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Just for fun... - Printable Version

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Just for fun... - Bob Schroeck - 04-15-2008

I don't know if I'll ever write this story, but it's fun coming up with bits and pieces and slowly stringing them together in a development file.

When the song faded, so did the golden light around Aldonza,
evaporating in tiny motes that streaked meteorlike into the night
sky. She just stood there, stunned, looking at herself as best
she could without a mirror.

As I had promised, she was dressed in fine silks and satins,
bejewelled and bangled as befit the lady of quality that Don
Quixote saw within her. She was bathed and clean for possibly
the first time in her adult life, and her long raven hair had
been repaired and styled, its gleaming waves now piled upon her
head in a grand cascade held in place by a fleet of combs linked
with small golden chains.

To my surprise, she looked far more like her movie counterpart
Sophia Loren than I had thought possible. I nodded, and then, as
her eyes lifted from her hands to look at me, I made a leg and
bowed deeply to her. "My lady," I murmured with complete

"Who *are* you?" she whispered, her shock evident in her voice.

I straightened up. "I am Douglas Quincy Sangnoir, humble student
of magic, sworn to the service of Heaven and my Lord Don Quixote
de la Mancha."

(No, I don't have a specific song in mind. When I need it, I'll find one.)
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

Egads! - ordnance11 - 04-15-2008

So Peter O' Toole is Don Quixote?
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell

- Shepherd - 04-15-2008

Material Girl by Madonna?

"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV

- DHBirr - 04-15-2008

Two comments:

First, this reminds me of the Harold Shea story "Knight and the Enemy" by Holly Lisle. In which, for anyone who hasn't read it, Harold meets a
Don Quixote who truly is everything the one in Cervantes' story only thought he was (and the windmills
really are disguised giants).

Quote: The knight lifted his faceplate, and Shea thought he had never seen a more regal visage -- which was saying something, considering Shea had been keeping
company with gods recently.
Second, and somewhat off-topic, how many Peter O'Toole roles can you think of in which his character hasn't
been, at the very least, eccentric?
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.

- Bob Schroeck - 04-16-2008

Quote:Material Girl by Madonna?
Actually, a few minutes ago I thought of "Dress You Up" by Madonna as a good candidate.

Oh, and it's (necessarily) not the movie/musical. It's just that Doug was surprised by how amazingly well Aldonza cleaned up.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.