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Trump Makes A Vital Discovery - Printable Version

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Trump Makes A Vital Discovery - Bob Schroeck - 02-27-2017

"Nobody knew health care could be so complicated."  Uttered by Trump today at a meeting with state governors.
Well, nobody who matters to Trump, that is.  

"Now, I have to tell you, it's an unbelievably complex subject."  No, really?  You're just figuring this out now?  What did you expect, that you'd just say "make it so" and it would magically change?
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

- DHBirr - 02-27-2017

"Make it happen."  That was a catchphrase in the Army for a while, used by "leaders" who couldn't be bothered with any of the details — they gave the orders, and it was up to us their subordinates to make it happen ... even if accomplishing "it" in the time given us would require violating Army regulations or the laws of nature, physics, or for that matter the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.  
The S2 officer came back down to our office one day in the late '80s muttering astonished curses about the battalion commander, who'd rejected a briefing on known and estimated Soviet intentions if they rolled into West Germany.  The assessment — not just ours, but from higher headquarters — of what the Reds would do didn't fit his plans, so he ordered that we change it.  "Right, let's call up 8th Guards Army and tell them they have to go through the Coburg Gap, not the Meiningen."
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.

- ordnance11 - 02-28-2017

Quote:DHBirr wrote:
"Make it happen."  That was a catchphrase in the Army for a while, used by "leaders" who couldn't be bothered with any of the details — they gave the orders, and it was up to us their subordinates to make it happen ... even if accomplishing "it" in the time given us would require violating Army regulations or the laws of nature, physics, or for that matter the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.  
The S2 officer came back down to our office one day in the late '80s muttering astonished curses about the battalion commander, who'd rejected a briefing on known and estimated Soviet intentions if they rolled into West Germany.  The assessment — not just ours, but from higher headquarters — of what the Reds would do didn't fit his plans, so he ordered that we change it.  "Right, let's call up 8th Guards Army and tell them they have to go through the Coburg Gap, not the Meiningen."
Good times, good times. Was your BC infantry or armor?
If Trump could not be bothered with the details, he should had talked to Ryan about that. It was well known during the campaign that he did not like details. Only flash.
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell

- DHBirr - 02-28-2017

Quote:ordnance11 wrote:
Quote:DHBirr wrote:
The S2 officer came back down to our office one day in the late '80s muttering astonished curses about the battalion commander, who'd rejected a briefing on known and estimated Soviet intentions if they rolled into West Germany.  The assessment — not just ours, but from higher headquarters — of what the Reds would do didn't fit his plans, so he ordered that we change it.  "Right, let's call up 8th Guards Army and tell them they have to go through the Coburg Gap, not the Meiningen."
Good times, good times. Was your BC infantry or armor?
Armor.  It was an M1 Abrams unit.
But getting back to Bob's question, and in case someone out there failed to grasp the meaning of my little trip down memory lane, it doesn't really surprise me that the Dear Leader thought he could make the necessary change just by saying, "Change it!"  After all, he "alone can fix it," as he told everyone during his campaign.
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.

- Bob Schroeck - 02-28-2017

Bernie Sanders has just mocked Trump for this proclamation, pointing out that everyone in Congress who actually worked on Health Care was more than aware that it was "very, very complicated".
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.