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teaching aid: She Tried It Last Night by John Ryan - Printable Version

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teaching aid: She Tried It Last Night by John Ryan - classicdrogn - 12-08-2021

Internet Archive link

One of those innuendo laden novelty songs from the 1920s or thereabouts (though the record itself was apparently from 1940) this one gives students a variable bonus to learn and enjoy something Doug or the target pf I'll Play For You is teaching them them depending on how many of the following apply:

* Student is female
* After dark
* It's the student's first lesson on the subject
* The subject is a physical activity
* The location is a frozen body of water or skating rink/park, etc.

With all five and a single student it's basically a zero-to-hero movie montage in real life for whatever the subject is, turning a someone who's only heard of it and thought it sounded interesting but scary or difficult into a contender for top place in a regional competition in minutes. Even with only three they could reasonably expect to reach the quarter-finals, maybe semi-finals with a strong talent and lucky bracket assignments, and even meeting a single point will give a complete novice a solid enough foundation to carry on studying it by themselves. The effect is divided by the square root of the number of students involved, roughly speaking.

Honestly, I'm just amused by the mental image of Doug taking his Hogwarts class out onto the Black Lake or (one of?) the Senshi to a skate park at night and having told them nothing about what he intends to teach, to learn some time-critical skill that would normally have nothing to do with the location because it gives them a better bonus. Or possibly using I'll Play For You on someone else to quickly bring him up to speed on something, the general WTF and "Only you, Doug..." factor works either way.