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House Goblin - Printable Version

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House Goblin - Dark Seraph - 05-12-2024

King's Row
Seraph's apartment block.

Mary cursed as she struggled up the stairs with her grocery, you think in her twenty plus years of living among humans, she would of gotten used to the size difference. but no, she was a short stack goblin and everything was too damn big.

As she made it to her apartment, she put down her groceries, habitually looking around for someone trying to steal it before standing on her trippy toes to unlock her door. All she saw was that Oni chick that lived down the hall staring at her.

"See something you like?" She teases, shaking her ass, the Oni rolled her eyes and headed down stairs. Mary snickered as the door opened and she headed inside. Slowly she unpacked, climbing up and down the collection of step ladders she had in the kitchen, putting her groceries away before attending to a task she did not enjoy.

Heading into the living room, she sat down on the rug, closing her eyes and casting her mind out, she could feel the minds of two psyches below her, but they where self contained, not probing her.... Good. Slowing her breathing, her mind expanded into the city till she felt it, a psionicly altered mind, made into part of a web that stretched all the way back to the Rogue Isles.

She could feel her superiors mind on the network and sent her report, she was doing well in her infiltration of Paragon and had already worked with several members of the Freedom Phalanx, all things where progressing well.

Her superiors reply was like a slap to the face, telling her to only use this connection to report something of true worth before violently disconnecting.

Mary opened her eyes and rubbed her face, green hand coming away red from a bloody nose. She swore and got up, stripping down and taking a shower, a luxury to shower privately after the group showers in the Arachnos barracks.... And now bitch widows to sabotage the shower head she smiled as she washed her hair.

As she was relaxing, there was a knock at the door... Of course someone would interrupt her relaxation time. Turning off the water she wrapped a towel that was comically large on her and headed to the door, opening it a crack and looking out.

Standing there was a woman at least a foot taller than her with lilac hair holding a cake. "Hello there miss, I'm your neighbour Noelle Minette. I thought you might like a cake to welcome you to the neighbourhood."

Mary blinked... Cake? Welcome? This felt so alien.... But only a stupid goblin would turn down freebies. "Thanks, um.... Want a coffee?" She offered, opening the door. "Maybe you can tell me about the neighbourhood?"

"Oh that would be lovely miss." Noelle says with a smile.

"Call me Mary, come on in."