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Crossovers That Should Be: Legends Dabon - Printable Version

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- Disruptor - 07-17-2012

Arthur King and the rest of the college fotball team New England Knights visits England to come to terms with what they had just done and been through. They run across a black haired boy who is running away from home while carrying a large trunk and a bird cage. They find a certain table later on.

Harry Potter/King Arthur and the Knights of Justice xover.

How would the wizaridng world react to a 'muggle' weilding Excaliber.
Tom Mathews aka Disruptor

- Jorlem - 07-17-2012

ShinDangaioh Wrote:Arthur King and the rest of the college fotball team New England Knights visits England to come to terms with what they had just done and been through. They run across a black haired boy who is running away from home while carrying a large trunk and a bird cage. They find a certain table later on.

Harry Potter/King Arthur and the Knights of Justice xover.

How would the wizaridng world react to a 'muggle' weilding Excaliber.
Probably not very surprised.  Merlin and Morgan le Fay are historical figures in the Wizarding World after all, but King Arthur is never called out as a wizard.  Which isn't to say that the Ministry wouldn't try to do something idiotic like trying to confiscate Excalibur, saying that it is an important historical artifact, with ties to Merlin.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber."  --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.

- azunth - 07-24-2012

Been reading my In Nomine books, and I've come up with a few ideas...
In Nomine/Persona 4
Location: The Deep Marches.  Time: 7:41 PM, July 10 2009

