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COVID-19 Check-in Thread Part II - Printable Version

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RE: COVID-19 Check-in Thread Part II - Inquisitive Raven - 08-11-2020

Checking in. The weather actually cooled down last week, but now it's hot again. I made myself some yogurt over the weekend.

RE: COVID-19 Check-in Thread Part II - DHBirr - 08-12-2020

Status unchanged. 

Big Brother is watching you ... and damn, you are so bloody BORING.

RE: COVID-19 Check-in Thread Part II - Wolff - 08-12-2020

Still here

RE: COVID-19 Check-in Thread Part II - Cobalt Greywalker - 08-13-2020

Checking in, no change.

RE: COVID-19 Check-in Thread Part II - SilverFang01 - 08-13-2020

Still here.

RE: COVID-19 Check-in Thread Part II - Jenova_Silverstar - 08-13-2020

Checking in. No changes.

RE: COVID-19 Check-in Thread Part II - robkelk - 08-14-2020

Still here.

Not like I can go to the USA - the border's still closed...

RE: COVID-19 Check-in Thread Part II - Labster - 08-14-2020

My mother has a fever, rising a little every hour, just went to the hospital because the doctors won't see anyone with a fever.  It's probably a UTI.

The rest of the family isn't sick; I'm still some level of alive.  Still at home, trapped in a dead-end job.  On course to die alone in 30 years or so, unless COVID speeds it up.

RE: COVID-19 Check-in Thread Part II - Matrix Dragon - 08-15-2020

Still alive here. And on annual leave for two weeks. I was supposed to take a few weeks off in June to visit friends in the USA, but... Yeah. Still, after the past six months, I need to just do nothing and de-stress for a while.

Meanwhile, the states daily confirmed cases are dropping, as is the death rate. With a little luck, we might have gotten over the peak here... Which the idiot patrol better not take as an excuse to start back up immediately, because we know how THAT will go.

RE: COVID-19 Check-in Thread Part II - Star Ranger4 - 08-16-2020

Grmph. Still here. Sweating like a pig in the heat, but it is the heat, not fever.

RE: COVID-19 Check-in Thread Part II - Dragonflight - 08-17-2020

Still here. Roommate's been at home for a week now, but his recovery has been spotty. He's basically looking at 3-6 months of recovery followed by an indeterminate amount of recovered stamina. On top of that, recent peer-reviewed data shows that most people who have been serious enough to be put on ventilator who recovered have a state similar to HIV. The virus stays pretty much permanently resident in their system. While they can't pass it on anymore, it can - and will - flare up occasionally, causing Covid symptoms without the accompanying fever and contagion. Still no science suggesting if this is temporary or not.

This is the link to his recent Facebook post, which is the most comprehensive I've seen from a Covid survivor...


RE: COVID-19 Check-in Thread Part II - robkelk - 08-17-2020

Still here. Still working.

CBC: COVID-19 is here to stay. Here's how to live with it

RE: COVID-19 Check-in Thread Part II - Kilroy - 08-17-2020

Still here and still un-sick.

RE: COVID-19 Check-in Thread Part II - LynnInDenver - 08-17-2020

Still hanging in. My husband went into the office today; he's working for a place that would prefer him to work in the office instead of from home because of the information they handle. Hopefully it doesn't bring the virus home to us.

RE: COVID-19 Check-in Thread Part II - Black Aeronaut - 08-17-2020

Sorry I haven't checked in for a while. Life just being life as always (Read: Murphy and his goddamn changeup pitches).

RE: Murder Hornets - pretty sure they got that moniker because of what they do to a hive of honey bees once they come across one. (Hint: beheadings for everyone!)

RE: COVID-19 Check-in Thread Part II - Inquisitive Raven - 08-18-2020

Still here. No change in status.

RE: COVID-19 Check-in Thread Part II - DeputyJones - 08-19-2020

Just realized I forgot to check in. ^_^; Sorry, everybody. Still alive and kicking. No changes.

RE: COVID-19 Check-in Thread Part II - DHBirr - 08-19-2020

Nothing new.

RE: COVID-19 Check-in Thread Part II - Wolff - 08-19-2020

Still here

RE: COVID-19 Check-in Thread Part II - Mamorien - 08-19-2020

Alive, kicking, and occasionally screaming.

RE: COVID-19 Check-in Thread Part II - Jenova_Silverstar - 08-20-2020

Checking in. No changes this week.

RE: COVID-19 Check-in Thread Part II - Cobalt Greywalker - 08-20-2020

Checking in.  Still having problems with the landlord fixing all the bloody leaks.

Then again, we have to sort out with 3 of the 7 interests and, well, (insert profanity here) they're all a (censored because Bob will have to block me I'm that rude, and quite frankly I'm not that stupid or (double censored for rude rudeness))



RE: COVID-19 Check-in Thread Part II - classicdrogn - 08-20-2020

Haven't posted in a couple days I think, so I'll just note that I'm still around and as well as ever, aside from waking up with a bleeding gash on my cheek because apparently my fingernails turn into razors now if left untrimmed. Insert shrug emoji here.

(Still not waiting on an invitation to the X-Mansion anytime soon - there's a pandemic, after all.)

RE: COVID-19 Check-in Thread Part II - Star Ranger4 - 08-21-2020

(08-17-2020, 06:20 PM)Black Aeronaut Wrote: Sorry I haven't checked in for a while.  Life just being life as always (Read: Murphy and his goddamn changeup pitches).

RE: Murder Hornets - pretty sure they got that moniker because of what they do to a hive of honey bees once they come across one.  (Hint: beheadings for everyone!)

Sure its not what is happening with your Parent's Burbie????  *snicker*

RE: COVID-19 Check-in Thread Part II - DHBirr - 08-21-2020

(08-20-2020, 02:52 PM)classicdrogn Wrote: Haven't posted in a couple days I think, so I'll just note that I'm still around and as well as ever, aside from waking up with a bleeding gash on my cheek because apparently my fingernails turn into razors now if left untrimmed. Insert shrug emoji here.

At least you weren't trying to kill yourself in your sleep.  Several months ago (it might even be a year or more), I woke up smothering because I'd somehow draped the crook of my elbow over my nose and mouth.  I didn't think I was that depressed, but it seems my subconscious wanted to end it all....

“We’ve had our differences, but he’s seen the light … and I made sure he moved toward it, instead of coming back.”