Drunkard's Walk Forums
The Forum Competition - Printable Version

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The Forum Competition - Bob Schroeck - 09-25-2019

Inspired by (hell, practically copied wholesale from) [url=http://nymag.com/tags/new-york-magazine-competition/]the New York Magazine Competition[/ur], this forum hosts what I intend to be biweekly challenges which will take wit, cleverness and occasionally a twisted sense of humor.

The format will be simple: I will start a new thread with the name of the competition, a sample, and a brief explanation of what the challenge is. Forum members make their submissions by posting them to the thread, and eventually we will decide whose entry was best. Feel free to make more than one entry; I'm not going to lock people down to one idea and force you to pick when you have multiple inspirations.

The original competition offered, if I recall correctly, a year's subscription to New York Magazine as the prize for winning. I don't have anything offer except eternal fame and glory among the few hundred people who read the boards.

That said, let us be off!