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Loony tunes... - Printable Version

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Loony tunes... - Feinan - 01-28-2003

I was reading a thread elsewhere on the board about quotes, and someone mentioned Doug having Bugs Bunny as sort of a personal totem. That got me to thinking about what songs there might be about Bugs, or any of the other Warner Brothers characters. I found four - all performed by Mel Blanc as far as I can tell - that look like must-haves for Doug, even if they didn't provide powers. Lyrics for all four can be found at the link given below.
1) I'm Glad That I'm Bugs Bunny: Unfortunately, the only one that I couldn't find the actual song to listen to. Creates a Bugs simulacrum...or turns Doug INTO Bugs (complete with Toon-style powers) for the duration?
2) Daffy Duck Rhapsody: Two immediate possibilies - either it creates a Daffy simulacrum that draws the fire of anyone around (regardless of how much they'd rather shoot at Doug, they HAVE to shoot at the duck), or else it causes everyone to aim at Doug, even those people on his side. Obviously, the first is the preferred interpretation...Smile
3) I Taut I Taw a Puddy Tat: This might create a sort of danger sense. For the duration, no one can sneak up on Doug without him spotting them. Of course, it could also make him bright yellow while it's in effect, but there's always costs, right?
4) Yosemite Sam: Creates guns for a stun effect, since guns loaded with gumdrops would probably not do TOO much damage. Though jelly traveling at Mach 1 could still hurt, I suppose. Alternatively, if Doug already HAS a gun, it might make him unable to miss anything he shoots at while the song is playing.
I wish I could find a copy of the song for Bugs. The other three can be found here, along with a lot of other interesting looking things.

Re: Loony tunes... - Bob Schroeck - 02-04-2003

I'll have to look into some of these. I actually have a copy of "I Tawt I Taw A Putty Tat", which I taped off the air during a broadcast of the Dr. Demento show something like 18 years ago. (In fact, I have a lot of stuff I got that way... ) On the subject of Mel Blanc recordings, I also have "E-I-O" (or whatever its proper title is).
Anyway, some of those ideas sound fun. I was just writing some notes for the Borrible Step, and the idea of going Bugs at Sussworth suddenly has a great deal of appeal...

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.