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Another Snippet - Printable Version

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Another Snippet - Bob Schroeck - 10-17-2008

After sharing a glance with Ron and Hermione, Harry pushed open

the door to the Room of Requirement. He wasn't quite sure what

he was expecting, but a large and elegantly-appointed entry hall,

such as might be found in a grand Muggle mansion, certainly

wasn't it.

His eyes flicked around the room, searching for possible threats.

At the same time, he was taking in the whole of his surroundings.

Marble floors, staircase and balustrade of the same marble

leading to a large landing overhead, walls paneled in a dark wood

that somehow managed to look warm instead of sinister, furniture

that looked antique without looking fragile, several closed

doors... and a dozen full-length, three-dimensional photographs

of intent-looking men and women in a wide variety of outfits,

most of them black. One of them, he noticed, was Professor


The rest of the Defense Club streamed in behind him, staring at

the hall just as much as Harry. He only absently noticed the

sound of the door closing behind them, but jumped like all the

others when an older male voice said, "Good evening, young

masters and misses," in measured, cultured tones.

There was a bit of confusion and commotion as everyone tried to

spin about at once and most of them got tangled up in one

another. Harry's Quidditch-honed reflexes served him somewhat

better, so he managed to turn around with wand in hand to face

their interlocutor while the others were untangling their arms

and legs from each other.

Next to the door they had come through was a gray-haired man of

middling height, dressed in an outfit that vaguely resembled a

tuxedo. It took Harry a moment to place it from what little

television he had been allowed to watch -- it was a butler's

uniform. His eyes flicked upward to the man's face. It was

faintly lined, the face of a man who has left middle age but is

not yet exactly *old*. His eyes were blue, and even though his

expression never varied from a studied neutral, Harry was sure

there was a smile in them.

As the last of the club got themselves sorted out, the butler

bowed to them and said, "Welcome to Warriors Mansion. I am

Summerfield, the Warriors' butler and majordomo."

Putting his wand away, Harry glanced around to see everyone was

looking expectantly at him. "Um. Thank you, Mr. Summerfield.

We were supposed to meet Professor Sangnoir here?"

The gray-haired man nodded. "Just 'Summerfield,' young master.

Colonel Sangnoir is expecting you, and has already set up

clearances to give you all access to the Mansion's high-security

zones. He has instructed me to register you with the security

systems and then lead you to the Danger Room."

Next to Harry, Hermione's eyes grew wide as she silently mouthed

the words "danger room".

With a profound economy of movement that looked at the same time

both efficient and formal, Summerfield slid around the bunched

students to stand next to one of the doors. He did something to

the wall next to it, and a panel slid down and away to reveal a

small, flat box with a keypad and the outline of a human hand

upon it. Turning back to the DA, he bowed slightly again and

said, "If you would each place your hand upon the scanner plate

and speak your name, the security systems will identify you and

allow you access."
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

- Duane Peters - 10-17-2008

Either Voldemort is going to be beefed up *signifigantly*, or the poor schmuck isn't going to know what steamroller hit him.

- robkelk - 10-17-2008

Doesn't Doug subscribe to the idea that, if you're in a fair fight, you've done something wrong?

I suspect Voldie's in for a world of hurt...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

- Star Ranger4 - 10-17-2008

Something similar... I know that the Warriors believe in going into battle with any advantage they can beg borrow or steal; I dont think that the few times
they've had to go into battle without some sort of advantage they consider that they'd failed somehow.
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children

- Bob Schroeck - 10-17-2008

From http://www.eclipse.net/~rms/dw2-04.shtml]chapter 4 of DW2:
Quote:I don't like even odds. They mean the good guys lose half the time. One reason the Warriors are as successful as we are is that in any given opportunity, we will field far more force that is far nastier than the enemy is prepared to deal with. We don't fight just to win. We fight to crush the enemy utterly. We fight to overwhelm and destroy.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

- Star Ranger4 - 10-18-2008

So, calling in the Warriors is like unto calling upon a C-55 buma to swat that fly?
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children

- Norgarth - 10-18-2008

"There is no overkill, only 'open fire' and 'I need to reload'. 8)
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin