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Other People's CoX Fanfic - Printable Version

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Other People's CoX Fanfic - Foxboy - 02-11-2009

Just a lil' thread for CoH/CoV fanfic you may find that you want to share with your channel mates.

I'll start off with BlueBattler's The Conscious of the King
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll

- Logan Darklighter - 02-11-2009

Wow... My god that Clockwork story is...

I'm just sitting here in shock at how good that is.

And how well it dovetails in with what me and Acyl were planning in regards to mission building on this.

We have GOT to talk to this guy!

- Sweno - 02-11-2009

I can do little more than echo Logan.

Making me feel bad for beating up the clockwork king, that is the work of greatness.
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy

- Shader - 02-11-2009

Ok.... Here is another Fanfic that I've read lately: THE COURSE OF SUPERHERO ROMANCE, [edit: while its a WIP, its very good, and if you don't want to slog through the extended discussion thread here's a link to the index of all 40 chapters written so far that just got posted: Index to chapters post ... there are apparently a few more chapters left in the current arc and then it will be going into one file available from her (the author) site, and then onto the next arc...]

Oh BTW... Here's the I14 Trailer she just made using demorecord and a few other tools: Youtube Version available from her Youtube channel

Full size is available from her website... and damn she's talented - check out some of the other vids if you can, and drop her a line.


Spirit of the Row: Faces of the City - Acyl - 02-11-2009

I've recommended this before, and it's been discussed a couple times since. But in case there's still someone here who hasn't read it...
Faces of the City by Megajoule is one of my all-time favourite pieces of CoH writing. Possibly writing period, really. It has a very, very, unique and well done take on Paragon City.
Megajoule's talked about a different - but equally clever - narrative device to explore the Rogue Isles. 's top sekkrit and all that, tho. Unfortunately, nothing seems to have come of the idea, and it's been a few months since I last talked with him/her. He/she's still active in-game, tho, so I hope that's not dead.
-- Acyl

- Shader - 02-26-2009

I just read this and it was a hoot...Diary of a Henchman ... what a Henchmen has to
go through.

Also some of BlueBattler's other writing is inspired.Lord Recluse, Mynx, A Clockwork


- OpMegs - 02-26-2009

Quote: MicroHue wrote:

This story. Right here. Calls back to all the reasons I absolutely find myself incapable of not taking
Recluse's overblown silver age supervillian persona as presented in the games with a large grain of salt. Because such a simple presentation really belies
the amount of depth they've put into the character in secondary canon sources.

Stefan Richter is hardly a garden variety supervillian.
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay