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TEAM EXPLOSIVE YOUTH! HASSHIN!! - classicdrogn - 07-25-2005

(From this thread, if you've been skipping it)
20050722 - started discussion on the DWMB
20050724 - created story file
20050727 - final edit, having squashed the gremlins and broken up the run-ons.
Such little things can make the largest changes - one person being assigned a duty instead of another, equally qualified collegue, a trip taking eighteen days instead of nineteen, reflexes just a hair quicker than they might otherwise be... People who might never have met can fall in love. People who might never have existed can be born. Stories that might never have been imagined can be told.
So it was when the Village Hidden by Mist sent a courier to the Village Hidden by Leaves, and so she arrived just as a Stone assault force attacked, and so she was saved by a young Leaf jounin, and so - after a time - they had a healthy, energetic baby girl.
*Very* energetic. She took strongly after her father, with the perhaps fortunate exception of her face.
Of course, even when the major changes seem to have exhausted themselves, the smaller ones keep adding up, a minor difference of timing here, a small change in attitude there... And suddenly, there's a new round of huge differences from the way things would otherwise have been.
Pull up a chair, and get ready to work on your screentan. It's time to tell a story.

Bewilderbeast Studios Presents
A work of Naruto fan fiction
with conceptual assistance (and lots of prodding) from
Nathan Baxter

Dedicated to the above, ah, *enthusiasts*, who took a random plotbunny and fed it until it demanded release. Remember, this is YOUR fault I'm doing this, guys.

Sarutobi Chieshamaru, Third Hokage of the Leaf, smiled warmly even as he adjusted his aging frame on the seat behind the desk where he was giving out the day's mission assignments. It had been a very good week, he reflected: Two days ago one of his personal projects, a child who'd become like a second grandson to him, had graduated from the ninja academy. Even though it had taken an extra year for the boy to pass, he'd entered two years younger than the average, and was still ahead of his age group.
Yesterday, after no more than the usual false starts, the team Sandaime had carefully chosen to include the freind who'd been such a good influence to the boy and a jounin sensei who wouldn't hold the past against him had passed that sensei's team exam.
Today... Today, he would get to assign the first mission of a fine young ninja who might someday use this seat himself. Sarutobi handed over the last of the ANBU assignment folders for the day, and signalled that the general mission assignments could begin. If he knew his subordinates as well as he thought he did...
Ah, there they were, the first as he'd expected. He gave a quick handsign to his assistants that all was well as a smoke bomb went off at the front of the room, the sudden burst of air making his red trimmed robes flutter gently.
With an impassioned cry, a green-clad shape hurtled out of the smoke to land dramatically posed, one arm extended in a thumbs-up. "The Leaf's Handsome Green Beast, Maito Gai!" the intruder shouted, light from the morning sun outside the window gleaming from a wide, toothy grin.
A second form followed after him, like a 2/3 scale clone save for lacking a jounin's vest or moustache, and differently shaped eyes, right down to the skin tight green jumpsuit and gleaming black bowl cut. He took a mirroring pose a few feet away before announcing in a youthful voice, "The Leaf's Proud Green Beast, Rock Lee!"
Another hurtling form, flashing green and orange as it somersaulted to a stop, blonde hair and foxy grin above the boy's trademark orange jacket, worn over yet another of the green spandex jumpsuits. "The Leaf's Blazing Orange Wildfire, Uzumaki Naruto!" he shouted enthusiastically, both arms up to wave victory signs. Somehow, the jacket managed to clash with the slightly different shade of orange on the leggings all three wore, the Hokage noted to himself. If nothing else, hiding that outfit under the robes of office would probably be counted a heroic service to the village.
Before his thoughts could get too off track - an old man's vice, and one he found himself indulging in more often as time went on - the third and final genin team mate made her entrance, cartwheeling skillfully to a perfect stop, one arm draped around Naruto's shoulders, the opposite leg around his knee, and her other arm holding out another victory sign, proclaiming herself "The Leaf's Beautiful Fuschia Tsunami, Maito Rikou!" The short red skirt around her waist rustled to a stop, a hot pink spandex body glove molding her somewhat limited assets to best effect against Naruto's shoulder as the tall, lithe girl snuggled closer. Thankfully, she'd been spared the bowl cut and fuzzy brows of her father and his look-alike team mate; long, dark hair instead pinned up in a bun on the back of her head. In obviously practiced unison, all four concluded, "Team Explosive Youth is ready for action!"
Sarutobi stifled a chuckle as the eleven-year old boy looked uncertainly at the kunoichi for a moment before shrugging it - and her - off. "Hey, hey, old man! How about our dramatic entrance! Wasn't that cool?" Naruto crowed.
The chuckle was still fighting to get out, damn it. And Gai's passionate admonishments about not letting the exuberance of the springtime of youth overwhelm one's sense of respect wasn't helping him one bit.

