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Shockwave Alberto (homage) - Printable Version

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Shockwave Alberto (homage) - Logan Darklighter - 10-16-2010

DS and Star Ranger and a few others have expressed an interest. (DS Saw the character name I claimed and said "you Magnificent Bastard"! Which, with the character in question, can only be considered the highest compliment! ^_^)
So - for those few who haven't seen him, but might be interested, here's a couple of comparison pics.
[Image: Alberto.jpg]
And here's my recreation. (Sadly I can't do both the beard AND the cigar at the same time. But in all other respects, I'd say I've gotten pretty damn close. ^_^
[Image: screenshot_101015-20-08-58.jpg]
[Image: screenshot_101015-20-07-44.jpg]
[Image: screenshot_101015-20-07-57.jpg]
[Image: screenshot_101015-20-08-46.jpg]

- dark seraph - 10-16-2010

Aligance or Death!

- Wiregeek - 10-16-2010

Allegiance IS death!
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman

- Morganite - 10-16-2010

So... what was the name? (I'm assuming you're not actually using "Shockwave Alberto", since that seems a bit too much like a request-for-genericing...)


- Ransan - 10-16-2010

I actually did this myself last year. At the time I used and Elec/Elec scrapper, I think. And deleted because it didn't feel right.

- Logan Darklighter - 10-16-2010

Morganni Wrote:So... what was the name? (I'm assuming you're not actually using "Shockwave Alberto", since that seems a bit too much like a request-for-genericing...)

As a matter of fact, I did in fact use Shockwave Alberto as the name.
1) If genericcing happens, it happens. I'm fully prepared to take my lumps. I do come up with original characters all the time. But I also love to see what I can "get away with", and for how long. It amuses me and is yet another form of entertainment the game provides, so I'm not going to shy away from it. I've only ever had ONE character generricced in all the time I've been doing this (since 2004). I made an homage of Samus from Metroid called "Hunter Samus". Got lots of compliments, and one dickhead who sent me rude tells in complaint (and who I assume reported me). I shrugged, renamed her "Startracker Zero" (which is still an oblique reference to the original), kept the same costume pieces but re-colored, kept the character (even got her to 50!) and moved on. It happens.
2) Shockwave Alberto is - unfortunately - from an anime (Giant Robo) that was rather obscure even when it was being produced. It's more than 15 years old. Anyone who recognizes him at this point is an "old school" anime fan and unlikely to do anything but send me a tell with a compliment. (I've gotten a couple already). Let's face it, he's just not well known enough to cause ripples wide enough to trigger a generic (probably).
3) Even if I DID get genericced, Shockwave Alberto is not his only sobriquet by a long shot! He's also known as Lord Alberto, Alberto of Impact, Impact Alberto, etc. I have lots of name choices to pick from that still reference precisely what I want. ^_^

- dark seraph - 10-17-2010

after my new Troller worked whit him last night, this is what she has tosay.

Shin: He'scoolbutreallyreallyscary.

(no, that is not a typo, thats just how she speaks... all the time)