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Lingerie Fighter Papillon Rose - Printable Version

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Lingerie Fighter Papillon Rose - Bob Schroeck - 11-06-2003

Not exactly an AMV, but kinda close -- this appears to be a massive, ambitious (but moribund) project to create a "fake" anime, complete with Japanese production company, English fan dubs, episode lists, movie installments, trailers, fan sites, mailing list, etc., but nothing seems to have happened with it in over a year. I have a couple of their trailers, which very cleverly combine footage lifted from Sailor Moon and Revolutionary Girl Utena with careful digital manipulation to make something that looks almost but not completely like a different anime entirely. (I don't know what kind of system they were made on, but both drop frames and freeze even on my newly awesome computer.) The result is a sort of ecchi sentai/magical girl series with a flower/insect theme (for example, the Queen Beryl analogue is "Regina Apis" -- "Queen Bee").
You can see some of their work at the following sites:
Anyway, I was wondering if anyone out there has ever come across this, and what they thought of it. And I was distantly hoping (but not expecting) that someone might know what the current status of the project is. Is it dead? Or just sleeping?

-- Bob
"Flan on!" -- The battlecry of the Human Dessert

Re: Lingerie Fighter Papillon Rose - Valles - 11-06-2003

I've never heard of it before.
But, y'know, I've got their 'soundtrack' added into my playlist ... and y'know what? I don't care.
Heh. I'd love to see an 'english version'. Anybody here speak Japanese? We can try to get rights...
Blessed be.
(*grinning like an idiot*)

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."

Re: Lingerie Fighter Papillon Rose - Tsubomi Koneko - 12-01-2003

There is an actual episode out, I have it in fact. It isn't subtitled although I heard a rumor about a subtitled version. (I think the person was lying.)
There are people trying to dub it, those are the people who were originally going to do a radio play before any real episodes came out. (Back when it was just a bunch of pictures, music, and information.)
There is a LOT of merchandise including two art/information books, two soundtracks (I own the newer one, I was happy about the karaoke songs.), cels of all kinds, a model, and other things.
And they are planning on making more episodes. They just take a while. It seems like they were testing the waters to see what kind of a response they would get from the first real episode. (Which I think was great.)
And yes, the original promo did have obvious Utena and Sailor Moon referrences, but none of that transfered over to the show. (Except the character's themselves who are basic Sailor Moon references.) Other than the Sailor Moon reference, I only picked up a short Cutey Honey reference. Besides that, the show is original, and rather entertaining.
If anyone is interested in getting the episode, I can try to make it available. As well as the full version songs and such, I have a lot of things on my website as it is. (I'll be adding more like scans from the animation archive book which I did recently.)

Re: Lingerie Fighter Papillon Rose - Bob Schroeck - 12-01-2003

I'd certainly love to get my hands on that episode, Tsubomi -- assuming it doesn't have problems on my system like the trailers do. And what's your website? I'd be interested in browsing the material there.

-- Bob
"Flan on!" -- The battlecry of the Human Dessert

^_^ - Tsubomi Koneko - 12-07-2003

That's my website.
The episode is in AVI format, so if your computer can't watch AVI files then you most likely won't be able to watch it. Although there are codecs or whatnot that you can download that would allow it to, usually a computer will try to find the codecs online and depending on what media program you use it might say it is searching for these or that it is having a problem finding them.

Re: ^_^ - Ace Dreamer - 12-07-2003

We expect a full report on what you think of this anime, Bob! [grin]
(Ace Dreamer is dragged away from his keyboard at this point before he attempts any underwear puns...)
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind

Re: ^_^ - Bob Schroeck - 12-07-2003

Let me negotiate with Tsubomi about getting my hands on it first, 'kay, Dreamer? I must say her website is a treasure trove of LFPR information and imagery, so anyone who wants to know more about it in the mean time should go there and check out what she has.

-- Bob
And all the girlies say I'm pretty dry for a wet guy...