---=- + -=---

Sometime later, the four of them were picking up trash in one of the village's many small park areas. It had pleasantly soft grass and a light screen of trees around the central clearing to provide shade and a windbreak - and a bit of cover if the area was needed for its secondary purpose as a rallying point for defenders. At the moment, it also it also rang with the loudly complaining voice of a certain orange-clad genin.
"JEEEEZE," Naruto whined. "Why do we have to do such a boring, low class mission!? A super excellent ninja like me should be escorting a daimyo, or rescuing a run-away princess, or- or catching a hated criminal, or --"
His indignant tirade was cut off as Gai catapulted out of his handstand, the crushed juice can he'd been carrying to the trash bin clutched between his ankles flying up in the air. Seconds later, it landed to balance perfectly on the tip of the finger he'd raised toward the heavens while declaiming, "Ah, my impetuous student! It is as our most skilled and wise Hokage explained, these simple tasks serve the village in THREE WAYS! Firstly, by performing in small ways for a modest fee, it provides a steady flow of money! Secondly, by giving such missions to new graduates like yourselves, it frees more experienced ninja for more dangerous endeavours! Finally, it simultaneously allows the opportunity to FAN THE FIRE of your youthful energy, to hone teamwork and skills to someday join those more experienced ranks yourselves!"
The juice can became airborne again as the jounin waved particularly emphatically, sailing smoothly into the bin without touching the rim. His own armload of trash just deposited, Lee clutched his hands in front of his chest, eyes wide in admiration. "Oh Gai-sensei, you're so knowledgeable!" he gasped.
"Indeed," the super-fuzzy browed jounin aknowledged, "BUT! There is one MORE way in which such simple missions are useful!" Lowering his voice (to merely "loud") Gai beckoned his new-minted team into a huddle. Placing a hand each on the shoulders of Lee and Rikou, and winking conspiratorially at Naruto across the circle, he asked, "Do all of you remember my most secret and powerful ninja technique?"
"Un, un!" Rikou replied, while the boys were still opening their mouths. "The secret Maito 'Self-Rules' training, right?"
"CORRECT, MY BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER!" the emotive jounin bellowed, pulling her into a fierce hug. "You shine so BRILLIANTLY in your springtime of youth!" Recovering himself, with effort, he set the girl back on her feet and returned to the huddle. "Yes, the fearsome 'Self-Rules' training! All ninja know that to gain strength requires work, but with the 'Self-Rules' training you go BEYOND the minimum to work EXTRA hard and become EXTRA STRONG! By imposing your own obstacle, you overcome ALL LIMITS with the EXPLOSIVE POWER OF YOUTH!" Fires blazed in the tall jounin's eyes and sunlight shone from alabaster teeth as he exhorted, "I shall help you begin! Together we have cleaned this clearing, but now, each of you shall pick up one side of the tree line walking ONLY ON YOUR HANDS!" He struck anther pose, a fist clenched in in the middle of the circle.
"YEAH!" Lee shouted. "And if I can't do that, I'll pick up the ENTIRE next park without using my hands at all!" he promised, knocking his own fist againts his sensei's.
"And, and, if *I* can't do that, I'll toss every piece of trash in the next park in the air and burn it right away with Katon no Jutsu!" Naruto exclaimed, thumping his fist into the pile.
"Well if *I* can't do that, I'll clean an entire park by catching each piece of trash with my ribbon daggers!" Rikou enthused, completing the circle. "It's a promise!"
Overcome with pride, Gai swept his team into a group embrace. "OH, MY STUDENTS!" he cried. "IT MAKES ME SO PROUD TO SEE THE FIREY DETERMINATION OF YOUR BRILLIANT YOUTHFUL SPIRITS! Surely you will become the GREATEST of ninja!"
"OH, GAI-SENSEI!" Lee hollered.
Naruto, while he'd gotten over being alarmed at the jumpsuit-wearing jounin's demonstrative nature, still had years of ingrained reflex that touching equalled having been grabbed or slapped, and went stiff... but only for an instant. After all, this was his freind Lee who'd trained with him this past year until they both could graduate, and Gai-sensei who'd helped them both with taijutsu even before he was their official sensei and taught Naruto the Katon technique that he'd been practising with, and Gai's daughter Rikou who seemed to be all over him lately anyway and had also trained with them regularly after following her father to their practise area one afternoon. The blond boy relaxed into the hug as if into a perfectly warmed bath, smiling from one whisker-marked cheek to the other, his voice unchacteristically soft as he stated, "Yeah, I'll be the greatest Hokage ever, and you guys'll be my number one ninja for sure."
Restraining his overflowing heart, Gai released the genin and stepped back. "YOSH!" he shouted, pumping a fist. "TEAM EXPLOSIVE YOUTH, HASSHIN! I shall clear the south border!" So saying, he did a series of backflips, ending once again in a handstand, feet spearing down to grip a discarded take-out box between them. The rest of his team - listed in the Hokage's records as Team Six from this year, though Gai had never called them that even in his own thoughts - followed suit, if less acrobatically, and with considerably more difficulty in keeping their balance and their smelly cargo at the same time. Rikou also had to adjust the coil of thin, black silk rope she kept on one shoulder to keep it from falling off, tucking the free end under her sash-style Konoha badge.

