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Meta-song idea - Printable Version

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Meta-song idea - Norgarth - 03-26-2022

Magic Power by Triumph

Meta-power: allows Doug to 'share' his meta-gift.  For the next song he hears, he can give 1 female the same powers he'd get.  Like Doug, they need to be able to hear/understand the lyrics (the song has to be played where they can hear it, not just inside LT's helmet)

Possible variation, with this Meta-song, when the next song triggers, Doug can give someone the power as I suggested above, but LT does _not_ get the enhancement/power, he's just the channel for the magic to go to his helper.

RE: Meta-song idea - Star Ranger4 - 04-02-2022

Umm... isn't this what 'I'll play for You' does?

Granted, it is confusing because it's use is also what triggers Lisa's latent talent and turns her into Sailor Loon (and setting of its own story-line)?

RE: Meta-song idea - Norgarth - 04-02-2022

I'll Play for You give the power from the next song to Doug's target, this one would let Doug and up to 2 people all use the power.

besides, I doubt Doug minds having multiple songs that do similar things, options for repeat powers come in handy if he's getting into a lot of fights over the course of the day

RE: Meta-song idea - robkelk - 04-02-2022

DW-S chapter 4 specifically says that Doug does not have a song that affects two other people - it's one other person ("I'll Play for You") or everybody in the area of effect.

And Triumph isn't exactly a new or obscure band.

RE: Meta-song idea - Norgarth - 04-02-2022

*shrugs* It was an idea, nothing says all the suggestion have to be viable :p

Even if it only lets him give powers to one other person, it still gives him the option of doing so twice a day.