Re: ^_^ - Bob Schroeck - 12-07-2003

We expect a full report on what you think of this anime, Bob! [grin]
Okay, well, thanks to the kindness of Tsubomi, I have received and watched a copy of the first episode of LFPR. Unfortunately, it was in Japanese with no subtitles, so I no doubt missed a lot of subtleties.
My impressions? Hm. It's very clearly following the typical Sailor Moon/Magical Girl model -- ordinary girl thrust into extraordinary circumstances, although the genesis of her power seems a lot more immediate than Sailor Moon's. There are definite parody elements -- the main character screws up in her job (at what appears to be a low-key adult lounge kind of job, possibly one of the "lingerie shop" variety I've seen in some Southern US states), and her boss apparently threatens to fire her -- ending up his lecture with a very familiar set of gestures and dialogue -- or at least familiar if you've watched Sailor Moon in the original Japanese. The requisite talking cat goes around with a condom on the end of its tail, and steals the girl's panties to determine if she's Papillon Rose or not. Stuff like that. I'm sure there's a lot more comedy there, but I just didn't have enough Japanese or familiarity with the right shows to get it.
The main character (Tsubomi/Papillon Rose) is built along the lines of a combination of Steel Angel Kurumi and Usagi Tsukino, although she seems to be a bit more solidly grounded that that might imply. She adapts rather quickly to the idea of being a combination adult performer/magical girl, handling her transformation ("Rose Orgasm Power Erection!"), her magical weapon (the Pinky Vibrator) and her devastating attack ("Rose Pinkish Viagra") with something approaching, if not aplomb, at least equanimity.
The cast of supporting characters is relatively small at the moment, and since two seem to have died in the first episode, getting smaller by the minute. There is a Tuxedo Mask clone, a Queen Beryl clone (as I've noted before), various servitors, and an apparently infinite supply of identical cannon-fodder drones for the bad guys to throw at the heroes.
It hovers somewhere between soft-core and hard-core in terms of its explicitness -- we get lots of pretty girls in skimpy outfits, a lot of gratuitous breast-bouncing, several full-frontal shots of Tsubomi, and at least two acts of sex -- one between Tsubomi and someone who's obviously the Tuxboy clone, and what appears to be a second one between said clone and, of all things, the cat! Still, it's surprisingly coy -- ecchi, mostly, rather than explicitly hentai. That just means it's a hard "R" rather than "NC-17", though.
Beyond that, I can't really say much more. If I spoke Japanese, I could at least comment on performances and dialogue, but unfortunately...
Hope that satisfies!

-- Bob
And all the girlies say I'm pretty dry for a wet guy...

Hmm - Tsubomi Koneko - 12-07-2003

I'm personally going to add some things to this...
I don't believe that two people died, although obviously it would seem the enemy did. It wouldn't make sense for the only other person I could think of who would have 'seemed' to die to die as he plays sort of an important part.
And yes, it is a lingerie pub that the girls work at, I think it's called Lingerie Papillon O.o... which is kinda... ironic.
And kitty is sniffing panties to find out about Tsubomi's erm... recent acts, which is what led to her power coming (oh that was almost pun-ish) about. Like the english-dub (uhhh not so dubbish) site says, everyone gets their powers from sleeping with one man. >.< MAN-WHORE!
For a bit of a list of the things the show rips of for now I can say Sailor Moon obviously, although it doesn't follow as much of Sailor Moon as originally thought when they first posted things about it on the official website. And Dandylion (The Tuxedo Mask wannabe) is MUCH more effective at taking the bad guys attention of Papillon Rose than Tuxedo Mask could ever be. (By the way, that's three sex acts in such... if you paid close attention.) Cutey Honey is parodied in Tsubomi's first attempt at transformation, I didn't catch it the first time I watched it myself. I don't know about any others really... but I'm not about to run around trying to figure it out at the moment.
And I have to ask why you say Tsubomi is like Kurumi... sorry but the only thing I can think of is the hair and perhaps that she has big boobs. (Ditzy? Never seen Steal Angel Kurumi.) Luckily that wasn't the only reason people called it a parody of Utena to begin with since the first promo video for it ripped off the Utena opening animation. But the show isn't a parody of such anymore since it didn't draw any of that into the actual episode.
Yeah, maybe a lot of blah blah blah from me. I just thought a lot of the review was really vague. O_O
Oh, and did you notice her reaction to the vibrator's little power up? I personally found that amusing and it tempted me to make an icon with a Viagra pun in it.
Anyway, depending on my ebay sales for the rest of this month, I might be willing to get the episode to anyone else that wants it (through a streamload link, meaning I need to buy more downloads). Or I'll ask around to see if anyone with FTP would be willing to host it, or heck, maybe even someone hosting bittorrent files if anyone uses that program. Since reviews don't really give much, but there are some screenshots on my site and more here:
Credits on those images go to my friend RedXDestiny from the Papillon Rose community on livejournal.
^_~ and I'll be updating my site in the future with new things as they come, so if you're really interested in the anime feel free to add me to your favorites!