---=- + -=---

(Would you like to know more? ch2 draft is post #5 on page 2)
The Naruto setting and all characters therein are the property of Kishimoto-sensei and Shonen Jump. Maito Rikou and the circumstances leading to her presence are pretty much a collaborative effort between myself and my co-conspirators, but may be freely used as long as we're aknowledged for her.
hasshin - launch, take off, get going
Chieshamaru - So far as I know, Sarutobi-sama has not been given a personal name in either the manga or anime. I added the common Naruto-world suffix -maru to 'chiesha,' or 'wise man.'
Katon no Jutsu - that's right, just Katon, no further technique name. The basic fire-type jutsu from which the Uchihas created their family specialty techniques. It is commonly known in the Leaf and requires only a single seal, which can even be done one-handed with practise. Jiraya used it to ignite Gamabunta's oil while fighting Orochimaru and the snake boss, Manda.
Sash-style badge - it would be a forehead protector, but it's on a longer strip of fabric worn around the waist. Gai and Lee use them in canon, so does Rikou here, but Naruto still uses a dark blue hitae-ate badge and ACTUALLY wears it on his forehead. I would have kept his goggles and given him a sash-type badge as well, but his jacket would cover it most of the time. He uses a front-tied plain red sash and hangs the usual belt pouches off of that.

END OF LINEWhat, you think Samuel L. Jackson isn't going to survive the zombie apocalypse?
SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

Re: TEAM EXPLOSIVE YOUTH! HASSHIN!! - Valles - 07-25-2005

Sarutobi stifled a chuckle as the eleven-year old boy looked uncertainly at the kunoichi for a moment before shrugging it - and her - off. "Hey, hey, old man! How about our dramatic entrance! Wasn't that cool?" Naruto crowed.
Hehehehehe. And of -course- he has no clue... You could go a -long- way playing 'deaf blind innocent' routine - which'd only get funnier after Hinata shows up to provide some competition. Because, after all, if he can't figure out why Rikou keeps wrapping herself around him, then he's not likely to make the connection involved in Hinata ditching that bulky jacket of hers, or inviting him to help her with 'private training sessions'...
Hmm. I don't think that Hina-chan would ever use such a thing out -loud-, but it might be interesting to think of what sort of insulting mental tag she could give Rikou (like 'Ino-pig' or 'Billboard brow')... if only for the sake of contrasting her peaceful outward demeanor with these continuing inward super-loony-toons-violent-revenge-fantasies...
*unable to speak*
Chieshamaru - So far as I know, Sarutobi-sama has not been given a personal name in either the manga or anime. I added the common Naruto-world suffix -maru to 'chiesha,' or 'wise man.'
IMHO, the 'ninja world' seems to have some -very- different patterns of address than real world Japan - offhand, I can't think of a single case where we've seen one ninja address another solely by their surname. For proper Japanese, IIRC, Sakura should call Kakashi 'Hatake-sensei,' the ANBU should address Anko as 'Mitarashi-sama,' and so on... and they don't.
In short, I'm pretty sure that Sarutobi is his personal name.
Ja, -n

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."

Re: TEAM EXPLOSIVE YOUTH! HASSHIN!! - classicdrogn - 07-25-2005

*unable to speak*
... Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
I'm pretty sure that Sarutobi is his personal name.
Given that both Konohamaru and Asuma have Sarutobi for family names and are stated to be related to him, I must respectfully disagree, unless he founded the clan or they decided to change all thier names to his. He was there diring the co-rule of the founding Hokages, so he COULD have founded the clan, but everyone else has a family name and a personal name. Well, I don't think the San-nin have had another name mentioned, and the Sand Trio, children of the Kazekage, just use 'of the desert' so I suppose it could be either a rank thing or a power thing, in either case amounting to the same thing, that when you say "Jiraya" you don't mean Jiraya Ichiro from the combi down the steet or your uncle Jiraya who lives in Haneda, you mean the Legendary Perverted Hermit, Jiraya of the Icha Icha Paradise series.
ANy idea for the word I couldn't come up with? "good influence" is the best I can do so far, and that's not too good.
- CD
Oh yeah!
And of -course- he has no clue...
He understands that she seems to like him, he's just not sure what to make of that, since he's still hung up on Sakura, but would rather do five hundred laps around the village with both legs and one hand tied behind him than even take the slightest possible chance of losing one of the seven people in the whole world who aknowledge him (Iruka, Lee, Gai, Rikou, and Sarutobi, plus Ayame and the chef at Ichiraku.) Freinds are more precious than life to Naruto, even now - espescially now, I suppose.What, you think Samuel L. Jackson isn't going to survive the zombie apocalypse?
SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

Very sketchy image - classicdrogn - 07-25-2005

And when I say very, I mean EXCEPTIONALLY DAMN EXTREME.
But, I'm tired and my scanner isn't working.
- CD
What, you think Samuel L. Jackson isn't going to survive the zombie apocalypse?

SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

re: TEAM EXPLOSIVE YOUTH! HASSHIN!! - Rieverre - 07-25-2005

>Dedicated to the above, ah, *enthusiasts*, who took a random plotbunny and fed it until it demanded release. Remember, this is YOUR fault I'm doing this, guys.<
And reading what you spawned here, I can safely say I feel that history will vindicate us.
Loved the intro, and the Gai bits were priceless. Maito Gai, the human emotional rollercoaster of Konoha. Heh.
Nice moment of Naruto introspection at the end there. You manage to bring Rikou in smoothly, without it being glaring that she's a potential ANC ... well, glaring other than her outfit's color-scheme.
>(Would you like to know more?)<
I know where you live, I know where you ... no, waitasec, I don't. Damn. Err ... yes, please?
Oh, and nice pic. A little polishing and it'd make a good cover.
studen of the Way of the Slacker since 1998.
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm

