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The Holiday Present Thread! - Printable Version

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The Holiday Present Thread! - Wiregeek - 12-24-2011

Lay it on the line, kiddos, what did Sanity Claus leave you under the Festivus pole this year?
I just got an early present - a new water heater! Also, I have no running water at the moment.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman

- Star Ranger4 - 12-24-2011

well, the final tally isn't in, but the big item this year... a new suit.
To which was added:
a Tshirt, a beard trimer and "The Imager" by L E Modestet
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children

- Kurisu - 12-24-2011

Overtime at work!
DEATH is Certain. The hour, Uncertain...

- Sweno - 12-25-2011

Ouch, I hope you get at least time and a half kurisu
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy

- CrimsonKMR - 12-25-2011

So far, Skyrim and $100...
There is no coincidence, only necessity....
- Clow Reed

- dark seraph - 12-25-2011

*pulls out list*

Snuff, the latest Discworld book.


Wine! XD

and the standard X-mas pile of t-shirts Tongue

- robkelk - 12-25-2011

My list will be late - half the family is out-of-town, and we're waiting for them to come back / show up before trading gifts.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

- Foxboy - 12-25-2011

I got my big present back in October: My Mom's kidney and a stack of unpaid bills to take care of. Whee!
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll

- ordnance11 - 12-25-2011

Well, let's see....
New windshield for the new car...
Extra key for the new car
New router
A  beltronics V5 laser and radar detector
Flames of War flak nest box, painting tools, paints.
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell

- Wiregeek - 12-25-2011




The new water heater is installed and making happiness. The boiler (for the heating system) is running sweet and smooth for the first time in three years.

The garage looks like someone detonated a homeless shelter in it. But that's OK.

I am surrounded by friends and family, I am warm and clean and happy.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman

- Foxboy - 12-25-2011

Wiredgeek Wrote:I am surrounded by friends and family, I am warm and clean and happy.
This. So much this.
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll

- Wiregeek - 12-26-2011


I got the Mane Six, a background pony, The Worst Twilight Sparkle plush ever, Skyrim, a Logitech G27 (I have a copy of Gran Turismo 5.. SQUEE!), various candy and awesome clothing.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman

- Mark Skarr - 12-26-2011

Which has thus far been spent on some games from Steam, and a huge splurge at DAZ3D.

- classicdrogn - 12-26-2011

Miscellaneous minor things, and some moolah for me. Plus the big family dinner last night and buffet today, to which I brought corn chowder, which conjured yums beginning with when the crock pot was brought in the door this morning. And time to myself even in the middle of it when I'd had all I can stand of pretending to be social.

- CD
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

- Starbolt13 - 12-26-2011

Mine to myself came a bit early. I splurged on a Bluumax CNC. A new dremel 4000 to go with it. Now comes the twisting of an existing design to see if I can mount a plastic extruder on it a la reprap.


- LynnInDenver - 12-26-2011

Sixth series box set of Doctor Who, a vintage set of Wizard of Oz ornaments, a Star Trek quiz game, a four pack of Star Wars mugs with hot chocolate, six decks of playing cards, a Wizard of Oz scanimation book, and one "elf air traffic landing guides" ornament.

"You know how parents tell you everything's going to fine, but you know they're lying to make you feel better? Everything's going to be fine." - The Doctor

- Honorbridge - 12-26-2011

Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, complete box set of Monty Python's Flying Circus, and a new bed to replace the old one I've had since I was around.... 3? (in my early 30s now, long overdue).  Looking at that, I feel like I made out like a bandit this year.

- ECSNorway - 12-26-2011

Couple of CDs






Advanced Squad Leader: First Wave at Omaha (boardgame sim of one entire sector of Omaha Beach. At one counter = one squad or one tank level.)

Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.

- Ankhani - 12-26-2011

On my list: A chair, Star Wars The Old Republic, A Bit of Fry and Laurie, and (perhaps most importantly) good chocolate.

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI

- Bob Schroeck - 12-26-2011

The gifting isn't done here yet and won't be until after New Year's, so I'll wait until then to post my haul.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

- Norgarth - 12-26-2011

Let's see,
a Kindle Fire
a cool looking t-shirt
a gift card or two
various tasty treats
Lego Star Wars 3 for PS3 (was supposed to be a gift from me to my brother, but he already has it, so I'll be heading back to the stores to get him something else)
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin

- Ebony - 12-27-2011

A new suitcase
"Music for Freelance" - a CD of Cowboy Bebop remixes
"SRV" - The Stevie Ray Vaughan boxed set (If you're not from Texas, you may not know who St. Stevie was, but I urge you to look him up. He remains, even twenty years after his death, one of the greatest guitarists ever.)
Side Jobs by Jim Butcher
Cash (sort of; my uncle forgot to sign the check)
And a knick knack box made from old computer keyboard keys that I would show you, if Yuku's image embeddign function FUCKING WORKED! 
Strictly speaking, I'm not finished, as I have family (and Dr. Girlfriend - yes, she just finished defending her dissertation so she's Dr. Girlfriend) coming this weekend.
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."

- Wiregeek - 12-27-2011

Ebony - I've given up on Yuku for handling images, I just drop an imgur link. handy little service, and a three-click interface to upload from phone to imgur (share, imgur, wiregeek)
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman

- robkelk - 01-01-2012

robkelk Wrote:My list will be late - half the family is out-of-town, and we're waiting for them to come back / show up before trading gifts.
The list is in...

Cash, a bottle of Grand Marnier, and (from the guy who actually knows what I like) the two-CD set Dr. John - The Definitive Pop Collection
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

- Jenova Silverstar - 01-01-2012

Part of this list is some birthday presents I got because it is close to xmas:
Harry Potter Legos including Hogwarts, Hagrid's Hut, The Burrow, Quidditch Match, Saving Dobby, Forbidden Forrest, and the Knight Bus.
A Bunch of graphic novels collecting a couple webcomics (Newshounds, @Tavicat)
 a couple nano novels that a friend had written and printed up
 a sports illustrated book on baseball (too lazy to grab it and look at the title.)
$25 Barnes and Noble Gift card
11/22/63 by Stephen King
New hooded sweatshirt.
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."
--Dr. Seuss