Re: Hmm - Bob Schroeck - 12-09-2003

Actually, Tsubomi, I meant for the review to be a little vague -- entice folks into watching it without giving away too much.
By the way, that's three sex acts in such
Huh. You're right, now that I think of it.
And I have to ask why you say Tsubomi is like Kurumi... sorry but the only thing I can think of is the hair and perhaps that she has big boobs. (Ditzy? Never seen Steal Angel Kurumi.)
Well, yeah, those, but also the shoes. The round-toed clodhoppers she wears with all that lingerie look a lot Kurumi's shoes -- especially as Kurumi wears hers with thigh-high stockings, too.
did you notice her reaction to the vibrator's little power up?
No... I'm going to have to rewatch that, I guess.
there are some screenshots on my site and more here:
And folks, Tsubomi's got a really nice site for Papillon Rose stuff. If this discussion has at all intrigued or interested you, go check it ou.

-- Bob
And all the girlies say I'm pretty dry for a wet guy...

Re: Hmm - The Wanderer - 12-09-2003

And folks, Tsubomi's got a really nice site for Papillon Rose stuff. If this discussion has at all intrigued or interested you, go check it out.
Already have, and saved all screenshots I could find (including the Yahoo! Photos collection - a reasonably nice summary of the episode, for those who don't have it).
I've also been going through the second of the sites you (Bob) linked as "see more of their work", and am currently in the middle of the character pages, doing mostly-cheating (read: wwwjdic) line-by-line translation of as much as I can manage. Fun.
Tsubomi, the character information pages on your site are inaccurate in at least one way (if the biglobe.ne.jp site is still accurate, which I do not quite feel justified in assuming); the site, and the voice clips available, do in fact use "Make Up" rather than "Erection". I also disagree with Ian Miller about some of the name renderings - or rather, I note that the katakana used for the attack names aren't the same as the ones used in the character names, and I think they should probably be rendered differently.
Aside from that, quite good, and I'm glad you put in the effort! It'd be nice to have the episode, too, but that's apparently a little beyond me at present.

'.' - Tsubomi Koneko - 12-10-2003

I wasn't going by what's in the voice clips anyway, they messed up. I was going by what is written on the information regarding their transformations. Everywhere it's written (especially in the animation archive book I have) it says "erection."
Pluuuuus in the actual episode, it is in fact, erection.
So, basically, they messed up on their original voice clips, since they probably weren't paying all that much attention. (They weren't planning on real episodes to begin with so errors were allowable.)
And on the character information for my page, I took the katakana/hiragana for the character names and translated it using such, which is why later on there are two variations of names. In case anyone is curious. There might be a third coming up on Regina Apis' little bad girls due to an argument between me, some girl, and the girl who was/is working on the dub... Various translations... I personally just go by what is said in the episodes since they aren't going to clearly say "Anne" or anything like that, they're Japanese for goodness sakes. I just ended up putting the 'English' version for the sake of doing so in case people are curious about what they are supposed to be... or... what the two people I have helping me say they are supposed to be.
Oh, and all the girls wear those shoes and thigh highs,