Re: TEAM EXPLOSIVE YOUTH! HASSHIN!! - Valles - 07-25-2005

... Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Given how much my ribs were hurting at the time? Good - very good. I was having trouble typing, too.
Given that both Konohamaru and Asuma have Sarutobi for family names
*puzzled* Are you sure about that? I don't remember actually hearing anything to that effect... well, anywhere outside of a fanfic, where I'll grant it's pretty damn common.
He was there diring the co-rule of the founding Hokages, so he COULD have founded the clan, but everyone else has a family name and a personal name. Well, I don't think the San-nin have had another name mentioned, and the Sand Trio, children of the Kazekage, just use 'of the desert' so I suppose it could be either a rank thing or a power thing, in either case amounting to the same thing, that when you say "Jiraya" you don't mean Jiraya Ichiro from the combi down the steet or your uncle Jiraya who lives in Haneda, you mean the Legendary Perverted Hermit, Jiraya of the Icha Icha Paradise series.
Well, given how many of the other names in the series are bad puns, you -could- make a case that the Sand Sibs' surname really -is- 'Sabakuno,' I guess.
Anyway, I'm not saying that he doesn't have a surname, just that we don't have any way to know what it is.
And given just how... visual... this crowd is, any fanart is a good thing, let alone the fairly-decent-and-certain-to-improve kind.
Ja, -n

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."

Re: re: TEAM EXPLOSIVE YOUTH! HASSHIN!! - classicdrogn - 07-25-2005

Maito Gai, the human emotional rollercoaster of Konoha.
It's not so much that, as that he puts everything into whatever he happens to be doing at the moment - that's his true power, what you could call the Maito family technique, to infuse any task you attempt with the BURNING PASSION OF YOUTH!
Heh, if you boggled at Rikou, I can't wait until you meet Maito-ojisan... I can't wait until *I* meet Maito-ojisan, for that matter.
You manage to bring Rikou in smoothly, without it being glaring that she's a potential ANC ... well, glaring other than her outfit's color-scheme.
Well, if you think so, I'm not going to argue. I do have to go back and add a visual detail to her description, a long coil of black silk rope on her left shoulder.
Family names - weren't Asuma and Konohamaru listed as Surotobis in one of the art/data books? Edit: For that matter, isn't Asuma introduced as a that whenhe shows up?
- CD
What, you think Samuel L. Jackson isn't going to survive the zombie apocalypse?

SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

Re: re: TEAM EXPLOSIVE YOUTH! HASSHIN!! - Valles - 07-25-2005

Family names - weren't Asuma and Konohamaru listed as Surotobis in one of the art/data books? Edit: For that matter, isn't Asuma introduced as a that whenhe shows up?
*frowns absently* I don't -think- he was... I don't have any hardcopy source for names, BTW, so I can't comment on that, beyond saying that my web-source *checks*... huh. You're right.
*plaintively* Dangit. Why can't these things be -consistent-?
Ja, -n

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."

Re: TEAM EXPLOSIVE YOUTH! HASSHIN!! - The Wanderer - 07-25-2005

Well, given how many of the other names in the series are bad puns, you -could- make a case that the Sand Sibs' surname really -is- 'Sabakuno,' I guess.
I've seen fanfics which do exactly that, but I personally don't like it.
Incidentally, on the "common Naruto-world suffix" - the kanji involved, the one read "-maru", is listed in edict as being a suffix for ship names; there's no real good translation in English, but I've been known to parse (for instance) "Konohamaru" informally in my head as roughly "leaf-named". Make of the information what you will.
Incidentally, it might be worthwhile to provide somewhere (for the benefit of those who don't have a Japanese dictionary handy) an explanation of what "hasshin" actually means...

Ooh! Ooh! World building! - classicdrogn - 07-25-2005

You know the coil of silk rope I gave Rikou? Well, I figured out where it came from - you see, not all of the Aburame clan are ninja. In fact, their family is more famous as merchants, despite how very good their ninja members tend to be... most of them have only a few destruction bugs to defend their personal hive, and lots and lots of weaver bugs. Aburame silk is the softest and most durable material known, and can be spun with varying amounts of stretch - the bodygloves that many ninja favor for their freedom of movement are often made from Aburame silk, though obviously ninja from villages actively hostile to the leaf have to find other options, like the rubber-based wetsuits sometimes used by mist-nin. Aburame silk ropes are also highly valued by the ANBU hunter-nin and interrogators, as they are nearly five times stronger than a metal cable of the same diameter, and far more conducive to having chackra channeled into them for rope-animation capture jutsu.
Completely non-canon, but it makes sense, no? Feel free to kife.
- CD
ETA: I forgot to write down - ninja Aburame still have weaver bugs, but only a few - they spin the silk-lined passages the bugs use to move through an Aburame's body, maintaining them as the host grows or if they are damaged.
Also, I penciled Lee and Gai and a second iteration Rikou/Naruto, but the scanner is STILL not working, and until it is this is as good as things get, trying to take a picture of penciled art with a digital camera. I could spend three or four hours cleaning it up in Photoshop, but the result would only be good enough to turn light blue, print, and ink over to scan again, so it's not worth it.
All members of Team Explosive Youth posing for the camera. (Well, Rikou is more interested in the snuggle op, but she's got a V-sign out too)What, you think Samuel L. Jackson isn't going to survive the zombie apocalypse?
SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

Re: Ooh! Ooh! World building! - Evil Midnight Lurker - 07-26-2005

"-Maru" is also a common suffix for sword names. Onikirimaru, "oni-slayer," that kinda thing.
I believe it literally means "circle." I'll check it out later.
"He beat up ten ninjas with a loaf of French bread!"

