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Crossovers That Should Not Be XV: The (Bad) Ideas Just Keep On Coming - Printable Version

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- Jorlem - 10-13-2012

That's not quite correct. For instance, Avenger was summoned by the Einzberns, in place of a Berserker class Servant. So, there still were only seven Servant classes during the Third War, not eight. There was an eighth Servant, but it was a duplicated Saber, thanks to a completely different group cheating, and had nothing to do with the presence of Avenger. Additionally, Zouken and the Einzbern head were Masters in the First War, IIRC.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber."  --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.

- RomanFanboy - 10-13-2012

My own summary is that Fate is a battle royale where wizards summon human spirits, essentially as written by a Japanese S.M. Stirling.
Expanding, magic users in this setting are culturally inclined to be evil (or at least amoral), secretive, and elitist.  Whether the magic system actually requires this is unclear.  I think there is a case that it is merely an in universe legitimating narrative.  Magic users are generally involved in multigenerational efforts to improve the family magics in order to do something to reality that reality actively resists.  Letting scruples get in the way of research is frowned upon.
The core conflict of the series involves a serial tournament started as a horror, per our standards, by a small group of mage families.  It went off the rails in the third iteration, and got worse afterwords each time.
The first media property covers three alternate timelines of the fifth iteration.  This was an H VN.  A Let's Play of the non-H version can be found on the internet.  The fourth iteration is covered in a LN for which a translation can be found on the internet.  Other stories in the same universe include Tsukihime, which involves vampires, Kara no Kyoukai, which has some really horrific magical experimentation, and Angel Notes, which is supposed to be after the Earth has been killed.
As for my question, in both cases I was assuming it was Doug acting as a master, and summoning a servant.
Item summoning works by way of the item's ties to a legendary human hero.  The stick would give Bimawen, the handsome monkey king, stone monkey, the great sage equal to heaven, except he probably doesn't count, and would probably be an uncontrollable problem if he did.  Unless Doug actively tracks down something, then participates while aware of what is going on, this is probably a question about his inventory.
As for affinity summoning, an indiscriminate serial killer called up Bluebeard, and they did many horrible things together.  It is sort of a personality question, or a request for suggestions, with the understanding that history and legend can be very flexible.
As for summoning Doug, I always kind of figured it might be item summoning like fifth war Archer.
My own ideas on personal affinity for Doug are too silly.  Mic Sounders the Thirteenth is the most sensible of them. 

I'm assuming a canon Doctor is not going to be stopped by anything in WH40K.  However, that was a very OOC Doctor, as far as I can tell.  Firstly using the Imperium's definition of enemy, and secondly shooting those enemies dead with a gun.
For the young female concept, I was assuming a bad regeneration that left the Doctor essentially a child.  The Tale of Genji is famous for having a guy try to raise a young girl he has custody of to be his ideal wife.
Really, Doctor Who varies enough that range of tastes among fans makes it very difficult to come up with good guesses if they must also pass the tests of IC and WSoD.  I think I could've gotten some of the BBC's writers with the idea of the Doctor regenerating into Thatcher, which other people wouldn't bat an eye at.  I have some notions of Sledge Hammer! that I can't see going anywhere, but all I have at the moment coming to my hand is my sealed forbidden finishing technique of crossovers that should not be.
1.  Warning, actual SAN loss may occur.  I have been known to lose part of my ability to use language.
2.  I'm really serious about the warning. 
3.  You must find a copy of Chung and Halliday's Mao: The Unknown Story
4.  Start reading...
P.S. If you aren't familiar with Fate, Zouken Matou, mentioned in 36 of this thread, is involved in, among other things, the torture and rape of minors.

- Bluemage - 10-13-2012

On the question of magi and their behaviors, part of it is cultural- it's how the other magi behave, after all, and a few decades of working alone and/or associating with people like that has its effect on you.  Another part is, well, also cultural- magi tend to come from mage families, so they grow up in this culture of callous disregard for human life.  Then there's the practical aspect; giving up your scruples tends to make the research go faster.  On top of that, magecraft is a finite resource; if letting other people learn your spells makes them weaker (on top of letting them figure out how to counter them), you have a powerful incentive to be a paranoid, secretive recluse, which can't be good for the scruples.
There's an anime of one timeline of the Fifth War, as well as the Fourth War (Fate/zero), in case LPs aren't your thing.

