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[RFC] Minas Ithil - Printable Version +- Drunkard's Walk Forums (http://www.accessdenied-rms.net/forums) +-- Forum: General (http://www.accessdenied-rms.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=1) +--- Forum: Fenspace (http://www.accessdenied-rms.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=12) +--- Thread: [RFC] Minas Ithil (/showthread.php?tid=2836) |
[RFC] Minas Ithil - Ace Dreamer - 10-03-2012 Minas Ithil is the name of a gas processing platform and habitat build by Morians in the atmosphere of Saturn. http://www.fenspace.net/i....php5?title=Moria_Mining http://www.fenspace.net/i...php5?title=Moria_CHONics This is a floating city of crystal and brilliant metal, and, though different in design to the Crystal Cities of Venus, many would say it has the same sort of beauty. The city is built as a series of linked concentric cylinders, not all of the same length, and intended to have further cylinders added to the outside, as it grows (a whole, though not fully internally furnished, cylinder at a time). The industrial parts are supposed to be in the lower parts of the city, pointed towards Saturn, though there is light engineering in establishments scattered across almost the whole city. Industry is carefully positioned and insulated so it doesn't interfere with the living areas. Contrary to stereotypes, this is a city of light and brilliance, with parks, trees and pleasant walks, not a dour structure of stone and dull metal. When you ask a Morian about this their reactions vary; some just scowl, some wink and grin, but the odd one can imply that someone has to build stuff like this, because the elves aren't 'pulling their weight'. On the industrial side, the city exists as an extension of the Morian air mining and gas (not gasoline) business which they've been heavily involved in from early on in Fenspace. Previously they relied on combined factory and transport ships, almost always run by (extended) families, plying the CHON Triangle, from Venus, to Saturn's moon Titan (where they mine the atmosphere), to Luna, then back again to Venus. They could see the writing on the wall when people started to talk about 'mining' the gas giants for industrial purposes, and established early, combining this with a city, partly to make their culture more 'open'. The city includes some really good places from which to look at the Rings of Saturn, though there are all sort of other things for tourists to do. There is a 'genuine Morian mine' to explore, though the suspicious expect this is carefully sanitised of Morian secrets. There are many excellent craft shops, which specialise in metal and gem work, though you can find just about anything for sale except soft furnishings. Quite a nice spa facility. There is a virtual tour down through the atmosphere of Saturn, which is worth trying, as it explains things like the history of Saturn in the Solar System, and has the odd shock of things like a bio-engineered 'Saturn atmosphere feeder' appearing (these are only in the planning stage, and not by the Morians). Also, there are excellent facilities for gambling, which surprise some people. The Morians run Minas Ithil with a mithral fist in a silk glove. Organised crime tried to move in to control the gambling and found that it wasn't economical, due to oversight, investigations, and occasional windfall taxes. Some held on and tried to run loan shark operations. When they tried strong-arm methods of collection they found themselves in court, sentenced to work in the air processing plants. Crime in the city tends to be restricted to individual action. There is a running battle between Morian guards and gem and jewelry thiefs, though. Those who come to the city to gamble find that they must prove they have a way of getting home, with reasonable traveling expenses. They are not supposed to touch this to use in gambling. Those who still manage to end up without a way of leaving will find they are either working for a living, in jail, or both, until their 'traveling debt' is paid off. There is a good chance they wont be permitted to gamble in the city again, unless they work very hard to avoid this fate. Some gamblers have ended up applying to become Morians. Some people come to Minas Ithil in the hope of becoming Morians themselves, believing the city to be more approachable than Morian CHONics family ships, or the Morian mines on Luna. They go through a strict evaluation process, which typically only about 10% pass. However, people who come back repeatedly, having improved in what was their weak areas each time, have a much better chance of passing. You know you are well on the way to passing if you're invited to a Morian home, rather than just a common-access workplace. You don't get to see private areas as a visitor to the city, which includes the homes of Morians. About two-thirds of the city is limited access (this is biased towards the lower areas) and a third is private to all but Morians and really special visitors. When asked about this the Morians tend to say they are a 'private people'. Observant people have noted they never see children among the Morians. Initial attempts to breach privacy are treated politely, then more firmly, and if really needed with violence and imprisonment, then permanent expulsion. Very rarely do people die during this. The 'spirit' of Minas Ithil is the AI 'Ithil', called 'Mooney' or 'Moon' by those more familiar with her. She doesn't manifest anywhere in particular (or, if she does, the Morians aren't admitting it). Ithil speaks from the breezes, with a soft and pleasant voice, and is very careful of intruding on people's privacy. This includes the privacy of thieves in the city, which really annoys some Morians. She is one reason it is