Re: Ooh! Ooh! World building! - Evil Midnight Lurker - 07-26-2005

It's now later. [Image: smile.gif]
The relevant kanji: On-reading "gan," kun-reading "maru," "marui," "marumeru."
1 (a) round body, pellet, ball
(b) round projectile, ball
gan'yaku pill
hougan cannonball
dangan shot, bullet, shell
juugan bullet
(2) suffix after name of pills
kyuumeigan Kyuumei pill
Kun: maru (1)
1 (a) round or spherical shape
(b) circle
hinomaru Rising Sun Flag
2 wholeness, completeness
maru no mama whole, in its entirety
maru de just like; completely, perfectly
3 check mark for correct answers
maru o tsukeru mark a correct answer with a circle
4 small circle corresponding to a circle in a sentence
5 within the castle walls
ni no maru outworks of a castle
honmaru keep, donjon
maru (2)
1 (in compounds) round, circular, spherical
marugao round face, moon face
marumaru to futotta plump, rotund, chubby
2 (also prefix) complete(ly), total(ly), perfect(ly)
marumaru completely, entirely
marumouke clear profit
marufutsuka for a full two days
maruyake ni natta completely burned
3 suffix after names of ships--formerly also used after names of swords, children or dogs
nankaimaru Nankaimaru (ship's name)
hiyoshimaru name of Toyotomi Hideyoshi during his youth
...which does explain how it can be a personal name suffix, but doesn't go very far explaining why it's a name suffix to begin with. I suspect it's the "perfection" connotation, but there could be more than my character dictionary's telling me.
Hope this helped,
"I weave a lethal net of baked goods that few can escape."

Re: Ooh! Ooh! World building! - classicdrogn - 07-26-2005

Well, in this particular case, it would end up being "a wise man, completely" (or "perfectly," or "all around") which fits well enough. Honestly, it's just a throwaway line - the only one who would dare to call Sandaime-sama by his personal name is Naruto, and he gets by on "Old Man."
I did suddenly realise a different minor plot hole, though - somehow despite being born after Naruto, Rikou is older? Ahm, no. Gotta change that one so her mother is saved from some Stone raiders during the war, I guess.
- CD
What, you think Samuel L. Jackson isn't going to survive the zombie apocalypse?

SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

Re: Ooh! Ooh! World building! - Evil Midnight Lurker - 07-26-2005

H'm. Orochimaru = "perfect serpent."
"Ninjitsu is an interpretive art form... we each have our own, small departures from tradition." (Sagin the Wolf, wielding a .45)

Re: re: TEAM EXPLOSIVE YOUTH! HASSHIN!! - Acyl - 07-26-2005

So I read this story, and it made me laugh. It made me laugh very much. So I showed a friend this, and he screamed. Then demanded that I stop quoting bits of every five minutes.
So I laughed more.
You, sir, and the other wonderfully demented minds behind the genesis of this project deserve salutation. I salute you.
-- Acyl

Re: re: TEAM EXPLOSIVE YOUTH! HASSHIN!! - classicdrogn - 07-26-2005

Ah, happy to be of service. More is a'brewin'.
- CD
What, you think Samuel L. Jackson isn't going to survive the zombie apocalypse?

SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

Re: re: TEAM EXPLOSIVE YOUTH! HASSHIN!! - classicdrogn - 07-27-2005

Ibiki-san kindly, ah, persueded my scanner to work again, and so here is a much better version of the Team Explosive Youth group shot.
The red thing on Rikou's arm is a half-width kunai holster, like the one Lee uses - she has another on the other arm. Should she have a different color for her leg weights, too? I was going to make them dark blue, but wasn't sure it would look right, next to blue nin-sandals.
- CD
What, you think Samuel L. Jackson isn't going to survive the zombie apocalypse?

SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

Re: TEAM EXPLOSIVE YOUTH! HASSHIN!! - Herr Bad Moon - 07-27-2005

"The Leaf's Blazing Orange Wildfire, Uzumaki Naruto!"

Oh god, I can't handle this. Bwahahahha
I am sooo looking forward to ANY interaction between these four and, well pretty much anybody. ---------------
Leo: (July 23 - Aug 22)
You'll feel a lot better with warm clothes on your back and food in your stomach, proving that cannibalism has a couple things going for it.
"And that must have caused my dad's brain to break in half, replaced by a purely mechanical engine of revenge!"

