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Riot force reports/Tales of the Legendary: Master and Student - Printable Version

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Riot force reports/Tales of the Legendary: Master and Student - dark seraph - 03-03-2012

Altas Park

City Hall

Seraph sighed as he waited in the
M.A.G.I. Office, only a day back from his vacation to Florida with
Tish and already they were bugging him. Not that he could really
complain, they did pay him pretty well to destroy some of the more
dangerous artefacts that came through their hands

Looking around, he spotted Azuria
walking in with an arm full of paperwork, he couldn't help but wince
slightly as she noticed the scars on the back of her hands, left over
from a rather brutal assault on city hall by Arachnos. As she
deposited the papers on a desk, she turned and smiled. “So glad you
could make it Magus.” she chirped slightly, her smile widening as
Seraph shifted uncomfortably.

“You know I don't like that tilte.”
He grumbled slightly.

“Ahh, but it is your rank... and
sadly since the fall of Galaxy and the loss of the main M.A.G.I.
facilitates... along with most of our staff.” Her face darkened for
a moment. “Right now we need men of your skill more than ever...
and well.” She paused and looked a little sheepish. “How do you
feel about an apprentice?”

“A what?” He asked, his voice flat.

“I know this is a lot to ask you, but
many of our teachers were killed in the shivan attack... it will take
months, maybe years to find mages to replace them... and looking at
your paperwork, I noticed you were both highly skilled and seemed to
have some spare time now that most of your work load is buried under
several tons of debris.”

He slowly took his glasses off and
rubbed his eyes. “Am I really
the only one available?”

“Well, we have
tried other mages with this woman, but they didn't have your... um...
determination? ”

“You mean

“Yes, but it
sounded better the way I worded it.”

With a growing
sense of dread, he stood up and blinked. “What is wrong with her?”

Azuria was cut off by a large crash as
a winged woman fell through the door, smacking face first into a

“That would be her now.” walking
over, she helped the woman up. “You okay Diana?”

The woman climbed to her feet and
rubbed her nose, shaking out a messy mop of blond hair. “Oh um...
I'm okay, just tripped... um... again.”

Seraph gave the woman a once over,
besides the light greyish wings and dirty blond tail, she didn't look
that odd. Getting up, she some how tripped on her own feet and fell
back into a bookshelf, several tomes raining down on her, causing her
to let out a slight squeak.

As she climbed to her feet, Seraph took
Azuria to one side. “Why the hell are you signing me up with a

“Remember all those smart ass
comments about me and the revolving door?”

He winced as he felt karma kick him
square in the nads. “Fine then... I'll give her one day then.”
Stepping back he turned to Diana as she straighten out her shirt and
smiled, her amber eyes staring off in mismatched directions. “After
all... what’s the worse that can happen?”

* * *

Azuria checked the clock curiously,
four hours had passed since Seraph had walked out with Diana. A mild
surprise seeing the last two mages she teamed the girl up with didn't
even last an hour.

There was a loud squeal of panic from
outside her office and then the sound of something falling down a
flight of stairs, followed by some swearing.

Stepping out of her office, she saw
Seraph laying face down at the bottom of the flight of stairs,
sitting on his back and apologising profusely was Diana.

Helping them to their feet, she looked
them over and winched inwardly, Diana looked so nervous, she wasn't
sure if the girl was about ready to burst in to tears or run off,
while Seraph looked like he had been through through several trees
and a shop window.

He took her arm and lead her to one
side, his voice low. “Okay, How
the hell is she a Hero? She has to be the biggest walking
disaster in history. She managed to smash two shop windows, four cars
and send me bouncing across half of atlas... and that was in the
first hour!”

“She isn't.”

He paused,
blinking. “What?”

“She isn't a
Hero, we implemented a three strike system recently for young mages
that couldn't truly control their powers. If they can't find a
teacher, we deny their application for Hero status and issue them
with a limiter.” Sighing she entered her office and started looking
for the paperwork, Leaving him slightly slack jaw in the hallway. It
was a pity that Seraph hadn't taken Diana on as an apprentice, but
she could not force the matter.

As she found the
forms, she heading back to him, she saw an odd look on his face, she
was about to ask what was up when he raised a finger to his lips.
From around the corner she could hear Diana talking on a phone by the
sounds of it.

“... No... it
looks like I flubbed it again... yeah, Ditzy Derpy doo spectacular...
I don't know, if I can't get a licences, UPS will let me go... They
can't have a unregistered hero on the pay roll... It doesn’t matter
if it is unfair, it's the law... I don't know what we will do...
yeah... I'll tell you more when I get home, later sis.”

Seraph took the
papers out of Azuria's hand, magic crackling along it for a few
seconds before they burst crumbled to ash. “Oh Dear Azuria, it I am
such a clutz... lucky it was the wrong from, wasn't it?” His voice
having an almost cheerfully idiotic tone to it.

