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Crossovers That Should Not Be XIV: A Heavy Crossover to Bear - Printable Version

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- robkelk - 07-11-2012

ClassicDrogn Wrote:Trek/Ranma fuzion HA!- Behold Security Officer Ranma Saotome as he faces Amazons from the Klinzhai region, the gender switched prince of the Orion Dynasty, the Immortal King of Mount Romulus, and that's not even going into his self declared rival from Command Branch, Ryoga, or the Medical Branch Dietician Ukyo, not to mention Captain Tendo of the Nerima and his officers/daughters...

I think the worst part is that it almost certainly exists somewhere...
ISTR seeing that as a crossover with Sailor Moon included.

Don't ask me for specifics - "the mind really does blot out painful memories."
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

- The Wanderer - 07-11-2012

The question which springs to my own mind on that one is "where does Genma fit into it all?".

- robkelk - 07-11-2012

The Wanderer Wrote:The question which springs to my own mind on that one is "where does Genma fit into it all?".
Starfleet Admirals are usually clueless and/or annoying, are they not?
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

- DHBirr - 07-11-2012

Quote:The question which springs to my own mind on that one is "where does Genma fit into it all?".
A photon torpedo tube, followed shortly by deep space ... or the nearest black hole.
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.

- robkelk - 07-14-2012

A CTSNB where neither element is a story:

Dr Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

- Sirrocco - 07-14-2012

Sounds more like an advertisement than anything else.

Pepper Pott's Lonely Hearts Club Band?

- Bob Schroeck - 07-15-2012

... what if Tony Stark's assistant wasn't Pepper Potts, but Caractacus Potts?
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

- RomanFanboy - 07-15-2012

I am reminded of something on my list of ideas for this thread.

Sgt. Ned Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band: Ned Pepper, the man who sometimes goes by Tom Chaney, John, Paul, George and Ringo rob and murder their way around Oklahoma Territory as they are hunted by a fourteen year old girl.

True Grit/The Beatles

Part because I'm a huge fan of the court of Isaac Parker, and I tend to loathe pop artists of fifty years ago. Part because it just makes sense.

- Jinx999 - 07-16-2012

Hanna Montana

- Black Aeronaut - 07-16-2012

Jinx999 Wrote:Hanna Montana
LMAO!!!  Dude, that is so twisted and demented that I want to actually SEE someone pull that off.

- Jinx999 - 07-17-2012

blackaeronaut Wrote:
LMAO!!!  Dude, that is so twisted and demented . . . .
Thank you.

- Sirrocco - 07-17-2012

Not to take away from the beautiful simplicity of the original, but why not mix in a bit of Montana and/or Montana?  The former fits in almost seamlessly, but the latter is nice for opportunities to really jack up the wrongness.

- Black Aeronaut - 07-18-2012

... Tony Montana wouldn't last five seconds against Human-Weapon!Hana.

- Sirrocco - 07-18-2012

Perhaps not... but he'd make a great character for the father-figure... Especially for the obligatory high school musical song-and-dance number.

- Ebony - 07-18-2012

Sirrocco Wrote:Perhaps not... but he'd make a great character for the father-figure... Especially for the obligatory high school musical song-and-dance number.
And now I can hear Billy Ray Cyrus saying, "Say hello to my little friend!" in his Kentucky accent.

Something that popped into my head yesterday: What would Iron Man look like if done in the Warhammer 40K style? Which immediately made me try to think of a chapter for Tech-Brother Antonius. Sadly, not many of the Astartes go for the red and gold color scheme. Which, of course, leads to a strange Deathwatch team consisting of Tech-Brother Antonius, two Officio Assasinorum agents code-named Hawk and Widow, a Space Wolf with a Thunder Hammer, a massive Ogryn, and a captain of the Imperial Guard recently released from a stasis capsule found in a space hulk. All led by an Inquisitor named Fury, avenging in the Emperor's Name.
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."

- ECSNorway - 07-18-2012

To be true to 40k, Cap should be a Commissar.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.

- DHBirr - 07-18-2012

Quote:To be true to 40k, Cap should be a Commissar.
But like Ciaphas Cain, HERO OF THE IMPERIUM, he'd inspire the troops rather than scaring them.  Unlike Cain, he'd be doing it because he's "for reals" that whack -- errr, I mean that devoted to His Divine Majesty.
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.

- ECSNorway - 07-18-2012

DHBirr Wrote:
Quote:To be true to 40k, Cap should be a Commissar.
But like Ciaphas Cain, HERO OF THE IMPERIUM, he'd inspire the troops rather than scaring them.  Unlike Cain, he'd be doing it because he's "for reals" that whack -- errr, I mean that devoted to His Divine Majesty.
You mean (gasp, shock, surprise) Cain ISN'T a genuine HERO OF THE IMPERIUM??? Smile
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.

