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Trump: KGB Asset - Printable Version

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Trump: KGB Asset - Bob Schroeck - 01-29-2021

According to a book written by a former KGB operative, Trump was groomed for nigh on forty years as a KGB asset. The article is an interesting read.

RE: Trump: KGB Asset - Black Aeronaut - 01-29-2021


This shit would be hilarious if it wasn't so horrifying.

And while Tump supporters continue to push BS conspiracy theories from QAnnon, they will call information from verifiable sources like this one fake.

RE: Trump: KGB Asset - Black Aeronaut - 02-15-2021

Addendum: Waaayyyy back during the 2016 election and Trumps ties to Russia were coming to light, I forget what forums I was commenting in, but somewhere I said that Trump was a Manchurian Candidate.

And of course, I was shut down for being alarmist.

Well, guess I was actually right all along.

Called it, motherfuckers.  I may not always be right about my premonitions, but when I am?

[Image: somehow-i-told-you-so-just-doesnt-quite-say-it.jpg]

Dear God, "I Told You So" can never say it enough.

RE: Trump: KGB Asset - Labster - 02-15-2021

Nope, still too alarmist. The Donald isn’t even trainable, all you can do is aim the cannon.

Still this is an obvious development. He was a building developer in NYC with no morals and a surplus of vanity. At the very least he’ll be great at laundering money. But add in his talent with self-promotion and it’s worth finding some Eastern European women for him to marry. But nothing about the early days evokes a grand plan to make him president.

RE: Trump: KGB Asset - Black Aeronaut - 02-15-2021

Oh, I have no delusions that they ever imagined that he would become the POTUS.  That was just a happy development for them.  The point is, though, is that they turned him into a weapon of anti-American thinking - and all disguised as THE 'MURICA WAY - and turned him loose.

My guess is that they never imagined that the fascist minority here in the USA would be enough to put a man like him into an actual position of power.