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Want to fight and slay the gods? Or summon someone to do it for you? GODHUNTER - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Want to fight and slay the gods? Or summon someone to do it for you? GODHUNTER (/showthread.php?tid=14377)

Want to fight and slay the gods? Or summon someone to do it for you? GODHUNTER - David Lewis - 05-29-2022

Godhunter by Aviators 


Rumors heard from a little black bird
The edges of a prophecy
The pieces I have learned
Said the daughter of the reaper
Has been searching for the keeper
And I fear she'll let me burn

Locked tight up in the tower on top
Of the domain of humanity
The godhood that I've earned
When you're holding on to majesty
You fear the hunt, a travesty
That balance may return

When you're sinful to the bone (unholy)
And you've claimed yourself a throne (like me)
Wield power of your own making
Godhunter's gonna hunt you down

If you're something more than flesh (ascended)
And you've taken on the rest (to end it)
Then she'll find you in a dream, tormented
Godhunter's gonna hunt you down

Fear confined to the depths of my mind
For what could be such a threat to me
The conqueror of time
Yet the whispers of a reckoning
Have kept the spirits beckoning
To look upon my crime

Blood and war when the world is no more
She's been watching for a century
With hatred and with scorn
If you know the hunter's coming
Then you hide or keep on running
'Cause she's slain the gods before

When you're sinful to the bone (unholy)
And you've claimed yourself a throne (like me)
Wield power of your own making
Godhunter's gonna hunt you down

If you're something more than flesh (ascended)
And you've taken on the rest (to end it)
Then she'll find you in a dream, tormented
Godhunter's gonna hunt you down

Don't let her see your power in the daylight
Don't let her see it when you bring the storm
To the master of the eldritch she's a growing bed of thorns
Dark cults, leaders of the night
Tell the tales of a fright from a ghost of the future days
A holy crusade on the gods decayed
To end our violent ways

Lost kings, fallen in the mist
Made their names on a list
And the hunt was carried through
A price for the past when your name is last
And the hunter comes for you

Of all the free she has none left but me
And my loyal knights have passed with time
A god and a throne, locked up all alone
In the kingdom I called mine

Dreams of a being from the watcher unseen
Now he warned me, she'll come to take his due
"The hate in your head, she has more" he said
"The godhunter waits for you"

When you're sinful to the bone (unholy)
And you've claimed yourself a throne (like me)
Wield power of your own making
Godhunter's gonna hunt you down

If you're something more than flesh (ascended)
And you've taken on the rest (to end it)
Then she'll find you in a dream, tormented
Godhunter's gonna hunt you down

Power - Either summon or grants you the powers of the Godhunter. Busted/unplayable? Almost certainly. But a fun idea, nonetheless.

RE: Want to fight and slay the gods? Or summon someone to do it for you? GODHUNTER - hazard - 05-29-2022

Alternative power: You know all those divine tier defenses gods usually get stacked with to make clear how impossible it is for your characters to hurt the gods?

For as long as the song plays, those don't apply to those Doug hurts.

RE: Want to fight and slay the gods? Or summon someone to do it for you? GODHUNTER - Kilroy - 05-29-2022

I believe I read a snippet supposedly for DW 13 that had Doug summoning Ranma Saotome to fight Glorificus. Maybe this is the song to do that?

RE: Want to fight and slay the gods? Or summon someone to do it for you? GODHUNTER - classicdrogn - 05-30-2022

I suggested something similar for Steely Dan's Godwhacker lo these many years ago - the effect is subtle but simple: Beings that usually cannot be killed, or killed only by very specific methods, will die if sufficiently damaged while it plays. You still have to get past any physical durability they have, but bodyhopping or regeneration or outright resurrection will not work, and even reincarnation has to be facilitated by some other entity after the song ends and Miracle Max style "not quite dead means a little bit alive" won't cut it, Godwhacker means they're really, quite sincerely, definitely, completely dead.

Not something that comes up all that often, but when you want it you REALLY want it, so a second song to generate the effect might not be amiss, especially when there are beings who can't be affected by the same thing twice, which would apply to a second use of Godwhacker, though not to successive attacks landed while it plays the first time. You'd probably want three, just to make sure.