Re: '.' - Bob Schroeck - 12-10-2003

Pluuuuus in the actual episode, it is in fact, erection.
I can confirm this -- that's what I heard her say.
Oh, and all the girls wear those shoes and thigh highs,
Not according to some of the group shots on your site. Like the uniforms of the Senshi, there's variation between members, and Rose and Chibi-Rose (regarding whom, btw, the less I know about her story the better, I'm thinking) both have the low-heeled, round-toed clodhoppers. At least two of the other girls appear to have high heels. I can't sit down and list them all because I'm doing this from memory at work, but I'm certain that there's got to be some element of Steel Angel Kurumi intentionally in the mix somewhere.
Oh yeah, and I uploaded the episode to someone's FTP server.
That's very kind of you, Tsubomi!
Hope your computer is fast.
Or your connection, at least.
Hey, Tsubomi, quick question for you, unrelated to anything else here -- were you here in the DW forums because you stumbled across the Papillon Rose thread via a search engine, or were you a DW reader who was already here? I'm just curious as to how it came to be that you joined us.

-- Bob
And all the girlies say I'm pretty dry for a wet guy...

Re: '.' - Tsubomi Koneko - 12-11-2003

Every so often I search the web to see what new Papillon Rose stuff has popped up. (Like any possible rival shrines. ^.^ I don't count the official site nor the attempt at an english dub site as shrines so technically I'm the only one. ^.^ Ehehehehe.) So that's how I found this place.
XD I had to come to enlighten you all~!
And you can see here that the shoes are the same... just different colors. Even in the opening animation of the OVA if you pause it right when all the girls shoes are visable... (Petit-Rose and Roser herself do have the smaller heals... well in the OVA episode Rose does at least. Look at the images I provided, but the shoes are still the same design.) Of course, they could just be lazy on continuity and keep making Papillon Rose's heals a different size in each image... www.tsubomikoneko.com/pap...kfront.jpg
For a back shot:
If you need the password and username
Username: papillonsenshi
password: naughtykitty

Re: '.' - Bob Schroeck - 12-11-2003

XD I had to come to enlighten you all~!
Well, I hope you stick around to read chapter 15 of DW2. Just because of this thread, I threw in a quick Papillon Rose reference.
And you can see here that the shoes are the same...
I stand corrected. I could have sworn I saw a group shot with different shoes on each one, but I must have been conflating the CD image with something from Sailor Moon. Or something. Who knows?

-- Bob
And all the girlies say I'm pretty dry for a wet guy...

Re: '.' - Tsubomi Koneko - 12-11-2003

^.^ sorry for the having to contradict everyone's comments a lot it's just... .>
XD I like being right...
And I like making sure that people understand things fully and other stuff...
Okay so it's mostly that I like being right.
What's DW2?

Re: Comment - The Wanderer - 12-11-2003

I wasn't going by what's in the voice clips anyway, they messed up. I was going by what is written on the information regarding their transformations. Everywhere it's written (especially in the animation archive book I have) it says "erection."
Well, what's written on the Website I was working from also says "makeup" - but yes, I realized after posting that since you'd actually seen an episode the site was probably wrong. Apologies.
And on the character information for my page, I took the katakana/hiragana for the character names and translated it using such, which is why later on there are two variations of names. In case anyone is curious.
Where did you find the kana for the character names?
As far as I can tell, the name renderings you have on your site are, by themselves, good renderings of the character-name kana on the second of the two Websites Bob originally linked. However, on that Website, the attack names often use different kana which IMO should be rendered differently - (VIORE-TA, "violetta") instead of (BAIORE-TO, "violet"), for instance.
I keep going "guh?" every time I stumble across the fact that Japanese does, in spite of all popular wisdom to the contrary, have a "vu" character. (Though apparently nothing else from the same gyo.)
Oh yeah, and I uploaded the episode to someone's FTP server.
I'm unable to connect to that IP address at all - not even to ping it. host tells me that it corresponds to the server SN248179.resnet.ucsb.edu, so there's no question that it exists, but it doesn't seem to be taking incoming connections.
What's DW2?
Drunkard's Walk II, the second volume of Bob's major fanfic series - and the only one for which anything has been released. www.eclipse.net/~rms/dwmain.html is the Website, including a link to the forums of which this is only one board; it's a great read, you've got some good stuff ahead of you.