Re: TEAM EXPLOSIVE YOUTH! HASSHIN!! - classicdrogn - 07-28-2005

I've pretty much decided to go with Neshan as Tenten's interim sensei until she can be assigned a proper three-person team, because without a team a genin can't really go on missions outside the village anyway, so one of the Special Jounin would make the most sense in that respect. Since Nathan has said his priority would be on improving penetration of her thrown wepaons and mastering wielded weapons, I came up with one of the latter for her to use - a Sun and Moon Fork. Picture a staff, with a crescent blade on one end attached so the points face away from the length of the handle, made of silvered steel and sharpened on the inner face - this being the moon and the fork. On the other end, a slightly-smaller-than-head-size brass sphere, the sun. A well aimed moon-strike can take a person's head right off, and the shape of the blade means it won't slide away form the target area, while a sun strike can be just as deadly in its crushing force, or moderated to injure without killing. Of course, she'd also get some knife-fighting tehcniques for close and quiet work, if need be, but her focus would remain from outside of arm's reach to the edge of throwing range.
Sasuke's combat style I'm pretty much leaving alone, he favors being a short distance away to use fire jutsu or kunai but is also reasonably capable close in (in relative terms, of course, being compared to other ninja).
This means that for Sakura, when she gets pissed off and demands for Kakshi to give her some serious training, I need a close-combat specialist to balance the team, who can move quickly and unpredictably to open or close the range to let her team-mates work with their distance attacks, or to get inside an enemy's. I have therefore decided to have her learn a combat dance taijutsu style, focusing on evasiveness and leg strikes to maximize the advantages of her lightweight build in speed and strength-to-weight and minimise the disadvantages in toughness and raw power.
(Inner sakura rants happily about the look that'll be on that puffball-head skank's face as she dodges EVERY ONE of the flying weapons, then gets a double-kick to her feakishly-huge chest to go flying into a dumpster, at which time Sasuke-kun will come to his senses and see Sakura is the perfect girl for him, and they'lll kiss softly under a blossoming cherry tree framed by the sunset, and... well, you get the idea.)
I'm also seeing Neshan pull Kakashi aside when he hears about his temporary student having assigned to Team 7... the dialogue isn't firmed up in my mind, but it might be better for N. to comment on and possibly write the scene entirely anway. I figure something about how he'd known that she'd only be with him a year anyway and he'll entrust her, his (first?) student in Kakashi's care, but remind him not to be so casual about things, at least not untill the team has acheived a high efficiency, because even if they're skilled kids, they're still novice ninja and mistakes can be counted in lives. Something like that, anyway. Basically, setting up for Kakashi to realise he's done just what Neshan was talking about when Sakura shows up pounding on his apartment door some morning and drags him toward the practise area demanding he get serious with her training.
(Kakashi was faintly surprised at the strength the girl was showing - not that he couldn't have resisted her, of course, but if this was what she had with only minimal Academy conditioning, he'd been doing her an injustice to let her slide since becoming her superior. Shaking her hand loose from his vest, he gave the scowling girl one of his eye-smiles, then took the lead himself to the practise field. He'd visit Obito and Rin a little later, when he could tell them about his spitfire of a student's first serious lesson.)
- CD
What, you think Samuel L. Jackson isn't going to survive the zombie apocalypse?

SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

Re: TEAM EXPLOSIVE YOUTH! HASSHIN!! - Valles - 07-28-2005

I've pretty much decided to go with Neshan as Tenten's interim sensei until she can be assigned a proper three-person team, because without a team a genin can't really go on missions outside the village anyway, so one of the Special Jounin would make the most sense in that respect.
This means that for Sakura, when she gets pissed off and demands for Kakshi to give her some serious training, I need a close-combat specialist to balance the team, who can move quickly and unpredictably to open or close the range to let her team-mates work with their distance attacks, or to get inside an enemy's. I have therefore decided to have her learn a combat dance taijutsu style, focusing on evasiveness and leg strikes to maximize the advantages of her lightweight build in speed and strength-to-weight and minimise the disadvantages in toughness and raw power.
Heh. Should make an interesting contrast to my version, who's being taught by a teacher who is both 1.) personally a toughness-and-raw-power fighter and 2.) planning to hand her over to Tsunade at a future date.
Which is especially apropos since, if you'll recall, the Devil in the Red Dress has informed us that Adult!Sakura is 5' 11" in her stocking feet.
Which, I'll grant, is actually rather unlikely, but I wanted her tall to contrast with Hinata, who, like all Hyuuga, is going to end up a little on the short side. (Don't believe me? Hiashi's 5' 9".)
Since you'll have different meta-reasons, you'd probably want her to end up more reasonably-sized.
(Inner sakura rants happily about the look that'll be on that puffball-head skank's face as she dodges EVERY ONE of the flying weapons, then gets a double-kick to her feakishly-huge chest to go flying into a dumpster, at which time Sasuke-kun will come to his senses and see Sakura is the perfect girl for him, and they'lll kiss softly under a blossoming cherry tree framed by the sunset, and... well, you get the idea.)
*falls over laughing*
I'm also seeing Neshan pull Kakashi aside when he hears about his temporary student having assigned to Team 7... the dialogue isn't firmed up in my mind, but it might be better for N. to comment on and possibly write the scene entirely anway. I figure something about how he'd known that she'd only be with him a year anyway and he'll entrust her, his (first?) student in Kakashi's care, but remind him not to be so casual about things, at least not untill the team has acheived a high efficiency, because even if they're skilled kids, they're still novice ninja and mistakes can be counted in lives. Something like that, anyway. Basically, setting up for Kakashi to realise he's done just what Neshan was talking about when Sakura shows up pounding on his apartment door some morning and drags him toward the practise area demanding he get serious with her training.
Mmm. Unlike the TGNH edition, -this- Neshan has no reason to distrust Kakashi's judgement... well, more than vaguely generally, since they probably already knew each other through Rin even without the small size of Konoha's Jounin community... so that conversation probably wouldn't happen right off the bat. OTOH, I think Tenten's more than sensible enough to get -truly- frustrated by Pr0nb0i's approach to 'teaching' and try and take it to some other trusted authority figure.
So, yeah, that conversation'd definitely happen, but probably not until sometime around when the Flowergirl and 10^2 situation comes to a head the first time - since that fight or its leadup would make it clear to her that what Neshan's lessons have taught her about teamwork and the team leader's role in it -isn't happening-.
Being Kakashi, he'll probably still miss the point about what he was being chewed out about - since, as far as I can tell, he thinks that teamwork and unity are just these things that are magically supposed to happen when you have a team. Probably because that was all he could see with -his- team, but it'll give us a second Sakura/Tenten showcase match, so let's call that even for story purposes.
Ja, -n

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."

