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Virtueverse Wiki News - Printable Version

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Virtueverse Wiki News - Bob Schroeck - 10-17-2010

In case you haven't been to the Virtue wiki in a while, it's just moved to a new server and a new URL -- http://www.virtueverse.net
Although the content has (mostly) been brought over, you'll need to recreate user accounts, watch lists, and stuff like that.  Also, the transfer of content hasn't been 100% perfect -- I found several of my toons missing and had to recreate them.  Fortunately the old wiki is still in place over at http://www.virtueverse.com and you can still log in there to grab page sources.  Note that the old wiki will only be left up for a month for this purpose -- say the middle of November -- after which the URL will be redirected to the new wiki.  So I encourage anyone who had stuff on the Virtue wiki to get over there now and make sure everything came over.
Also, please note that they put size limits on images, and any images over those limits -- including apparently some of the shots of the Legendary base -- were not brought over to the new wiki.  This probably makes it a good time to bring the base section of the Legendary page up to date, as it's still featuring the much smaller base we had a couple years ago.
Update:  While reconstructing my watch list, I discovered that the following pages did not carry over; their original creators may want to correct this:
?Crossroads - The Legendary - Beta Team


Fae Wree Tail
Wide Receiver
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

- Logan Darklighter - 10-18-2010

In addition to images over the file-size limit being not brought over, check your DISCUSSION pages. They didn't bring those over either. Copy/paste from the old site into the new ones if you want to save the comment histories of your characters.
I'm trying to catch what I can. I've already found one image over the limit. It was the main profile image for Emerald Blast (Rhea). I resized it by reduce the image size by half, re-uploaded it to the new site and edited Emmy's page to put it back in. You shouldn't even notice a difference on the main page.
EDIT: If you have Watchlists set up, you're also going to have to go in and recreate those as well.

- Logan Darklighter - 10-18-2010

OI... just spent (Looks at clock.... GAAAH....) over 4 hours rescuing anything and everything that I could that was missing. I re-uploaded entire pages. (Bob? I re-uploaded everything you noticed was missing above. If Cindy or anybody else complains I missed something, I'll take my lumps.) I copied, resized, and re-uploaded images and rewrote pages where necessary to fit them back in. I rescued peoples commentary pages every time I noticed that they were missing. And this was 90% for stuff that wasn't even mine. I made notes to the effect where I could, left notes explaining what I did and begging forgiveness for any discrepancies from authors. 
And all of that was only for stuff that I had ever had on my "watch list" or stuff that was tertiary to it. Which has to be a drop in the ocean compared to the whole site. I can't even IMAGINE doing that for the whole site.
And this is before even considering re-doing the Legendary page to reflect the new base design. (Which I agree this is a good time to do. And which I'll get to... later... when my head isn't exploding...)

- Bob Schroeck - 10-18-2010

Logan, you've gone above and beyond the call of duty. Take a couple of commendations and a medal of honor out of petty cash.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

- Niteflier - 10-18-2010

Huh. Just looked through the toons I put on that. Surprisingly enough, three out of four made the switch. I'll probably put Myr'tai back up eventually. Right after I figure out how to delete Himitsu, since she doesn't exist outside MA, anymore.

- Sofaspud - 10-18-2010

I had it on my tasklist for today to update Rhea's pic, actually.  You beat me to it! Smile
The only discussion page I really want to keep is for Katy Kaboom, so I'll handle that one later today.  The rest either didn't have discussion or it was trivial.  Katy was nominated for Best Character Profile once, tho; I'd like to keep that. Smile

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs

- Sofaspud - 10-18-2010

... and today I'm getting a content encoding error from the new site.  I'm on a different network than yesterday; is anyone else getting this error?

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs

- Bob Schroeck - 10-18-2010

I wasn't getting it earlier, and I'm not getting anything like that now. Possibly a momentary glitch for you?
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

- Sofaspud - 10-18-2010

No, it's still happening.  Though I've been able to narrow it down a little -- I only get it in instances where the content is dynamic.  For example, I can visit the login page via a direct link (which is a static page -- dynamic elements, but, a static page) but I can't go directly to the wiki homepage, or, after logging in, use the search feature, because both of those are dynamically generated.
What this tells me is that either my network proxy is doing funky and untoward things behind the scenes, which I find unlikely but remotely possible, or, the wiki is incorrectly configured but nobody is likely to notice because browsers are fault-tolerant and most folks aren't behind a proxy that checks encoding.
It could be as simple as the wiki not returning an encoding type at all, or it's returning something other than text/html.  Without being able to get around the proxy I can't diagnose further.
(I'm leaning towards it being the wiki's fault because my last wiki installation -- where I was running the server -- ran into this exact same problem because I'd mistakenly told it to return the wrong encoding type.)

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs

- Logan Darklighter - 10-18-2010

Well just on the off-chance that you might not get this resolved soon (which I think is unlikely, but still) I went ahead and copy/pasted Katy Kaboom's discussion page over to the new site from the old. So that's taken care of. 

- Morganite - 10-19-2010

You could try using something like web-sniffer.net to see what headers the server is sending back. For me, it seems to be returning text/html just fine.