Blink at the ash,
she looked back to him. “Why?”


“Because?” She
asked, raising a sceptical eyebrow.

“Okay okay... as
my girlfriend loves to point out, I can't help but be a nice guy and
always try to help a damsel in distress.”

Chuckling, she
called Diana over. “It seems you are in good luck, Magus Seraph has
decided to take you on as an apprentice.” As the words left her
mouth, the young woman let out a loud sequel and glomped Seraph,
smacking him into a bookshelves and causing half the tomes to fall on

From under the pile
she heard Seraph grumble. “First rule, Don't do that again....

“Sorry Master
Seraph.” she squeaked, climbing out from under the pile off books.

“Second rule,
don't call me master” As they stood up, he dusted himself off.

“Sorry Mister
Seraph, but thank you so much!” She squeaked and spun around. “Oh
I got to tell my sister and my boss and eeeeeh!”

Azuria collected
the registry paperwork and handed it to Diana, sending her upstairs
to register, before turning to Seraph and chuckling. “You do
realise there is now backing out of this, correct?”

“Come on... how
hard can it be?” He smirked.

There was a loud
crash from upstairs and a string of sorry's.

Azuria laughed.
“You just had to say that.”

- Sweno - 03-05-2012

ahh, the schadenfreude is just dripping off this Smile

You did a good job conveying a sense of history between Seraph and Azuria.

however there were a few typos that dragged me out of the flow of the story:

You know I don't like that tiled

tiled -> title ?

the fall of Galaxy and the lose

lose -> loss
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy

- dark seraph - 03-05-2012

Edits made and I though having Azuria get back at the hero's that joke about her messing shit up in M.A.G.I. would be a good laugh.

(After all, the actual Vault was in Galaxy... and the guy in front of it didn't look like he could of stopped a stiff breeze Tongue )

- Ebony - 03-06-2012

Azuria is amazingly responsive, for a Nemesis automaton. Perhaps Nemesis has upgraded his clockwork Eliza program. (That's my theory on why things keep getting stolen from M.A.G.I.'s vault. Either that, or she's secretly working for the Circle of Thorns, and they don't do subtle. Nemesis at least tries to.)
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."

Lesson one: In which stuff goes boom. - dark seraph - 03-28-2012

Seraph's Penthouse.
Atlas Park.

Diana stood out side the door to Seraph
workshop, twiddling her thumbs slightly. This was her first lesson
with him and he was going to let her work near a forge! Like some
sort of ye old blacksmith or something! She bounced on her feet in
excitement as the door opened and Seraph waved her in. “Ah, your
here, good.” stepping back, her let her enter the workshop.

Her eyes went wide as she entered what
looked like every alchemy, forge, workshop and study she had ever
seen in amine rolled into one. “This is all yours Mister Seraph?”
She asked in slight disbelief.

“Yeah, spend seven years wandering
through Europe and you be surprised what you pick up.” He said as
they past what looked like a hybrid of plate mail and samurai armour.
“But today’s lesson isn't about hoarding junk. Today I'm going to
teach you some basic crafting skills.” There was the sound of some
one tapping on glass over by the forge. Heading over Seraph opened a
window and a rather leggy red head stepped in.

She flashed Seraph a grin as she walked
towards the forge and lent against it. “You know Seraph, I could
use the front door, letting me climb in the window might give Tish
the wrong idea...” She let the sentence hang with a mild chuckled.

Diana watched as Seraph freeze
slightly, the colour draining from his face. She had heard about his
girlfriend... apparently she had a jealousy streak and had no problem
venting her frustration via teleporting people into the nearest lake.

He coughed and walked over to one of
his work benches and started collecting odds and ends. “Enynn, this
is my Apprentice Diana, she'll be taking notes and watching us
today.... please try not to break her.”

En grinned like a cat with a canary. “I
make no promises.”

“Riiiight... can you start the forge
then while I grab the stuff for today’s order?”

Diana turned to ask En if she needed
help starting the forge and froze as the red head started to strip.
As if sensing the younger woman’s gaze, En turned around and places
her hands on her hip, coking her head slightly. “Is there a

Her brain pointed out that her mouth
was open before kicking itself back into gear.“Uh... uh... uh”
She stuttered before spinning around, face crimson. “Why are you
striping off?”

There was a light chuckle from behind
her. “Why, I would loath to burn my outfit, it is a rather cute
little number.”

“Oh um... okay then, Mister Seraph...
Why is the supermodel like lady the power for the forge?” She
turned to him, looking for an answer.

With his back still to them, he
replied. “I don't have a permit or the cash to build a forge
capable of the heats I need for my projects and artefact destruction,
En need a place she could relax with out torching it to the ground.
Stuff happened and it all worked out in the end, sort of.”

That seemed like a legitimate
answer. “But um... doesn’t your girlfriend get upset?”