very difficult to get lost in the city, even though its multi-level structure confuses some. Many Morians were uncertain whether having an AI with such access and control over the city was a good idea, but most now say they are satisfied with the result. The city can slowly relocate itself, both in the atmosphere of Saturn, and more generally in Fenspace. There is massive redundancy in the life support and flight systems - the Morians have taken every effort to ensure they don't suffer the same fate as Crystal Osaka. Yes, there are inertial compensators. The city has concealed defences, which allegedly include multiple at least gigawatt lasers, supposed capable of 'Roboteching'. The tractor beams used for industrial work can also be used for defensive purposes, and there are supposed to be nearly battle-ship grade force fields usable in emergencies. The crystal and metal is pretty tough (and chemically stable), too. It is likely the Morians have other offensive and defensive systems they keep even more secret. On the other hand, no one would ever claim this city is fast. -- "It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind META: Minas Ithil - Ace Dreamer - 10-03-2012 META:Minas Ithil This was done in the spirit of providing more detail about places in the Outer System, and particularly near Saturn. It is something I'd thought vaguely about, but was catalysed by Rakhas's ideas about atmosphere mining in the gas giants. I don't think there is much (defined, anyway) in the way of space habitats (except in asteroids) outside the Inner System. Another reason for this is because of the lack of fantasy Fen in Fenspace. And, I thought the Morians should have more than some mines on Luna and some family ships, which, honest, do not have the lion's share of the CHON shipping business in Fenspace. [grin] -- "It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind - Dartz - 10-03-2012 I'm sad you missed the obvious pun on Mimas. ________________________________ --m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig? - Ace Dreamer - 10-03-2012 Dwarves, sorry 'Morians', aren't too strong on puns. Except, possibly, in Khuzdul. [grin] I'm sure the similarity of the two names will confuse some people... -- "It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind - Rakhasa - 10-03-2012 Minas Ithil? That is a Dunedain city, you heretic! If I ever get to expand on the Cloud Cities of Jupiter (with how long it is taking me to finish Marduk, only Washu knows), I was planning to name the Morian station Erebor (before being rebuilt and coming down to float in Jupiter is was a small asteroid wich sort of looks like a mountian), and it would have had the Dwarven Fortress style. Maybe Minas Ithil is the morian city designed for non dwarves, not that they would tell foreigners, of course. - Ace Dreamer - 10-03-2012 "Minas Ithil" as a name was carefully chosen. The first pass had the three Morian cities called the Silmaril, but, that seemed to be really asking for trouble. Minas Ithil has enough bad associations. The city is, at least to some extent, designed for non-Morians. Building these Cloud Cities will require an expansion in population, beyond the trickle that normally occurs. The Morians wont be telling people that, of course. Maybe there needs to be a second crystal city, Minas Anor, possibly built near one of the poles of Mercury? The idea of Erebor sounds good, they'd like a Dwarven Fortress style station. -- "It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind - Ace Dreamer - 10-05-2012 Rakhasa Wrote:If I ever get to expand on the Cloud Cities of Jupiter...I ended-up calling Minas Ithil a 'Floating City' on the wiki. 'Cloud City' seems to be a term pretty firmly tied to the 'Crystal Cities' of Venus, and I was reluctant to tamper too much (and, wasn't quite sure where to, either). http://www.fenspace.net/index.php5?title=Minas_Ithil While I was at it I altered the Saturn and Titan entries, a bit, to fit with the CHON trade - I should probably look at something for Venus and Luna, as the other two points on the CHON trading triangle. http://www.fenspace.net/i....php5?title=Cloud_Cities Edit: Added 'Cloud Cities' link. -- "It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind - robkelk - 10-06-2012 I thought that "cloud city" was a term associated with the Warsies, thanks to the cloud city of Bespin in The Empire Strikes Back... -- Rob Kelk "Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of the same sovereign, servants of the same law." - Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012 - Rakhasa - 10-06-2012 robkelk Wrote:I thought that "cloud city" was a term associated with the Warsies, thanks to the cloud city of Bespin in The Empire Strikes Back...That's why I chose the term, at least, because New Bespin was what inspired me... but of course, since New Bespin is actually the last of the Jovian Cloud Cities (started construction somewhere in 2019-2020), it shoudl not be. I suppsoe the ones who build the very first city, as yet unamed, liked Star Wars too, even if not full warsies. Incidentally, and this is something that I did not know either, but I discovered when first writing about the cities and checked the Other Wiki, Bespin is the planet. The city is just "Cloud City" - Ace Dreamer - 10-06-2012 When do you think Minas Ithil would be built? I'm assuming that it is a collaboration, on Luna, between Moria Mining and Genesis Construction (?), or whoever built the later Crystal Cities of Venus (as I think these are all built on Luna). Minas Ithil is built (or so you could argue) so as to prevent the focus of the CHON trade shifting from Saturn to Jupiter. It is expected that Morian CHONics family ships will still be able to trade in the CHON triangle of Venus/Titan/Luna, though some of them may