: Goldman Sachs to Extend Its Reach in Trump Administration Quote:“I know the guys at Goldman Sachs,” Mr. Trump said at one primarySo now we have Goldman alumni Bannon, Mnuchin, and Cohn in the cabinet meetings. And DeVos is a billionaire. President George III was at least a good man who was just not quite smart enough to realize that he had surrounded himself with bad men. By 2007 or so Bush had stopped talking to Cheney, but of course by then the damage had been done. But Trump, he's the kind of person who has to lie to breathe. As the tools of Erfworld would say, Trump is a Titans-disbanded Carny. So like a carny or any other stage magician, we need to stop talking about his Twitter. That's what he wants us to focus on. Focus on the real actions of the administration, like the climate truther going to run the EPA -- not the Al Gore distraction the day before. The tax break for Carrier that will cost $7 million for only 700 jobs -- temporarily as the company uses that free money to increase automation -- not the 1100 jobs he promised. Everything he does has an element of misdirection, so we all need to get used to the fact that our president won't be one that tells us half-truths like we're used to. He will be a constant liar. -- ∇×V - ordnance11 - 12-10-2016 Quote:vorticity wrote:Well, look to Congress where the real action is going to be. Laws enacted there will have an impact. in fact: Latest GOP proposal for Social Security: Rob the poor and give to the rich Also, The Kremlin's Man in the White House __________________ Into terror!, Into valour! Charge ahead! No! Never turn Yes, it's into the fire we fly And the devil will burn! - Scarlett Pimpernell - robkelk - 12-10-2016 vorticity Wrote:... So like a carny or any other stage magician, we need to stop talking about his Twitter. That's what he wants us to focus on. ...Don't focus on it, but don't ignore it either. CBC: http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/trump-twit ... -1.3886455]It may be 'foolish' to ignore Trump's tweets, even when they look like 'fluff': Quote:"It's different now. We're trying to discern the thoughts, the directions, the thinking of a president whose counsel is kept private," he says. "We have to read the tea leaves. This is another avenue into that, and it would be foolish and unwise for us to just ignore it."-- Rob Kelk "Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of the same sovereign, servants of the same law." - Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012 |