Amaterasu sat on the edge of a mountain, wondering where Izanami had gone.  The Goddess of Death had vanished one year ago, and neither hide nor hair of her had been seen since.  Even the few contacts Amaterasu had in the Media had not seen her.  It was not like Izanami to vanish into the corpreal world...the yelling of a severant shook her out of her thoughts.  "Amaterasu-Omikami!   Izanami has been spotted in the Vale of Dreams, gravely wounded!" 
The wounds were even worse Amaterasu had believed.  Countless minor wounds covered her body, and a single terrible wound leaked Forces with every movement.  It was clear Izanami would suffer a second and far more permanent death.  "Izanami, who has wounded you so?!" 
"A mortal..."
"A mere human did this!  Impossible!"  Maybe one of the stronger Ethereal gods, a Demon Prince, or an Archangel could strike such a blow.  But no lesser spirit, and certainly not an mere mortal.
"Mere!  Hah!  This mortal was as far from mere as the heaven are above the earth."  Even through her pain and horrific visage, the joy on her face was plain to see.  Suddenly, Izanami grabbed the front of Amaterasu's robe.  "Listen to me, my husband's daughter.  I have a tale to tell."  And Izanami told her story.  She had sought to test humanity, to see the truth of their nature.  She spoke how she had chosen three mortals; One to be nothingness, one to be despair, and one to be hope.  She spoke of how she had spun a web of illusions veiling truth; Nothingness had used her web to kill, Despair tried to stop the deaths but with tricked by Nothingness, while Hope had spread like wildfire, fouling the schemes of Nothingness, while following the trail of clues first to Despair, then to Nothingness...
And then past the false villain left by Izanami to track the goddess to her hiding place, where Izanami had sought to test the powers of Hope and his allies, magic gained by facing their own unwelcome truths.  "They fought well, Amaterasu.  They forced me to stop testing them and fight them in truth...I struck their leader with my greatest illusion...but those he had helped guided him free of it, and the power he gained as a result..."  She gestured to the wound.  "Hope did not just win my contest, my husband's daughter.  It exceeded my wildest dreams.  The pit will never win, Amaterasu, no matter how convoluted their schemes.  Mortals will unravel them.  Break with Hell."
"Break with Hell!  If we dare betray them, Nybbas will smother us!  He will cut off the flow of Essence that keeps us all alive!"
"Nybbas will lose, Amaterasu.  Eventually, mortals will pierce his illusions, track him to his lair, and strike at him as the did me.  It is only a matter of time."  With that, Izanami's forces were scattered fully.  Only Amaterasu had heard her tale, and Izanami had not mentioned the names of the mortals she tested, nor the town where she had tested them.  Still, there was enough for her to investigate. 
Kulumah, Djinn and Servitor of the Media, (aka Kensuke in his current role as a security guard) was waited backstage for his assignment to arrive.  He was assigned to the latest pop idol, some human named Rise  The idiot hellsworn mortal that had previously been assigned to keep an eye on the girl was currently being "reprimanded" for failing to keep tabs on the girl when she had gone to ground in some backwater for a year.  Luckily, the girl's agent had persuaded her to come back, and now Kulumah's first assignment on earth was to keep track of the carbon-copy pop-star and keep her singing until her fame faded.  Given the low number of halo's working in the areas, it looked like an easy first assignment.  He was also technically supposed to try to isolate and guide Risette towards hell, but he had a favor or two he could call in to help there- he was no master of temptation, and he knew it. 
An announcement blared over the speakers. "Risette's due to arrive 2 minutes!  Get ready people!"  The  various humans involved in this whole circus doubled there flurry of activity, and Kulumah pulled a trick the Boss himself had taught him before sending him to earth.  He burnt a bit of essence to forge a link to the greater symphony, and with a whiff of brimstone a phantom music began to play, a soundtrack to the movie that was his life.  Dead useful for figuring out how much shit he was in at any given moment, and great for avoiding surprises- nothing like a dramatic sting to warn you of danger.  Casual essense use was frowned upon, since it disturbed the Symphony and could lead rival demons- or worse, angels- right to your doorstep, you'd practically have to be in the room to here the disturbance he'd just caused, ao he was feeling safe.  He cocked his head, listening to the soundtrack.  A quiet but upbeat affair, with strings setting a rhythm and synthesizers a cheerful beat.  Good news.  At long last, the human singer finally walked into .  The human that was presumably in charge of this whole circus was by her side in an instant, babbling about the song schedule.  Before the mass of humans could obscure her, he willed his Symphony to hers, using his resonance to forge a link through which he could keep track of the girl, using another drop of Essence to bo.  But before he even tried, his soundtrack had shifted- the strings had turned a minor key, turning the tone from cheer to uneasey and tense.  A split second later, Kulumah noticed Rise was looking straight at him.  The a split second later, she turned away just a bit too quickly for it to be casual.   
Kulumah was not a stupid demon; his sharp mind was why he'd been assigned to earth despite barely being a half-century old, and it raced considering the implications.  Any use of essence caused a disturbance in the symphony, and given the change in the soundtrack he was pretty sure that her sudden interest in him wasn't a couincidence.  He'd bet a weeks worth of essence that the girl could hear the Symphony.  Most symphonically aware humans were soldiers for Heaven or Hell, and she certainly hadn't been Hellsworn last year, otherwise she wouldn't have had a Hellsworn set to track her.  His superior's probably didn't know, otherwise he'd have been told.  Put it all together, and it meant someone had made her a soldier within the past year in the boonies.  The question was, who was she serving now, and why?  Either some other demon was horning in on his boss's territory, or the halo's were trying to pull something.  He made a mental note to get to a tether and report in soon.
Two weeks later, and Kumulah fumed as Rise excitedly talked with group of teenagers- friends from the boonies, apparently.  Rise had been going out of her way to avoid him, and when he had called in a favor form Maximilian, a local Impudite, to try and get up close to her, she'd avoided him too.  Max had sworn up and down he hadn't spent a drop of Essence, and he was decent chance he wasn't lying.  The newcomers had him feeling paranoid; he was almost certain that one of them was either the celestial that had recruited her, a messenger from the same, or backup here to get rid of him.  The detective was certainly gruff enough to be a Malachim.  In a sudden bout of paranoia, he activated the soundtrack to see if there was an ambush waiting for him, sending a tiny clamor of disturbance rippled through the symphony.  As one, Rise and all eight of her "friends" turned to look right at him, expressions wary, but eager.  Kulumah got the feeling he'd just blown a dog whistle next to a wolf pack.  Crap.  He then noticed that he was alone with the unfriendly teenage soldiers, outnumbered 8 to 1 with no witnesses.  Double crap.  Then the punk with the headphones took out a card and called up bizarre thing he could only see with his celestial senses- which was possible, but not normal- shot a windstorm at his face- which was also not normal- and did it all without disturbing the symphony in the slightest- which was goddamn impossible. 
Faced with nine empowered humans doing impossible crap, Kulumah did the eminently sensible thing, and fled like a team of Malachim were on his ass.   

- Bob Schroeck - 07-25-2012

Mmmm. Even without knowing Persona at all, I'm really liking this. Can you take it further, maybe in its own thread?
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

- Sirrocco - 07-25-2012

Yeah, I'm going to have the second the "That's pretty awesome, and I'd like to see more." Azunth.