En laughed as she rested on the edge of
the forge, letting Diana get quite an eye full. “Tish Would
probably get upset if I looked at him a certain way, but despite her
unfounded jealousy, she long ago realised that Seraph to much of a
gentleman to let his eye's roam.” She then dropped her voice to a
stage whisper. “That and he's been shy ever since I grabbed his


“Oh, long before he started dating
Tish, he walks a little close to the forge and I just couldn't help
myself.” En smirked. “So I grabbed it... Sadly my hand was at the
time hot enough to melt metal, so he now has my hand print as a

Seraph let out a loud sigh. “You plan
to tell everyone that story?”

“Up until the point it stops being
funny or you get around to getting it removed.”

Diana started giggling as Seraph
brought over the supplies and sat then next to the forge. Clearing
his throat to get her attention, he placed several items in front of
her. “Today’s lesson is about spell catalysts and how to craft
them... if you are done snickering.”

“Um... sorry sir.” She muttered,
looking down at her feet.

“Okay then, to start with Diana, do
you know what a Spell Catalyst is?”

She crossed her eyes slightly as she
remembered. “Um... a Catalyst is used as a booster or by those that
aren’t good at harnessing magic on their own... right? Sort of like
a magical little blue pill?”

Seraph's jaw dropped. “What?”

There was a giggle from the forge as
Diana smiled sheepishly. “Well... I work UPS remember? There is a
few times where people try to deny the fact they ordered something at
times...” she trailed off.

Face palming he sighed. “Okay, yes,
in the most basic of terms, a catalyst is a little blue pill. A mage
can use a catalyst to momentarily boost their powers, increases the
size and duration of a spell.” there was another bout of giggling
from the forge. “Or they can even use it to heal themselves.”

Diana nodded, pulling out a note pad
and started writing as Seraph continued. “But Catalysts have a down
side, like any chemical that can boost your performance, using them
can cause all sorts of side effects, from addiction to the rare cases
of overload.”

She put her hand up, then blushed and
lowered it. “What’s an overload?”

“Well... hmmm, how best to explain
it...” clicking his fingers, a black board rose out of the floor
next to him and he drew a circle. “Say this is your mana, the size
of the sphere varies from person to person. When you use a catalyst,
it's like inflating a balloon, but what happens when you put to much
air into one?”

“Well, they pop...... ewwwwww! Your
telling me people can explode from using this stuff? Why do people
use it then?”

He raised a hand. “Same reason
doctors use morphine, it's a nasty drug when abused, but in the right
hands, it can aid those in pain. Catalysts are sort of the same, if
that makes any sense.”

En propped herself up. “Wait... if
they are so risky, why are you teaching her to make them?”

“Well, it's something she will need
to learn, M.A.G.I. Lost a lot when Galaxy fell and there arn't that
many mage's cane make them.” He turned back to Diana. “But don't
worry, today is about practice, anything you make will be disposed of
in a safe manner.”

Diana blinked. “So it's safe then?”

Seraph held his hand out flat and
tilted it side to side. “As long as En keeps the heat steady, the
components are good and we don't make any mistakes, yeah.” He
started arranging the ingredients at the side of the forge. “after
all, what can go wrong?”

Ten minutes later.

Diana let out a slight whimper as the
smoke cleared, revealing she was now halfway across the room,
upside-down and covered in cold blue foam.

From across the room she heard Seraph
swear in foreign language... or Klingon, she could of sworn she heard
a pu'dac in there.

As she climbed to her feet, she tried
to wipe some of the foam off only to find it was sort of sticky and
smelt like.... cotton candy?

“Daina... what the hell happened?”

“I'm sorry, I was adding the stuff
together like you said and um... well... I noticed that there was
some black... stuff in one of the ingredients, so I tried to take it
out and the thing exploded and I'm in a lot of trouble, aren’t I?”

“Actually, you’re not.” He got to
his feet and started over to wave a hand around, causing the foam to
dissipate. “You picked up on something I should of noticed and as a
result, probably saved us a lengthy hospital stay.”

Diana looked around as the foam started
to fade. “What is this stuff anyway?”

“A fire suppressant foam that also
leaches any potentially dangerous magic from the area.”

“Oh... Um, We're okay, aren’t we?”

“Oh of course, You will just smell a
little like sugar for a bit, that’s all.”

Diana looked around for a second.
“Um... Where did En go?”

There was a muffled cry from the pile
of blue foam that covered the forge before a slightly grumpy head
popped out. “Can you get this gunk off me? It's Freezing!”

As Seraph banished the foam, Diana
noticed a large chunk of the forge hand been blown out and it looked
like En had been clipped. Holding out a hand, she raised the O2
levels around En to help her heal.

Just as En summoned her flames to close
the wound.

Seraph looked and muttered a “Oh
Crap” before a second fireball filled the work shop.

- Star Ranger4 - 03-28-2012



Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children