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That didn't take long - Printable Version

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That didn't take long - Rev Dark - 03-14-2011

And the wait for the first evangelical douche-bag to suggest that God is punishing Japan with an earthquake is over, we have... Glen Beck. For being a shining example of arsehattery Glen wins some chalk for his blackboard, a years supply of conspiracy-o-roni - the Roswell treat, and a million people pointing out what an utter bell-end he is.

- Dartz - 03-14-2011

The scary thought...

He's not a pundit because he says such things. He's a pundit because millions of people agree with him.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?

- BYapes - 03-15-2011

 You can add Tokyo's governor to the list.
 (Link may not work right away, ANN's servers are going down infrequently.)
Brian Y.
Seed Chronicles

- Logan Darklighter - 03-15-2011

Anybody want to provide a link to video or audio? I'd like to see/hear this for myself.