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A Con query - Printable Version

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A Con query - Rod.H - 06-05-2010

Just wondering about the 2010 Worldcon, I know on the wiki and in other places that the Fenspacers see the 2008 Worldcon as the last with the annual FenCons its place in their calendar in-conjunction with being the major political todo/qango. However what about those Fen with a fear of SPACE! the average Con-goer who would not like to have TSAB confiscate or quarantine most of their souvenirs and travel gear, those that prefer hardtech.....

I could go on but it just boils down to: Aussiecon 4/Worldcon 68 does it still happen, if so what Fenspace thing could happen there. I'd love to unveil a MakoTaxi there but I'm still trying to wrangle out an origin piece or any bit of writing from the long-term writers block I've got....oh for a traditional RR board or a targeted essay, how I've missed thee.

*wanders off to look at the cost to go http://www.aussiecon4.org.au/index.php?page=27* hmm perhaps I might contemplate being a volentold....

--Rod.H (who really needs to fix his mouse)