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Silly Fic Idea - Printable Version

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Silly Fic Idea - Bob Schroeck - 07-23-2003

Last Thursday, 17 July, Peg and I went to the theater. The Princeton Summer Theater was putting on "You're A Good Man Charlie Brown," and was having a special opening night tribute to the author/composer/lyricist of the play, Clark Gesner (Princeton class of '60), who died about a year ago. Peggy and I knew Clark -- I first met him about 22 years ago, and Peggy met him the first time I took her to the Princeton campus. Because our circles didn't often intersect, we were actually somewhere between acquaintances and friends, but he was always happy to see us, and always willing to chat for a while when we ran into each other. We both miss him quite a bit.
In any case, maudlin reminiscing aside, the show was a very good production. One wild, daring act of casting: a girl with a voice like Didi Conn was playing Snoopy, and did a fantastic job. They didn't hide the fact she was female, and had changed all the relevant pronouns in the script to "she" and "her" -- this was most explicitly an alternate Peanuts universe where Snoopy was female. This didn't change much except... well, Snoopy has always been mildly flirty with the girls in the strip and to a lesser degree in the play; however, in this production, the flirtiness got aimed at the male characters, which was just a little... odd, until you got used to it.
Anyway, if you're in the Princeton NJ area, and it's still running when you read this, consider going to see the show. Tell'em a friend of Clark's sent you.
Anyway, on to the titular fic idea. This came less from the play than from one of the prop/set pieces -- Lucy's psychiatry booth. I remembered a scene from one of the cartoons, where a coin was dropped in her jar, and she spent several minutes shaking it and rhapsodizing on the money and the sound it made... and I thought, "you know, that's so very Nabiki."
I thought about it for much of the first act, then discussed the idea with Peg at intermission. We argued a bit over the implementation (Peggy retracting her objections to one of my suggestions when she saw the number "Suppertime"), and kept discussing it for a couple days afterward. I think the idea's settled down enough that I can throw this little teaser/concept up on the board for everyone's amusement.
You're A Good Man, Ryoga Brown
by Clark Gesner and Rumiko Takahashi
Dramatis Personae:
Ryoga Brown
Nabiki Van Pelt
Tatewaki Van Pelt
Peppermint Ukyou
Mousse Schroeder
Featuring Ranma Saotome as Snoopy, and "Ranko" Saotome as The Little Red-Headed Girl.
See Ryoga get depressed and go to Nabiki for advice.
See Nabiki plan to make enough money to buy herself a queendom.
See Tatewaki attempt to live without his bokken and fail miserably.
See Ranma cower in fear at the sight of the cat next door.
Thrill to such immortal dialogue as Peppermint Ukyou's "We had okonomiyaki at our house three times this week!" and Nabiki's "My aunt Marion was right. Never discuss marriage with a magician!"
Don't miss songs like Ryoga's "The Fight Song", Tatewaki's "My Bokken and Me", Ranma's big number "Suppertime", and the classic ensemble piece "Martial Arts is..."
Coming soon to an anime-Broadway martial arts fusion theatre near you.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

Re: Silly Fic Idea - zojojojo - 07-23-2003

oowwww.... make it stop with the hurting now.... owie....
I've never seen the play, but I've seen the tv special often enough...
must... keep... brain... from... exploding....
-Z, Post-reader at Medium
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.

Re: Silly Fic Idea - offsides - 07-24-2003

Not really knowing the source very well (I've read more Ranma fanfic than I've seen original source, and I've only read 2!), I can't comment on the appropriateness, but it sounds delightfully silly Smile
Drunkard's Walk Forum Moderator and Prereader At Large

On the subject of freaky crossovers... - classicdrogn - 07-24-2003

... has anyone considered Inu Yasha/Utena? Considering the reccurencwe of the line "I want to change the world" in IY's theme song... What? That's enough of a similarity for a Crossover Fusion From Hell! C'mon guys, stop lookin' at me like that, it was just an idea...
-CD, who will someday unleash the horror that is Transformers: The Beastly Bubblegum Machine... picture original Blackarachnia vamping it up for Largo, while heli-form G2 Sandstorm flies into battle with hardsuits riding on his landing skids and Leon's old N-Police buddy Daniel gets selected for the Bumacop Mk 2 program after taking corona damage from a buma's laser cannon...
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

Re: On the subject of freaky crossovers... - Bob Schroeck - 07-24-2003

Those are both just a touch too weird for...
Well, maybe the Inu-Yasha/Utena story... Hmm. Revolutionary Demon Inu-Tena, anyone?

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

Re: On the subject of freaky crossovers... - Valles - 07-24-2003

Hmm. Maybe. But it misses what I think would be one of the big-time Fun Images of such a crossover - Utena's reaction to being expected to fight a Rose Duel against Tetsusaiga.
Blessed be.

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."

Re: On the subject of freaky crossovers... - Bob Schroeck - 07-28-2003

This is what I get for not following up on those three eps of Inu-Yasha I saw last September... I have no idea who Tetsusaiga is.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

Re: On the subject of freaky crossovers... - Valles - 07-28-2003

This is what I get for not following up on those three eps of Inu-Yasha I saw last September... I have no idea who Tetsusaiga is.
What, not who. Tetsusaiga is Inu-yasha's sword.
It shapeshifts, you see - the ordinary form looks like a katana that's been abused into a rusty, useless old relic... and the alternate is a scimitar-like blade of bone that's as long as Inu-yasha is tall.
Blessed be.

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."

Re: On the subject of freaky crossovers... - offsides - 07-28-2003

Yes, but it only transforms when he's protecting an innocent/human. Remember, it's primary purpose is to defend, not attack, so unless there's some reason that he was being attacked for real while defending someone else, I'm not sure the sword would help him all that much...
Drunkard's Walk Forum Moderator and Prereader At Large

Re: On the subject of freaky crossovers... - Bob Schroeck - 07-29-2003

What, not who. Tetsusaiga is Inu-yasha's sword.
It shapeshifts, you see - the ordinary form looks like a katana that's been abused into a rusty, useless old relic... and the alternate is a scimitar-like blade of bone that's as long as Inu-yasha is tall.
Okay, now that you've described it, I seem to recall seeing it somewhere -- I can't remember if it was manga or anime, but I'm pretty sure I remember it now.
Utena wielding Tetsusaiga? Interesting... God knows that most of the time she only fought to defend someone...

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.