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Crossovers that should not be: Reigning in (the) Chaos - Printable Version

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- WengFook - 07-07-2010

robkelk Wrote:
Quote:On the subject of the Zim/GL thing,
What Zim / Green Lantern thing?

What? Oh, right.

Although that does lead to another CTSNB: Yohko with an Oan power ring.
Or anybody from Gurren Lagann with an Oan power ring Smile
Take Your Candle, Go Light Your World.

- SkyeFire - 07-08-2010

Jorlem Wrote:What's that one crossed with? It doesn't seem to ring any bells with me.
Real life.  Smile  I mean, c'mon, can't you just see some marketing genius deciding that Scagliatti is the PERFECT poster boy for a product called "Obsession"?

- Necratoid - 07-11-2010

Quote:Or anybody from Gurren Lagann with an Oan power ring Smile
Problem with that is unless they get the ring post series... the antispirals also get ring(s) of equal power.  At that point you end up having the easy to spot issue of spiral power boosted Oan rings... which will end up doing such damage to existence that it with make elder gods of Chaos freak and run away or be collateral damage.  Seriously, you'll end up lucky if all that happens is a few million universes and multiverses are obliterated and the space filled by everything that ever fell in a plot hole or had the theoretical ability to do so.

- Jorlem - 07-11-2010

I finally remembered which folder I had saved this in.  Enjoy.
[Image: 1206111583463.jpg]
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber."  --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.

- Morganite - 07-16-2010

So, a lot of hay is made in fanfics about Tsunade's amazing bad luck.

What happens when she gets her hands on Coinspinner?


- The Wanderer - 07-16-2010

...I can hardly believe I never made that connection before.

(The answer, of course, is "whatever Coinspinner wants to happen", insofar as it gets itself lost by one owner to be found by another whenever it sees fit. The question to that answer, in turn, is of course "why would Coinspinner have sought out Tsunade in the first place?".)

- Jinx999 - 07-16-2010

You're forgetting one thing - if Coinspinner appears there - Farslayer could also.
The Sword of Vengance + Narutoverse = Ouch.

- Foxboy - 07-16-2010

Ah, but would the ninja necessarily be able to use it? It seems to rely on a piece of verse that made the bardic rounds after the Swords were created.
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll

- Jinx999 - 07-16-2010

IIRC, according to the websites, it's only a habit, not actually necessary.

- Morganite - 07-17-2010

The Wanderer Wrote:...I can hardly believe I never made that connection before.

(The answer, of course, is "whatever Coinspinner wants to happen", insofar as it gets itself lost by one owner to be found by another whenever it sees fit. The question to that answer, in turn, is of course "why would Coinspinner have sought out Tsunade in the first place?".)

I was never under the impression that there was any sort of will involved. Coinspinner just randomly disappears after a random amount of time has passed. (I'm pretty sure there was also one case where Coinspinner was taken by force. Luck isn't always enough?)

I suppose to more directly say what I was thinking "What happens when, for an unknown period of time, *anything* related to chance will go in Tsunade's favor?" (And hopefully, there'd be a more interesting answer than just "gambling".)

Shieldbreaker would be much less of a force in the Narutoverse, given the greater chance of running into someone who fights unarmed by preference rather than necessity. Woundhealer, on the other hand, is pretty much universally applicable.

On using Farslayer... I think there was a scene in Farslayer's Story where someone threw it *by accident*, and the fact that they were trying to kill something with it at the time was enough to make it work. The actual throwing seems to be required though, and seems like something relatively few ninja would try to do.

The Mindsword's a nasty piece of work in any case. But I imagine it'd change hands a lot more in the Narutoverse. Especially with that "Hidden Effect: Wielder is excessively impressed with their own awesomeness" it seems to have.


- Sweno - 07-18-2010

All this talk of lost boys and peter pan has reminded me of another set of lost boys.

There is a reason they never age, and that hook is trying to wipe them out. And it's not because of fairy dust.

