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Live feed from the ISS - Printable Version

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Live feed from the ISS - robkelk - 05-16-2014


As I post this, it's daytime for the ISS - so I'm seeing clouds over ocean.

Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

- Dartz - 05-16-2014

Holy Fuck! That's my house!. I can see my house from space!

And I can look out the window and the station's overhead at the same time - though lost in the glare of the sun. Shame.

That's awesome.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?

- Bob Schroeck - 05-16-2014

Black screen right now for me.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

- robkelk - 05-16-2014

Bob Schroeck Wrote:Black screen right now for me.
Check back in 45 minutes.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

- Rod.H - 05-16-2014

I'd think that using http://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/HDEV/ would be the better option, as it gives you an indication on where your looking at. Cause some should also combine it with that ardunio project that triggers some form of indicator whenever the ISS is overhead or visible.

EDIT: the ISS was approaching Grand Rapids, Mn as I was posting that.

- Bob Schroeck - 05-16-2014

Oh, that's gorgeous. I have it up on my second screen at work right now.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.