- robkelk - 07-19-2012

ECSNorway Wrote:
DHBirr Wrote:
Quote:To be true to 40k, Cap should be a Commissar.
But like Ciaphas Cain, HERO OF THE IMPERIUM, he'd inspire the troops rather than scaring them.  Unlike Cain, he'd be doing it because he's "for reals" that whack -- errr, I mean that devoted to His Divine Majesty.
You mean (gasp, shock, surprise) Cain ISN'T a genuine HERO OF THE IMPERIUM??? Smile
(mixes in more crossover)

Well, Emperor Strephon never got around to revoking his commission... so, yeah, at least officially he's a hero of the Third Imperium.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

- Sirrocco - 07-19-2012

Possible CTSNB: Master of Death. HP and Sandman crossover. HP/Death slash

Definite CTSNB: Master of Death. HP and Discworld crossover. HP/Death slash

- DHBirr - 07-19-2012

Quote:You mean (gasp, shock, surprise) Cain ISN'T a genuine HERO OF THE IMPERIUM??? Smile
The answer to your question is multiple choice:
a.  Of course Cain is a genuine HERO OF THE IMPERIUM, just not for the reasons most people think.
b.  Asking that proves you are not cleared for the Cain Archives edited by Inquisitor Vail.  You are therefore sentenced to expiate your crimes by dying in a Penal Legion.
c.  As a prophet of the Emperor and physical conduit of His Divine Will, Cain cannot be a Hero, any more than your finger can be a hero, even if you use it to push a button ordering the extermination of an intelligent alien species which is of no use to the Imperium.
d.  42.
("I'm sorry, Mr. Kenobi, our judges say we can't accept that answer."
Obi-wan: [with Jedi finger-wave] "You can accept that answer."
"We can accept that answer!")
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.

- robkelk - 07-21-2012

Azunth Wrote:In one corner, Pinkie Pie, party pony and Element of Laughter. Humor used to banish fear, sustain through suffering and hardship. The simple act of cheering people up. In the other corner, Kobal, Demon Prince of Dark Humor. Laughter that lets people ignore and enjoy the suffering of others, rather than their own. Every cruel joke at the expense of another. Their eyes narrow with instinctive hate, knowing that the words they bear are anathema to one another.
This is no prank war. This is a deadly serious battle over the fate of all funny business. Be careful what you laugh at- you might just tip the balance in a way you don't expect.

MLP:FiM/In Nomine

I completely forgot to mention that I copied this over (with attribution) to the In Nomine forum over at SJGames. http://forums.sjgames.com/showpost.php? ... stcount=76]William Keith has offered a reply:
On the SJGames forums, William Keith Wrote:My Little Pony: Friendship is Sorcery.

The sheer amount of fan energy hurled at the show has almost certainly created an Ethereal Domain of Equestria, but it's not likely to last long beyond the show's run. Nor are the characters likely to be allowed openly on Earth any time soon by Heaven, and they just don't strike me as being amenable to any but the best-disguised proposals from Hell. It is entirely plausible, then, that some enterprising Sorcerers would propose that the Mane Six stabilize themselves by binding as familiars. Power and security through friendship? Makes perfect sense!

The natural Affinities are Beasts (ponies) and their various Emotion strands, with Twilight taking Glamour or a similar Magic-like affinity. Dash would have an additional element of Speed, and Fluttershy's Beast strand is probably stronger than the others'. (No, I don't think Jordi would like her; she possesses an extremely humanized ideal of animal nature.) Whether the Elements of Harmony exist as artifacts is uncertain, though if they did I can easily see them as being kept by Blandine, to be requested for emergencies.

(Blandine, taking Celestia as an ethereal icon? Gee, can't at all imagine that, can I. ^_^ )
So I guess this is a Should Be, not a Should Not Be...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

- Sirrocco - 07-21-2012

...and that immediately starts me thinking about parallels... and some sort of bizarre attempt (run on fairly strong resonances, superior-level power, and a whole lot of "not here for long, but tons of it right now" essence) by "Celestia" to use these new ethereals in an attempt to redeem "Nightmare Moon" back into the loving sister that she used to be before frustration and jealousy got to her.

In a sufficiently Bright world, there's actually a decent chance of it working.  In a Darker, lower-contrast world, it's basically an attempt to distract Beleth with confusion and offense at the very idea, while more competent servitors do something risky and high-payoff.  (stealing a few sacks-full of demon hearts, for example).

Incidentally, I could totally see this as the result of a servitor of Eli trying to put together something that might please Blandine (while annoying Beleth) and rolling Divine Intervention.

- SkyeFire - 07-22-2012

Why do I think of these things when I'm ON VACATION?
Harry Potter turns out to be a Computer Wizard, due to being born with the ability to speak Python.

- Bluemage - 07-22-2012

SkyeFire Wrote:Why do I think of these things when I'm ON VACATION?
Harry Potter turns out to be a Computer Wizard, due to being born with the ability to speak Python.
That was bad.  Really bad.  It was so incredibly horribad that it crosses the line from silly to crackfic, and demands to be written.
Possibly with an omake of Harry Potter, Pinball Wizard.

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.