Re: TEAM EXPLOSIVE YOUTH! HASSHIN!! - classicdrogn - 07-28-2005

>and... well, you get the idea.)<
*falls over laughing*
For best effect, imagine this in ChibiVision, ala Shikamaru thinking about strategy against Tayuya, or B-ko plotting to dispose of A-ko.
Mmm. Unlike the TGNH edition, -this- Neshan has no reason to distrust Kakashi's judgement... well, more than vaguely generally, since they probably already knew each other through Rin even without the small size of Konoha's Jounin community... so that conversation probably wouldn't happen right off the bat. OTOH, I think Tenten's more than sensible enough to get -truly- frustrated by Pr0nb0i's approach to 'teaching' and try and take it to some other trusted authority figure.
I figured the simple fact that he's never on time to anything and never takes anything seriously until it's do-or-die time would be enough to sound worning bells, but you know your avatar best, of course.
Hum - would a genin be capable of learning the trick he uses to store his own staff? Would he teach it?

Und zo:
Baksuta Neshan, Special Jounin of the Leaf, was just finishing his grocery shopping for the week when he heard a familiar voice call his name. Turning, he saw a tall girl, her brown hair in twin buns and dressed in a sleeveless pink top and blue knee-shorts, waving and calling to him down the street. He waited for her to catch up before continuing down it toward his home and more immediately to one of Konohagakure's many little parks, where they could sit and talk if whatever she wanted turned out to take a while. "Tenten-kun, it's nice to see you again. Getting along with your new team?" From the frustrated sound she made that might not have been the best opener for small talk, he reflected as he adjusted his glasses.
"I WISH, Neshan-sensei," the brunette sighed, after a few seconds of indistinguishable muttering. "Sasuke-san is all right I guess - I think he might have a crush on me, actually, since his ears keep turning red when I talk to him, but Sakura has resented me from the beginning, and since Kakashi-san doesn't seem to notice it she's just gotten worse since then."
He frowned slightly, and chided, "You should call him 'sensei' now, like me. Actually, I'm not your sensei any more, that was only a temporary thing since you got stuck without a team when your class graduated, and fortunately - though not so much for you - there weren't any existing teams that had lost a member at that time." Catching her uncertain look in his peripheral vision, the young-looking jounin quickly added, "That doesn't mean I don't want to help you if I can, it's just not official any more."
Resuming her train of thought, the girl explained, "He hasn't TAUGHT anything yet. In team practise he just has two of us spar and the other practise jutsu or thrown weapons, and on missions he mostly sits on a tree branch and reads while the three of us muddle along. Okay, so they've only been boring D-rank stuff like walking dogs and babysitting and cathing Tora, but you told me they're supposed to be teamwork excercises. Sasuke wanders off and does whatever, Sakura follows him like a puppy, and I have to fill in the holes... the only time he's done any leading is when we go after that stupid cat, and then he just tells us a plan without even asking if we've got one ourselves!" Realising she shouldn't be so negative about her official superior, Tenten bit her lip for a moment, before continuing more calmly, "It's just so frustrating. I'd rather have stuck with you for a while longer."
He gave a soft bark of laughter, then waved her toward the benches as they turned into the park. "I'm flattered, but you can't advance without getting experience outside the village and going through the chuunin exams, and for both of those you need a team. You told me your dream is to be a great kunoichi like Tsunade-hime, didn't you? It would be hard to do that as a genin, even if I taught you everything I know."
Tenten sighed and slouched forward, resting her chin in her hands. She scuffed the spiral insignia of the Leaf into the dirt with a foot as she glumly replied, "Yeah, I know, but right now I don't have a team, just some other genin and a jounin that I work with. Even if Orochimaru eventually became a missing-nin, the Legendary Three were still a team at first."
The tall jounin was silent for a moment, sitting with lips pursed in thought. "Was this what you wanted to talk to me about?" he asked finally.
"Yeah, well, I guess so," she replied, with a slight shrug. "It's just... the discussions we had about teamwork were better than this, and that was without having a team to practise with. I realise you can't do anything official about it, and I wouldn't want to make trouble, but it's just, well, frustrating, like I said." Tenten wiped out the pattern in the dirt with a swipe of her sandals, then pushed of the bench and bounced to her feet with a more positive expression. "Thank you for listening to me, Neshan-sensei. I trid to say it to Kakashi-sensei himself, but I wasn't sure how he'd react, even if he seems relaxed usually. I want to get along with them, really, and not just because we have to trust each other with our lives. You showed me how good it is to be freinds with your partners, and I want that for Team Seven."

