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David Vitter is a hypocrite Jerk-Off - Printable Version

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David Vitter is a hypocrite Jerk-Off - Rev Dark - 09-24-2007

Louisiana Senator David Vitter (Republican) is a hypocrite jerk-off. Yes, Vitter has been in the news a great deal lately. He is a big supporter of abstinence education and strongly against same sex marriage. He upholds the sanctity of marriage and was very, very stern with Bill Clintons adultery with Monica Lewinski. Big fan of the Christian god too.
He also frequents prostitutes; while married; and presumably used birth control; lied about it until elected; and then let it slip when he could no longer cover it up.
Well it just keeps getting better and better. It has just been revealed that laughing boy has been trying to break down the wall separating church and state. He did this by earmarking significant funds to the Louisiana Family Forum to, as was stated, to develop a plan to promote better science education.
Yes. It is another attempt to drive creationism into the forum of public education. Teach the controversy. Teach the alternate theories.
How can I put this succinctly I know - Fuck you in the neck motherfucker!
First off. Creationism/intelligent design is not an alternate theory. It is not even a theory. It is not even science. Irreducible complexity is a fancy way of saying dont know, dont want to know, Goddidit! It makes no predictions; offers no evidence as to an external agent; and every time it tries to bring up an example of irreducible complexity it is met with published, peer reviewed papers that explain that which was thought to be irreducible.
Second off. Teach the controversy is bullshit. There is no controversy among scientists. There are mountains of evidence supporting natural selection. Intelligent Design lists a handful of peer reviewed papers but review of the review process and the contents of the papers quickly put and end to that line. The controversy between Natural Selection and Intelligent Design is the same as the controversy between homo sapiens sexual reproduction and avian delivered parthenogenesis (the Stork Theory.) Alternately it could be compared to the controversy between homo sapiens sexual reproduction and the theory of brassican-interlocation theory (cabbage leaf theory.)
Third off. A deeper look at the parties involved will demonstrate that the Louisiana Family Forum is not only devoted to a religious interpretation of creation (masked in Intelligent Design); but also has significant ties to Vitters political campaign (Vitter employed several Forum employees during his political campaigns.)
Why he hasnt been tossed from office is a wonder (no it isnt it has to do with the succession of his office and the balance of the Senate)