The Lost Boys/Peter Pan

(because, properly applied, vampires can make something even better)
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy

- Morganite - 07-18-2010

That reminded me of one I've been thinking about while bored at work.

Based on what I've seen of the Disney Fairies franchise, the whole society seems to careen from one crisis to another, with massive chains of misunderstandings, social upheavals, near or actual destruction of priceless artifacts, etc etc...

You'd think they might want to do something about that.

And so eventually, someone comes up with the idea of setting up a proper apprenticeship and training program, to hopefully get all the shenanigans out of the way someplace where they don't result in catastrophes.

Some years later, a snow-talent fairy named Sugar enters the program...

Hey, both series are about fairies that dye grass, it makes sense, right?


- robkelk - 07-18-2010

The principles of Equivalent Exchange stipulate that, if one is to return to life, another must give up his life. One young man does this to restore his mother. Decades later, the now-undead Edward meets a young lady named Bella...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

- robkelk - 07-18-2010

One from Shadowjack:

[Image: s2engines.jpg]
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

- Bob Schroeck - 07-18-2010

Quote:(because, properly applied, vampires can make something even better
Can we properly apply vampires to Twilight?
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

- Sweno - 07-18-2010

the proper application of vampires to twilight involves the use of buffy or blade Smile
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy

- Necratoid - 07-18-2010

Quote:The Lost Boys/Peter Pan
(because, properly applied, vampires can make something even better)
Actually I remember the Neverland Lost Boys carrying wooden swords that could go toe to toe with the pirate metal ones... Though that could just be time to last view distortion.  The pirates are just confused by there being two independent tribes in the area with the same name and different out looks and species.  The whole reason they live on the boat is that crossing moving water thing.  Remember the sun kills a vampire things is based on a silent movie (in which the vampire was far, far out of the protagonists league and needed a method of dealing with it)... and there are a bajillion types of vampires anyway.  Mainly its Hook and Peter's mutual dickory that have kept the other tribe of Lost Boys around as the pirates, who can take those, are too busy fighting the wrong side of a two front war to actually accomplish something.  A tragic tale of ego over productivity.
or you can have Hook bail on NeverNeverland and end up wiping out the Lost Boys out of brand name hate.  The broken Aesop being about giving up being helpful in life as the DM will lower your encounter ratings and let you stop fighting things that embarrass you as much as they maul you.  Hook lost half his first crew in an encounter with a lost boy, the parents hired him to find the kid, and the kid had gone feral and sick surprisingly lethal squirrel hoards on them.
 (Edit: forgot to quote the quote)

- Wiregeek - 07-19-2010

Inspired by a mention in the 'other' thread, I present to you;

Terry Pratchett, Kaja Foglio, Phil Foglio, in

Discworld After Dark, a Discworld/XXXenophile crossover!
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman

- The Wanderer - 07-20-2010

One from the "almost too frightening to contemplate" department, which came to me on the way home from work tonight:

The Adventures of Shimon Heterodyne, Spiral Genius

Though really, of all the potentially interesting ways to combine those two sources, that may well be one of the least horrifyingly dangerous.

- Jorlem - 07-20-2010

Viral is quite similar to a Jager already, isn't he?
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber."  --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.

- Necratoid - 07-20-2010

Last time I checked he has no hat.  This is Blasphemy.

- Jorlem - 07-20-2010

He had a hat. Kamina stole it.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber."  --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.

- Black Aeronaut - 07-20-2010

The Wanderer Wrote:One from the "almost too frightening to contemplate" department, which came to me on the way home from work tonight:

The Adventures of Shimon Heterodyne, Spiral Genius

Though really, of all the potentially interesting ways to combine those two sources, that may well be one of the least horrifyingly dangerous.
*hysterical laughter*

- The Wanderer - 07-20-2010

Heh. That's actually almost the exact reaction I was hoping for.

- Black Aeronaut - 07-20-2010

Glad to oblige. Smile