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Kingsman - Printable Version

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Kingsman - Logan Darklighter - 04-03-2015

FINALLY got to see this movie. I saw it at the last showing slot at the nearest theater within reasonable driving distance (down in Alamogordo - 50 minute drive from where I live in Ruidoso). As of tomorrow it's no longer showing anywhere near my area. 
GLAD I saw it on the big screen. Hell of a movie! 
Fair warning though - INCREDIBLY violent! It more than earned it's "R" rating, completely outside of the... ahem... Swedish Princess ending. (Of which no more will or needs to be said. Yow.)
Also an incredibly SUBVERSIVE film! And equal opportunity subversion all around is to be had in the end. Imagine if the creators of Southpark had made a James Bond film with as much seriousness and loving attention to detail as they could get, while at the same time pole-axing sacred oxen of all stripes politically and culturally. (Yes - I actually used the words "Southpark" and James Bond" in the same sentence. Even I'm struck by the bizarre set of circumstances that has led to that comparison.)
Not only does a Westboro styled hate-church... well... get destroyed by hate in one of the most over-the-top carnage sequences of all time. (Karma anyone?)
But the main villain's motivation is one of the more violent "earth-first" eco-terrorists WET DREAMS. 
And during the "Scanners" style denouement, there was ONE PARTICULAR person - only implied - not mentioned, but if you're paying attention, you KNOW who it is, who went "pop" with the rest. 
Of course that entire sequence is so cartoonishly over-the-top (in fact I'd liken it bizarrely to Busby Berkeley choreography!) that it's impossible to take it seriously. But still - in THIS particular time with PC correctness at an all-time high? 
I can't BELIEVE they actually WENT THERE!! O_O
That took an incredible amount of steel-clad BALLS to make that decision and stick to it. Wow. 
Needless to say - I'll NEVER be able to listen to "Pomp and Circumstance" ever again without a sick, twisted grin on my face. ^_^

- Ebony - 04-03-2015

It's based off a comic written by Mark Millar. I'm not surprised at all that they slaughtered some sacred cows.
I found it entertaining for the most part, but there were a couple of bits that were clumsy and several others that bordered on bad taste and served no purpose but to make a cheap joke. Colin Farrell's character was my favorite part of it, though I felt that Jack Davenport was completely wasted as Lancelot.
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."

- Rajvik - 04-03-2015

Agree that its like southpark did a bond film. The upside is that Tarantino directed it, so you all know nothing was held sacred including the princess amd her chastity. The popping of heads had cheers in our theater when it rea hed the ahem, "war room" and that was a week after it opened.