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What a Goddamn Time. - Printable Version

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What a Goddamn Time. - mephron - 10-18-2017

So a good friend of mine is Michael Satran. He's one of just a couple of people writing now for Hero System.

He's also sick right now. A couple weeks ago he collapsed in his driveway. For a couple months beforehand, he'd been having troubles: developed a facial tic, worried about random things, and having attention span issues. For those of you who read this, you probably have an idea about what's going on.

He's got a brain tumor.

The most recent report today is that now he's sleeping all the time, he's almost nonverbal, and when he's awake he doesn't recognize people are there. They're talking about moving him from where he is to a different facility, like Sloan-Kettering.

The man who never could shut up isn't able to speak. The man whose life was gaming and writing can no longer read.

I'm going to be moving soon, I hope, to be closer, and also to be running some games while Mike's unable to.

What a Goddamn time.

RE: What a Goddamn Time. - Bob Schroeck - 10-18-2017

Damn. Sorry to hear about this, Geoff. Of course all our wishes go with you and him.

RE: What a Goddamn Time. - LynnInDenver - 10-18-2017

Having been through this shit recently with someone I'd known since high school... he didn't completely lose his ability to speak or his ability to recognize friends, but there wasn't a lot left of him otherwise when he finally passed. He managed to last over two years before it got him, but the last 7-8 months were really rough, he was to the point of being a falling risk at Christmas, was finally in the hospital for good around March/April, and finally passed at the end of July.

My heart's with you.

Also, fuck cancer.

RE: What a Goddamn Time. - mephron - 10-19-2017

Three words.

Inoperable. Malignant. Glioblastoma.

I just have one more word left.


He's had this as his email signature for, roughly, forever. From his favorite fictional character, Clark Savage Jr.:

[Image: docsavage-quote.png]

RE: What a Goddamn Time. - robkelk - 10-19-2017

So you know it's going to happen, but you don't know - you can't know - when.



All I can say is to be there for him when you can, even if it looks like he doesn't know you're there. His family will know, and you'll know.

RE: What a Goddamn Time. - LynnInDenver - 10-19-2017

(10-19-2017, 12:11 PM)mephron Wrote: Three words.

Inoperable. Malignant. Glioblastoma.

I just have one more word left.


Having just been through the latter two of those with my own friend, I will say that, in general, I'm disappointed that Fuck is the strongest word available in English to use. I should probably start learning Klingon just so that I have a better selection of harsh words.

All joking aside? If you're in Denver anytime soon, feel free to look me up and use me as a venting surface.

RE: What a Goddamn Time. - Labster - 10-20-2017

Well, damn.

RE: What a Goddamn Time. - DHBirr - 10-20-2017

Blast.  All I can do is express sympathy.

RE: What a Goddamn Time. - Star Ranger4 - 10-20-2017

Awww hell Meph.

If ever you want a sympathetic ear, I'm only a PM away, here or on Eyrie.

RE: What a Goddamn Time. - mephron - 10-22-2017

Went to see him today. He wasn't there. His body was, but...

His family isn't going to do radio or chemo. It would give him a couple weeks, but not return him. It would be kinder...

I may need to write something later.

RE: What a Goddamn Time. - robkelk - 10-22-2017

When you do, we'll read it.

RE: What a Goddamn Time. - LynnInDenver - 10-22-2017

(10-22-2017, 06:57 PM)mephron Wrote: Went to see him today. He wasn't there. His body was, but...

His family isn't going to do radio or chemo. It would give him a couple weeks, but not return him. It would be kinder...

I may need to write something later.

Unfortunately, that's pretty much the case. Even when it's "Operable", it's only in a case of "buy a couple of years of decent living".

There was a point with our friend here, where he went into the final downhill slide, that it was waiting in anguish for all of us. There was a definite point that he was barely himself anymore. When he finally passed on, there was a measure of melancholic relief.

I'll definitely be here when you get that written.

RE: What a Goddamn Time. - Bob Schroeck - 10-22-2017

Likewise, Geoff.

RE: What a Goddamn Time. - mephron - 10-28-2017

Michael Satran passed this evening.

RE: What a Goddamn Time. - LynnInDenver - 10-28-2017

Condolences from over here, Geoff.

RE: What a Goddamn Time. - DHBirr - 10-29-2017

<Sigh> I regret your loss.

RE: What a Goddamn Time. - robkelk - 10-29-2017

Too young, too soon ... but he didn't linger.
My condolences to you , and to his family.

RE: What a Goddamn Time. - Bob Schroeck - 10-29-2017

You have my deepest sympathies, Geoff.

RE: What a Goddamn Time. - Mamorien - 10-29-2017

"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."
-- Brigadier Saint Theodore the Anapestic

RE: What a Goddamn Time. - SilverFang01 - 10-29-2017

My condolences.

RE: What a Goddamn Time. - Jinx999 - 10-30-2017

My condolences.