Re: Comment - The Wanderer - 12-11-2003

Geh. The Japanese characters in that last post of mine will show up correctly only if viewed as UTF-8 - in Shift-JIS, they appear as kanji, when they're actually supposed to be katakana. I'm still getting used to writing Japanese in any way other than romaji... and I'm still not comfortable with the fact that very few people actually use Unicode. I suppose I'll get accustomed eventually...

Re: Comment - Tsubomi Koneko - 12-11-2003

I don't know what to say about the FTP server, they might have it shut down right now...
I was a little iffy on Violet's attack so I opted for Violet instead of Violetta since it wouldn't make much sense for her to be the only one that doesn't say her actual flower name in an attack... plus the MP3 sounds like she is saying Violet rather than Violetta.
Hmm, odd I just noticed the page does say make up but they ended up changing it after they canned their original design. (Check the scans on my page, they all say erection.) I was originally going from what I heard in the episode and read in the book I have.
And all character names show up as katakana/hiragana mixes in the book that I have. (Scans can be found on the directory those images are in that I linked to earlier.) Well all but... one or two I think. Shizuku and Mio... well Mio obviously since they seemed to have dropped her entirely from the R animation book. (Papillon Violet, I mean. It's weird, she's supposed to be in it because it says so on the character page for the R setup and also because her transformation song is in the soundtrack for the R season... but no such images of her!)

Re: Comment - The Wanderer - 12-11-2003

It occurs to me that this is drifting rather offtopic... and I'm about to drag it further.
I was a little iffy on Violet's attack so I opted for Violet instead of Violetta since it wouldn't make much sense for her to be the only one that doesn't say her actual flower name in an attack... plus the MP3 sounds like she is saying Violet rather than Violetta.
Ah, but she isn't the only one. I chose her as a random example, but the same sort of almost-but-not-quite difference shows up with Dahlia, Lily and Margarette as well, though not as far as I can tell with Rose.
I can't comment on whether it sounds like Violet or Violetta, as for some damn strange reason my computer has decided that the files I grabbed from the site earlier no longer contain any audio - other files play fine, and redownloading a file to test resulted in one which is byte-for-byte identical, but it comes out as silence when I try to play the thing. This is the weirdest thing I've had happen in weeks, at the least.
Hmm, odd I just noticed the page does say make up but they ended up changing it after they canned their original design. (Check the scans on my page, they all say erection.)
Indeed they do - I'd already concluded that the site was wrong, but it's nice to have the alternate source.
And all character names show up as katakana/hiragana mixes in the book that I have. (Scans can be found on the directory those images are in that I linked to earlier.)
I only see katakana, myself, though I haven't looked at all of them yet. The only hiragana I see are in their "public" names - "Tsubomi", for instance, is written with hiragana, while "Papillon Rose" is written with katakana (in addition to being in parentheses). If that isn't what you meant by "mixes" then I must admit myself confused.
Shizuki's name appears as a single kanji - I noticed that while going over the other Website before, since IIRC wwwjdic tried to translate it instead of simply identifying it as a name.
I notice that the scans, unlike the Website I was at, give two different attack names to each of Rose, Margarette and Lily; I haven't been able to come up with satisfactory complete renderings for any of these second attacks, but they might be worth adding to your character information pages if you can find good renderings.
The scan for Dahlia doesn't match your rendering of "Dahlia Sheer Heaven's Finger" - there's nothing in there to render as "Sheer". There was something in the version of the attack name given on the Website I was working from which might have been rendered that way, but it isn't there on the scan.
You have a few attacks listed as (still reading kanji); I might be able to help a little with those, though I'm still at the "dictionary" stage of translating Japanese.
Adonis' attack, going by the scan you have, is four characters in two words; the first is "rakka", given as "falling petals", and the second is "mijin", given as "particle" or "atom".
Petit Rose's attack, again going by your scan, is pure katakana - its first word is "Pinkish", but the second word is blurry enough that I can't read it much less render it; you'll probably have better luck, since you can work from the original rather than from the scan.
Lupinus' attack begins with three kanji which I don't recognize and which lack furigana, so I can't help at all there; the final two words are "Silver Fenris".