- azunth - 07-25-2012

Thanks!  I still need to work on it a bunch- Kumulah doesn't really have a concrete personality at the moment, and I need to re-watch Giant-Bomb's Let's Play to get a handle on the voices of the Persona 4 Characters.  The idea first came from when I was reading the rules on Disturbance, and noticed the part where the ability to tell the nature of the being causing the disturbance is a trick generally reserved for Superiors and the like.
Rise can discern between Humans and Shadows, the latter of which I'm interpreting as Ethereals.  Whether she actually needs Disturbance to home in on them is a question I haven't solved yet.  Either way, that qualifies her as a Big Freaking Deal.  Souji Seta, the game's protagonist, can effectively change his loadout of Attunements at a moment's notice.  You get get upwards of 40 Personae in game, which means he had a broader array of attunements than your average superior, most of which are fairly broken- immunity to fire/lightning/ice, physical regeneration, stat-boosters, and enough attack powers to make a Calabim envious are all in evidence.  Since this is based off the game's true ending, he's also carrying a Relic that "Banishes all lies and illusions", and the trump-card that is Myriad Truths, which is what he used to kill Izanami.  The rest of the characters aren't quite so game-breaking, but they're all packing overpowered attunements as well.  Balancing all this is the fact are the fact that these hideously broken tricks are all tied to a six-forces human and many require a showy manifestation to pull off.  Complicating matters is the fact that Philemon is operating in the background, and he's very powerful and very sneaky.  For those who don't know, Philemon is the lord of Persona, the source of the Wild Card attunement, the manifestation of Mankind's impulse toward self-actualization, and is utterly unknown outside maybe the half-dozen humans who helped him take down his opposite number, Nyarlahotep.   In this context, he's also a native of the Marches.
Those who know about In Nomine may note the paradox of an Ethereal spirit being both powerful and effectively unknown.  This turns out to be important.  

- Bob Schroeck - 07-25-2012

Quote:he's also carrying a Relic that "Banishes all lies and illusions",
Well, say goodbye to any balseraphim that get too close...
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

- robkelk - 07-25-2012

Bob Schroeck Wrote:Mmmm. Even without knowing Persona at all, I'm really liking this. Can you take it further, maybe in its own thread?
Seconding the request for a separate thread for this... so that I can link to it from the SJGames In Nomine forum.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

- s3yang - 07-30-2012

Completely random and slightly silly idea:

Reinforce Zwei and Agito sneak into the Angelic Layer Tournament for laughs.Hijinks ensue.

- drakensis - 07-31-2012

Heh. That would be amusing although Agito would probably cause some pretty worrying levels of damage to the other Angels.

Which gives me another thought. How to merge Angelic Layer with NGE?
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.

- Jinx999 - 08-01-2012

More a cross over of concepts, rather than of actual worlds, but I was struck by the similarities between Sword Art Online and Changeling the Lost.

- Ebony - 08-01-2012

Edward Elric finds himself far from home, in a jungle war, protecting a blue-haired Japanese high school student from attacks by a number of terrorist groups. Fortunately, he has the assistance of his little brother and a Stars and Stripes reporter that everyone calls Joker. Unfortunately, before he gets to the jungle, he has to deal with a very shouty Drill Instructor named Hartman ("What is your MAJOR MALFUNCTION, Private Elric!").
Full Metal Jacket Alchemist Panic!
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."

- Bob Schroeck - 08-01-2012

"Blood and Alchemy for my Lord Arioch!" -- Edward Elric of Melnibone
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

- ECSNorway - 08-02-2012

An alchemist falls in with three local jawbreaker-obsessed delinquents in Edward, Ed, Edd, and Eddy.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.

- Dartz - 08-18-2012

15 years ago, Magic returned to Earth with a bang.

Now, in the rebuilt Tokyo-3, Shinji Ikari told to come by his father.... and to bring the Book given to him for his fifth birthday.

(Yes... over a year after that fic with Quattro in it, I finally got around to watching the rest of that)
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?

- classicdrogn - 08-19-2012

I can't remember exactly, but I think I've seen that, Dartz.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

- robkelk - 08-20-2012

(I'm not sure whether this belongs in "Should Be" or "Should Not Be"... Either way, this is as far as I plan on taking the idea.)

"We were half a mile from the quiddich pitch when the potions began to take hold."
Fear and Loathing in Hogwarts
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

- Bob Schroeck - 08-21-2012

"We can't stop here! This is Snape country!"
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

- Sirrocco - 08-21-2012

Fred Astaire and Bing Crosby star in a movie... about an inn... based around fantastic celebrations... with a *twist*.

Ctholoday Inn.

- Ebony - 08-21-2012

Sirrocco Wrote:Fred Astaire and Bing Crosby star in a movie... about an inn... based around fantastic celebrations... with a *twist*.
Ctholoday Inn.
I think I prefer the one that Bing did with Bob Hope, "The Road to Arkham." 
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."

- classicdrogn - 08-21-2012

With Adventure! Tentacles! and Dorothy L'Amour?

Wait, that doesn't sound right...
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

- itsune9tl - 08-21-2012

ClassicDrogn Wrote:With Adventure! Tentacles! and Dorothy L'Amour?
Wait, that doesn't sound right...
Meh, It's Tuesday.

- Bob Schroeck - 08-22-2012

Then it must be Belgium.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

- robkelk - 08-22-2012

For Belgium, the day Bison graced their country was the most important day of their lives. But for him, ...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

- ECSNorway - 08-22-2012

So, Bison I get, but what is Dawn Summers doing in Belgium and why is he kidnapping her?
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.