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.

- Jorlem - 10-13-2012

Bluemage Wrote:On the question of magi and their behaviors, part of it is cultural- it's how the other magi behave, after all, and a few decades of working alone and/or associating with people like that has its effect on you.  Another part is, well, also cultural- magi tend to come from mage families, so they grow up in this culture of callous disregard for human life.  Then there's the practical aspect; giving up your scruples tends to make the research go faster.  On top of that, magecraft is a finite resource; if letting other people learn your spells makes them weaker (on top of letting them figure out how to counter them), you have a powerful incentive to be a paranoid, secretive recluse, which can't be good for the scruples.
There's an anime of one timeline of the Fifth War, as well as the Fourth War (Fate/zero), in case LPs aren't your thing.
And a movie anime of the second timeline, with the third apparently in production, as far as I know.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber."  --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.

- robkelk - 10-13-2012

Folks, if you're going to go into this much detail on a crossover, it obviously isn't one That Should Not Be.

So, back on-topic for the thread... Mixing the two anime I watched this week: K-On! and Big O. ("It's showtime!" says Roger as the Big O picks up a giant Les Paul.)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

- robkelk - 10-14-2012

Bullfighters go to war, in Toro! Toro! Toro!
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

- Sirrocco - 10-17-2012

I first read that as "bugfighters go to war" - let me tell you, that one gets a bit surreal when you cram Starship Troopers into the mess.

...and even more surreal off of my second read-bit - for a moment there, the reference my sleep-addled brain was pulling off of your title was Totoro.

Yes.  Men in smooth black power armor, ritually murdering a big, neighborly furry thing using festive spears, red capes, and thin, stabbing swords.

- RomanFanboy - 10-19-2012

On the Doctor Who front, depending on your views on the proper separation of the judgement of media creators and the media they create, the recent scandals about the BBC cover up of that guys pedophilia may be an issue.

Re: 79 Most of that detail is only for one half of the crossover. I don't think we've seen a complete inventory here from Bob, so...

Re: 80 The Spanish were neutral in that war! So if you must do it, it should guest star Cagalli from Gundam SEED as Franco's adopted daughter.

Mitsuru Adachi made me think of Mitsuru Kirijo of Persona 3 marrying Tohru Adachi of Persona 4.

A Let's Play of Persona 3


Feinne's Let's Play of Persona 4


There was a USS Kennison during WWII. Eva/Lensmen anyone? Oh, wait, should be, never mind.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes Abridged. 'I don't have the background to explain anything at all, so over this blur of the OP fastforwarded at ultraspeed umpteen million times, I will say a few words. When it comes to Space Opera, Smith did it best first. Here's some badly photoshopped imagery of the Skylark Duquesne. Now you see Galaxies, now you don't. Thank you and good night.'

- robkelk - 10-20-2012

robkelk Wrote:New Wave meets martial arts: A Flock of Seagals
Epsilon has offered another in this vein: a first-person story about a bird that flies around, observes the human condition, and beats up bad guys.

[size=smaller](What? Jonathan Livingston Seagal, of course.)[/size]
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

- Jinx999 - 10-22-2012

"They looked very similar from behind."
Black Lagoon / Dukes of Hazard

- Bob Schroeck - 10-23-2012

The Dukes of el-Hazard
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

- RomanFanboy - 10-23-2012

The Dukes of Al-Hazard

The ACW seems a possible cognate to whatever killed off Al-Hazard. How to make it that severe? One thing that comes to mind is this:

http://www.baenebooks.com...86/9781451637786__10.htm Another thing might be a secessionist victory, and have it follow the 'Mexico' route predicted by, IIRC, Sherman.

The other way to go is to posit that it is instead cognate to a later, post fall of Al-Hazard, conflict that the Wolkenritter were involved in. Thus, the car is now the General Signum.

The other side of this cross is Hayate getting Lee, and your three favorite other Confederate generals from the Book of Darkness. (My favorite ACW generals are Sherman, Grant, Sherman, and Sherman. I really like Sherman, and I can't recall the spelling or details of any other Union General.)