visit Minas Ithil. -- "It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind - Rakhasa - 10-07-2012 Thinking on the construction of Minas Ithil and other related afairs, including a couple ideas I had for the midgets like the Dwarven Halls (family ships are just too mundane): -2009 began the construction of Moria, and the start of the faction, including gathering people. Those people would have come slowly at first, then have a small population explosion of dwarven fans when they became better known. -2009-2012 was used in all this expansion process; they would have had some help, but it would be mostly done by thensleves, due to a combination of lack of funds and the main construction companies in Luna being busy in Marduk, Port Luna, Kandor and the Crystal Cities. The Mines of Moria are carved, Moria CHONisc is set up, the first family ships are built, etc. -2012: The War. Luna is safe, but the family ships aren't anymore. Since they are family ships, this is unaceptable. After the first lost ship, they were all recalled, and the morians decided that their ships needed to be toughter, much tougher. One of the younger dwarves had stuck a friendship with a mardukan vampire (after he mistook him for an elf, and the following fight that earned both of then a six month ban from Kandor bars). The vampire worked in the Marduk shipyards, so his friend asked for advice. As it turned out, he was working on the new Ariete class ships, so he had a lot of advice to impart. Eventually, this went up the chain until it reached Oscar Vykos and Jesse Kaden. Several meetings (and probably a lot of dwarven booze) later, triing to find a balance between needs and budget, the basic design for the Dwarven Halls was agreed. (Oscar private nickname of the president of Moria Mining, the Low King, may have spread to Marduk city and from it to the rest of Luna, but it totally not his fault. It is unknown if anyone has been brave or stupid enough to use the name in the dwarves' hearing yet) The Halls are flying rocks, that usually go from a few hundred meters to a couple of miles in diamter. The outer rock is treated with a combination of heat, pressure (via articicial gravity cannon) and handwavium for toughtness: inside that are several dozen, or even hundreds, of meters of rock, and in the heart a small dwarven fortress is carved, with all the basic needs for life and work: living areas, meeting halls, forges, warehouses, and of course breweries. They are hard nuts to crack (only Gnarlycurl is known to be toughter), so they have to be, literally, besieged, in case of attack. Unfortuantely, they are also very slow, but dwarves consider this a good trade-off. Those who need speed for their business usually have a dock near their main gates, wich a smaller, faster ship docked there. The first two or three Halls are lunar Unreal Landscape, but the rest of then are normal asteroids. The Halls are mostly known thanks to Beregost. This is the prototype Hall, a moutain few miles west of Marduk. It was never designed to be able to lift (or that is what Moria and Genesis claim, and everyone politely pretends to believe), but the empty dwarven fortress inside is a tourist attraction, and it has been used several times to try the Ariete ships's ramming when they were being built (they never managed more than a few cracks in the moutain, wich anyway is a far better result that the nothing they managed to do in the one trial against Gnarlycurl...) The biggest Dwarven Hall is Erebor, once a mountain-shaped asteroid ten miles long, wich has a full Air processing industry, mechanical forges, a shipyard, and biodomes to produce food. It was considered too slow for practical nomadic use, so it now floats in Jupiter's athosphere as one the the Cloud Cities. 2014-2015: After the war the Morians decided to expand once more. They decided to to try for originality and avoid Unreal State, so they desigen a concentric ring design. Since it was being bulit in the moon, the working name was set up as Minas Ithil as a joke, but it took life on its own, and the design of the city began to swift from the usual dwarven palace to a bright city of glass and white towers; eventually they decided to keep the name of Minas Ithil and use it as the home for Morians that did not wish to become dwarves, and any other fantasy fan. It is worth noting that, with the exception ot the Tower of the Moon itself in the center, the first two rings stilll keep the original dwarven style. The first four cilinders rose from Luna in the spring of 2016, and the new inhabitants quicly agreeded in the location: Saturn, to make sure Jupiter did not get a monopoly in the ari business. Since the lesser Darven Halls are so heavily fortified, and Minas Ithil looks so open, in Saturn it is a matter of excited debate of exactly what kind of defenses the city must have hidden... - ECSNorway - 10-08-2012 Random thought: I wonder what the Morians make of Valhalla, the First Viking Mead-Hall In Space? ![]() -- Sucrose Octanitrate. Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode. - Rakhasa - 10-08-2012 Half of then like it and visit everytime they are in the area. The other half is temporarily banned for barfights. Strangely those halvess do not always have the same people in them... - ECSNorway - 10-09-2012 Rakhasa Wrote:Half of then like it and visit everytime they are in the area.2017: A special wing of Valhalla is opened, specifically designed to enable barfights with minimal consequence. Furniture is light and pre-weakened so it will break itself rather than bones, all the dishware is sugar-glass, etc. Entry requires you to have a waver on file as well as medical and legal bonds stating that you do so at your own risk. -- Sucrose Octanitrate. Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode. |