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Yo! Quick question bout Ultra mode and my current hardware. - Printable Version

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Yo! Quick question bout Ultra mode and my current hardware. - Terrenceknight - 04-01-2010

All right, for thoes of you who have gotten to play with the new Ultra mode, What are its system requirements? I'd like to max out COH's graphics when it comes out so if anyone could tell me what i'll all need to upgrade (Besides graphics card) it would be appriciated.
Windows Vista 'Home Premium' 32 bit Operateing system (..fucking vista >.>)
 Quad Core 2.4 Gig
3 gigs of Ram
if any more information is needed/wanted...I'll try to provide as asked.

- Logan Darklighter - 04-01-2010

Well the core of your system is not bad at all. Quad Core is excellent.
Is that an Invidia card or ATI? (I'd go with the absolute latest Invidia if I were you.)
Your RAM is good for current applications. But you might want to upgrade. Do you have the slots for 8 Gigs? If so - max it out. Or go with 6 Gigs if you need to be more economical. With RAM, always follow the teachings J.R. "Bob" Dobbs - "Too much is always better than not enough!"
Other than that it looks good.

- Sofaspud - 04-01-2010

I have a 9500GT, which, despite the higher model number, is actually not quite as fast as the 8600GTS, according to specs.  But I have more onboard video ram (1GB vs the 8600GTSs 256 or 512), which might help with the textures; then again, the 8600GTS has faster memory, so it could be a wash.  All that said, I can run Ultra Mode (on the test server), and I don't appear to be having any problems, so I'd imagine you can too.
I haven't run it extensively yet, though, so I'll update after work when I have time to play. Big Grin
The rest of your system is pretty awesome.  If you do plan on upgrading, either more RAM or a better video card would be your best bet.  The RAM is going to be cheaper, but you won't likely notice much improvement other than your load screens might be shorter.  If you do go with a new graphics card, go Nvidia, both because they tend to have better compatibility and because the CoX developers design for Nvidia hardware.
I'll update sometime after work when I get a chance to stumble around on Test.  For the record, my current gaming rig is as follows:
Alienware (ie, Dell) custom system
1.75GB RAM
Pentium 4 3.0Ghz (single-core, bleh)
NVidia 9500GT, 1GB RAM

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs

- Terrenceknight - 04-01-2010

Its a Nividia 8600GTS Atl. Anyways With tax returns..slowly sneaking up on us..I'm eyeballing going for a new graphics card..unfortunatly I have no idea how to find out how much ram I can stuff into this thing lol, I'm not very computer saavy. Gunna try and get one in the 3-450$ range unless I can get a better overall preformance increase from a slightly lesser card with increased ram.

- Ankhani - 04-02-2010

From Posi:
Quote:After demoing the Ultra-mode at HeroCon, one of the most frequently
asked questions we have been receiving is “what are the video cards you
recommend to get the most out of Ultra-mode?” With the holiday season
coming up, we asked the programmers in charge of implementing the
features of Ultra-mode what they would recommend. We would like to
forward this information on to you so you can better work on your
holiday shopping lists.

If you are looking to spend under US$100, then an NVidia 9800 GT is your
best bet. For AMD (ATI/Radeon), we don’t have enough of these cards at
this price point to get you good data. This would be the minimum card
for enabling all the features, only at reduced quality settings.

If you are looking to spend between $100 and $200, the Radeon HD 4890
and GeForce GTX 260 will do you well. We don’t have numbers from the
Radeon 57xx series yet to verify if that is better or worse though. This
would end up somewhere in the middle of Ultra-mode quality.

Finally if you are going to spend over $200, the GeForce GTX 285 is an
excellent choice. We don’t have numbers from the Radeon 58xx series yet.
This would be able to run Ultra-mode with the quality maxed out (except
we have no data on Anti-aliasing, so caveat emptor when it comes
to that specific feature).

Note: This is based on our current internal testing and might change
by the time Going Rogue is released. Also, a video card is not the ONLY
thing you should take into consideration. Your PC having a decent
processor and memory will also enhance your performance. As we continue
to test and get more information available we will update you. I hope
this helps, and happy holidays!

UPDATE 2-10-2010: Spoke with our engineer today, and he said we were
seeing excellent performance from the Radeon 5770 card, which is a
mid-range card. We have not tested the 5870, but expect the performance
on that card to be one of the fastest for Ultra mode. Also noteworthy is
that Ultra Mode does not currently support SLI configured cards. We’re
working with NVidia and ATI about this, but you all can speed up the
process by contacting NVidia and ATI about updating things on their end
to get it to work.
With a 32-bit OS (such as yours), the ultimate-absolute-no-two-ways-about-it-maximum RAM you can have is 4GB, just so you know. You simply can not use any more than that with out upgrading your OS to a 64-bit. This, however, is System RAM; which may (or may not, I'm not sure) be distinct from on-board-graphics RAM.

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI

- Sofaspud - 04-02-2010

With any high-end graphics card, that is indeed distinct from system RAM.  These days only the cheapest cards (or integrated graphics chipsets -- stay away!) use system RAM.
That said, it's not common to see more than 2GB of graphics memory, even on high-end cards.  Not yet, at least.  1GB or less is the common standard.  I'd advise against anything less than 512MB, personally.

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs

- Terrenceknight - 04-02-2010

I will have to take these things into consideration Big Grin, the ram should be dirt cheap then since I already have 3 gigs, so..its allll about the card really Smile *Will likely be spending 200+ easy*

- Sofaspud - 04-02-2010

First one is Ultra Graphics mode, Water Effects at max, Environmental Reflections maxed, Ambient Occlusion set to On in Performance mode (no blur); the Shadows are set to Shadow Map.  Noticeable framerate drop, but still playable.
[Image: th_screenshot_100401-19-52-36.jpg]

This one is all the same settings as before, except I dropped shadows back to Stenciled.  The framerate went back up to what I usually play at.
[Image: th_screenshot_100401-19-53-11.jpg]
Conclusion: a 9500GT runs Ultra Mode very acceptably; max pretty on all settings would likely take a bit more CPU and RAM horsepower than I have, but the graphics card can handle it.

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs

- Terrenceknight - 04-02-2010

oh man..thoes are some sexy..sexy graphics... /drool! yep gunna deffinatly want an upgraded card and 4 gigs of ram...unfortunatly I think I may also need to upgrade my power supply >.< as well lol. Currently useing a 500 watt supply.

- Foxboy - 04-02-2010

500 Watts? Unless you have beast of a Sound card that should be fine for some of the newer cards, AFAICT.
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll

- Sofaspud - 04-02-2010

Well, more is generally better, but I'd look at the card you intend to buy before you decide on upgrading your power supply.
Take this with a grain of salt -- after all, I bought a passive-cooled card specifically because I didn't want to worry about power issues -- but I'm running just fine on a 400w supply right now.
Check out this link: http://www.antec.outervision.com/PSUEngine
It allows you to specify everything you have and will give you an estimate of the minimum wattage you need.  My system chimes in at 271w, for example -- 331 if I throw in the recommended capacitor aging factor. Big Grin

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs

- Terrenceknight - 04-02-2010

WHoo, thanks for the link there spud, I'll take a peek..and see what i'm spendin..vs what I got lol