Finally, a comment, just because it's there: I don't know if the statement is still accurate, but probably the oddest bit I picked up from the Website I was at earlier is the tidbit about Dandy Lion that "in his case it's not a transformation, it's cosplay....". I mean, if accurate, that just boggles the mind.

Re: '.' - Bob Schroeck - 12-11-2003

Okay so it's mostly that I like being right.
I have no problems with that; I'd rather have the right info any time.
What's DW2?
Well, thewanderer already answered, and you've probably already hit the link he gave, so there's not much more for me to say, except a lot of people think it's a good story.

-- Bob
And all the girlies say I'm pretty dry for a wet guy...

Re: '.' - Tsubomi Koneko - 12-12-2003

The official site is kinda messed up all over the place, especially since they still only have the information up that they didn't even really end up using for the actual anime.
(Note only sparce pictures partaining to the OVA and their little R season.)
I personally am fine with the way the attacks are on my page right now, since when I listened to the MP3s it was most like how they sounded. (And I don't like the other way anyway since it would just end up confusing people!)
And as far as the second attackes and Adonis and Lupinus' attacks, I'm putting those off for a little bit until I can get the dictionary back that I was using for everything in the beginning.
I think all the other girls have second attacks because of the whole... well... in Sailor Moon R all the girls had two attacks. ^.^ Mimicy...
And that Dandylion thing is odd, though would make sense >.> .> It's amusing to me.
XD so basically I guess that would qualify him as a perverted sex fiend who cosplays as a super hero pimp to go and rescue girls while STILL getting some.

Re: Lingerie Fighter Papillon Rose - Tsubomi Koneko - 12-15-2003

Back to the attack things mentioned by thewandered.
I noted the kana for 'tsu' in the beginning part of Adonis' attack, which, if it's supposed to be there would make it Ratsuka, not Rakka.
I myself still can't figure out the first part of Lupinus' attack, though I might know someone who can.
Petit-Rose's attack seems to either be Pinkish Paipan or Pinkish Haipan, the kana at the end works for both, although both make no sense to me. But I don't have a dictionary at the moment and am not good with phonetics.
I noted the absence of the kana that might make Sheer in Dahlia's attack in the book, I'm just going to list it as an alternate attack for the R season.
Also, underneath Lupinus' Adonis' and Petit-Rose's attacks there are words, but I don't know what they are about. Lupinus' says Silver Pearl (or something that looks like pearl to me, again not good with phonetics. It's Paru/Haru) Adonis' says Gold Pearl, and Petit-Rose's says Rosetta Pearl. The other girls have a LONG spew under their attacks, so I'm wondering if it has to do with that whole little shrine joke. (On how they gain their powers.)
And there is NOWAY in hell I can figure out Margarette's second attack, it's kana make-up is impossible for me to find on the charts. (Since the little ones are supposed to mix with the bigger one before it to make a new sound... yet said mix isn't on any charts I have!) But I did come up with as much as I could for Papillon Rose and Lily...
Papillon Rose = Something along the lines of 'Rose Hani Rabu Enemaguru' at least that's what the kana came out too, I'm not good with the phonetics thing so I don't know what english words it might make.
Papillon Lily = Something like 'Lilia (Lily) Eroticaba Bonba' which all I could think of english wise was 'Lily Erotica Ba Bonba' O.o... course I'm a freak and the last part reminded me of a dance. (Oh yeah, I opt for Lily rather than Lilia as I said before. Makes more sense.)

Re: Lingerie Fighter Papillon Rose - Valles - 12-15-2003

Papillon Rose = Something along the lines of 'Rose Hani Rabu Enemaguru' at least that's what the kana came out too, I'm not good with the phonetics thing so I don't know what english words it might make.
Don't feel too bad about that; reading kana is very much a black art. As far as I can tell, the point at which figuring out what it's supposed to be saying becomes easy is the same one as when you start bowing to phones, so maybe it's better if we don't understand, hey?
Blessed be.

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."

Re: Lingerie Fighter Papillon Rose - The Wanderer - 12-15-2003

I noted the kana for 'tsu' in the beginning part of Adonis' attack, which, if it's supposed to be there would make it Ratsuka, not Rakka.
Really? I read that as a small "tsu", which means to extend the previous vowel - that's most commonly written in romaji by doubling the following consonant. My dictionary doesn't have anything beginning with "ratsuka", but it does have "rakka" - and the kanji matches exactly.
Petit-Rose's attack seems to either be Pinkish Paipan or Pinkish Haipan, the kana at the end works for both, although both make no sense to me.
I don't think it can be "haipan" - I see an accent on that "ha", meaning it's either a "pa" or a "ba". I could make "pie pan" out of "paipan", but that neither makes sense nor is suggestive, so I don't know where to go from there. I'd suggest that the word is probably in some other language, neither Japanese nor English, and we're just not recognizing it.
Also, underneath Lupinus' Adonis' and Petit-Rose's attacks there are words, but I don't know what they are about. ...... The other girls have a LONG spew under their attacks, so I'm wondering if it has to do with that whole little shrine joke.
I might have some idea - based on a very rough translation of that part of the Website's version of the character profiles. The kanji to the left of the line in question mean "flower ball" or "flower globe" (it's "hana kyuu"), and the initial five's all follow the same pattern, which I've rendered roughly as "At a marvelous palace, a hana ball in the possession of a fighter of ". "hana" means "flower"; the first is a descriptive prefix of some sort, whose actual meaning I haven't been able to find out, but they include "haru" and "natsu" which are "spring" and "summer"; and the second is the abstract characteristic of the character herself, "fighter of love" from "ai no senshi" in Rose's case for instance. The context seems to imply that these flower balls are in some way intimately connected with the characters' power.
All of which is to say, I'd guess that the pearls being described are the equivalents to these flower balls for the other three fighters.
And there is NOWAY in hell I can figure out Margarette's second attack, it's kana make-up is impossible for me to find on the charts. (Since the little ones are supposed to mix with the bigger one before it to make a new sound... yet said mix isn't on any charts I have!)
Actually, it's fairly simple to translate into romaji - figuring out a good way to render it is another matter.
MARUGURITTO MAJIKKU MASSHU, is how I'd put it as romaji in one of the most common systems. The trick is that the first two small characters are both katakana "tsu", and a small "tsu" simply extends the previous vowel sound. The third small character is a katakana "yu", which combines with the preceding "shi" to produce "shi-yu" or "shu".
My best guess for how to actually write it is "Marguerite Magic Mash", which doesn't sound quite right; any alternate renderings for the last word are more than welcome.
Papillon Rose = Something along the lines of 'Rose Hani Rabu Enemaguru' at least that's what the kana came out too, I'm not good with the phonetics thing so I don't know what english words it might make.
I was reading that last character as a "ra" not a "ru", or I'd have been able to come up with something before. I'd render it as "Rose Honey Love Enema Girl", if the "ru" is accurate; if it isn't, the last bit is still unknown, but the rest remains.
Papillon Lily = Something like 'Lilia (Lily) Eroticaba Bonba' which all I could think of english wise was 'Lily Erotica Ba Bonba'
The part I had problems with was the "ba". Based on your example, I'd render it as "Lilia Eroticaba Bomber", unless someone can come up with something better to do with that remaining "ba".
(Oh yeah, I opt for Lily rather than Lilia as I said before. Makes more sense.)
The only problem with that is, if they intended for it to be the same why would they have written it with different kana? In the case of Dahlia the only difference is extending one of the vowels, so that could be simply a way of making it fit the "sustain" nature of a called attack name, but in all of the other cases where there is a difference the difference would actually alter pronunciation.
You're free to do what you want on your own site, but I don't think they'd have been likely to change the spelling for the attack names if they meant it to be the same word.