Assume I'm singing Marching Through Georgia at this point.

Asagami Fujino from Kara no Kyoukai and Shizuru Fujino from Mai-Hime. I suspect I don't have given and surnames in the same order here. I figure grafting Shizuru's abilities on Asagami wouldn't make any difference in the KnK fight, at least not in her favor. However, the reverse, giving Shizuru spoon bending, might well significantly alter the course of events.

- robkelk - 10-23-2012

The Duke of Earl of Hazzard
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

- Bob Schroeck - 10-23-2012

robkelk Wrote:The Duke of Earl of Hazzard
Duke, duke, duke, duke of earl
Duke, duke, duke of earl
Duke, duke, duke of earl
Duke, duke, duke of earl...

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

- robkelk - 10-24-2012

Oh, right - I keep forgetting some of the regulars here don't know about good music...

Okay, new crossover. This one isn't one of mine; it's from somebody who goes by the handle "Sockratease" over on the Daz3D forums. It also requires knowledge of one of the more successful black-and-white comics of the 1980s.


(Edit: If you need to know about the character in the foreground, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flaming_Carrot_Comics]here. If you need to know about the other character... well, he's mentioned quite a bit in the Drunkard's Walk...)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

- Bob Schroeck - 10-24-2012

Now that's a teamup.

Oh, and the guy in the foreground was pretty much the only character from his eponymous comic book not to make it into the movie Mystery Men.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

- Bob Schroeck - 10-25-2012

Remington Seele. Metaphysical biologist Laura Ikari is unable to get funding for her ambitious projects until she invents a fictitious superior. All goes well until, just before her plans are to come to fruition, a mysterious drifter/con-man steps into her life and assumes the role of that superior...
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

- Ebony - 10-25-2012

The Dukes of Alhazred - The adventures of a family of cultists and their rivalry with a local scholar of the arcane.

Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."

- robkelk - 10-26-2012

Spotted on Usenet:

Stainless Steel Rat: Ask Google about "mecha musume".

Warewolf: *imagines Autobot and Decepticon musume in pillow or pie fights*
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

- RomanFanboy - 10-29-2012

There is a certain kind of spell (Song) in In Nomine used for bodily transformations. This was used for things like wings, claws, and tails, among other things. I'm forgetting the correct spelling, but I think they were called Numinous Corpus, but that doesn't feel like the correct Latin. I've had this come to mind in the past, but now seems a good time to mention it.

Numinous Corpus Slender Man

Having read Don't Look, I'm now thinking a full set of songs. Corporeal gives the physical transformation, and is essentially NC:SM, Ethereal is either some way of avoiding attention from humans who are not symphonically aware, luring children who are not symphonically aware, or of terrifying people who are not symphonically aware, and Celestial probably gives a certain level of Role: Slender Man, which is essentially Role:Murderer or Role:Child Murderer.

I've also been thinking of a cross between Magical Burst and Eclipse Phase. The EP Ego/Morph stuff being attached to the MB Magical Girl stuff with a glue of Liche. A Cortical Stack is something like a phylactery. Madoka makes a certain amount of sense if the Ego is in the Soul Gem, and controls the Morph via a short range wireless link.

- Bluemage - 10-31-2012

Zone of the Endermen... HD Edition.

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.

- RomanFanboy - 11-07-2012

My name is Michael Weston ... an Astronaut... fell through a wormhole... distant part of the galaxy...

Farscape/Burn Notice

Lensman/The Mentalist

We've replaced Kimball Cho with another Kimball. Let's see if Red John lasts until KK gets transferred out. I figure he makes a promise to Jane on the matter, and Lensmen keep their promises.
Edit: forgot one, and decided to add it in.  The Thin Man and The Slender Man.

- robkelk - 11-07-2012

Bluemage Wrote:Zone of the Endermen... HD Edition.
Zone of Ender's Game
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

- Sirrocco - 11-07-2012

Ender's Game of Thrones?

- Jorlem - 11-07-2012

Sirrocco Wrote:Ender's Game of Thrones?
You've read the Ender's Shadow series, right?
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber."  --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.