I'm having trouble ending the conversation, but the last important part is supposed to be Neshan saying "I'll talk to Kakashi about it/for you." Hopefully I dind't mangle your character too much.
Oh, and does anyone have a link to somewhere with a shinobi countries map? I can google myself, of course, but a known link is a lot less troublesome.
Aslo here's a Naruto pun that I found as a spelling error - You know how the japanese for 'missing-ninja' is 'nuke-nin', ja? Well, if you lose the 'n' (uke-nin) you have "fag-ninja!" Perfect for taunting the rougue nin of your choice! Well, assuming that the rogue is a straight male. It completely broke the mood, reading about how the Leaf was fighting off an invasion of 100 uke-nin hired by Akatsuki as a distraction while they went after Naurto and Gaara.
- CD is currently working on another section, filling in between normal TXY morning practice routine and Jiraya and Naruto introducing themselves to each other.What, you think Samuel L. Jackson isn't going to survive the zombie apocalypse?
SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

Re: TEAM EXPLOSIVE YOUTH! HASSHIN!! - Valles - 07-28-2005

I figured the simple fact that he's never on time to anything and never takes anything seriously until it's do-or-die time would be enough to sound worning bells, but you know your avatar best, of course.
There probably are warning bells, or at least a vague sort of 'I hope she does okay under -that- guy,' worry, but personal opinions aside, the man -is- a Jounin, and can therefore be trusted to know how to do his job... until proven otherwise.
Putting it another way, I suppress my emotions so much that I don't have much in the way of 'gut instinct'. He's better about it, but not by that much.
Hum - would a genin be capable of learning the trick he uses to store his own staff? Would he teach it?
Yes and yes. For the first, one of the big attractions of seals, for him, is that anybody who's willing to do the research and brainsweat to understand them can perform all but the very most powerful effects... and another is that, once the seal is created, all you need to do is spend that tiny flicker of chakra to trigger the thing. So, yes, with the proper tools and instruction, Tenten is quite capable of reproducing that summoning seal - from scratch, if need be. And, even if she wasn't, he could quite easily just make one for her and instruct her in its use like any other weapon.
For the second, he's an orphan from a non-ninja family. He has no bloodline to worry about - no secrets to protect. Despite his ability at creative applications, -nothing- he does is sufficiently original that any Jounin with a description of the effect couldn't reverse-engineer it.
I'm having trouble ending the conversation, but the last important part is supposed to be Neshan saying "I'll talk to Kakashi about it/for you." Hopefully I dind't mangle your character too much.
Nope, I'd say not terribly. I'll take a fire-axe to it for my own draft... sometime other than four in the morning.
Oh, and does anyone have a link to somewhere with a shinobi countries map? I can google myself, of course, but a known link is a lot less troublesome.
Map at an interesting site
I disagree with both of his bloodline theories, but interesting nonetheless. Oh, and the southern border of the Rain Country is hidden under the text.
'Uke-nin'... Unfortunately, not a Neshan thing to say. However, it is very -much- a -Naruto- thing to say.
I'll have to remember that.
Ja, -n

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."

Re: TEAM EXPLOSIVE YOUTH! HASSHIN!! - drakensis - 07-28-2005

I figured the simple fact that he's never on time to anything and never takes anything seriously until it's do-or-die time would be enough to sound worning bells
I have to wonder if his always being late is at least partly a cover for him occasionally being late to manipulate a situation. The Chunin Exam for example - does anyone really think Sasuke would be promoted when he was late to his own final exam? But it's not Kakashi sabotaging him, oh no, it's just Kakashi being Kakashi.
No, I'm not serious. But I do have my suspicions that Kakashi just doesn't like teaching and he's gotten used to not having to do anything he doesn't want to because he's a genius so why should he?
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.

Re: TEAM EXPLOSIVE YOUTH! HASSHIN!! - classicdrogn - 07-28-2005

Perhaps, but if he's going to have that attitude, he shouldn't have taken a team to teach. Now that he has them, it's time to buck up before he gets someone killed.
Yes and yes. For the first, one of the big attractions of seals, for him, is that anybody who's willing to do the research and brainsweat to understand them can perform all but the very most powerful effects... and another is that, once the seal is created, all you need to do is spend that tiny flicker of chakra to trigger the thing. So, yes, with the proper tools and
Well that's helpful, then - it's hard to indulge my second fondness in weapons - that being center-grip polearms - when I know from personal experience how much of a PIA they can be when trying to move through the woods, and even more when the character in question is likely to want to be stealthy - difficult witha six foot plus weapon on your person.
Most likely, having thought about it more, Tenten would find it to be simple next to learning to make her family weapon-summoning scrolls for the Dragon Dance thingy I can't remember the proper name of at the moment and can't be bothered to look up. Do I need to add something to her costume in the way of an armlet or bracer for the seal to be hidden in? Would a set of Kakashi-like fingerless gloves with a plate on the back work - the seal could be etched or painted on the inside surface of the plate, probably, and they would give her some protection for her hands in her new close-combat regime. (yes, I got the idea from the gloves in Fullmetal Alchemist with a transmuter's circle on the back.)
Actually... I could see her making herself a set of three for each hand's knuckle plate, once she practises the presiscion of control to only activate one at a time. One summons her jitsugetsu (sun and moon; time; days; years - a combo is jitsugetsuseishin - Sun and Moon and Stars - a moon strike across, a sun strike up to throw them into the air, then lots and lots of shuriken as they fly out of reach) that spot on the other hand calls a (normal, not Spring Steel Compound Bow of DOOM!) longbow, and then one on each hand for a handful of kunai or shuriken - throw left, throw right, recall left from where they hit and throw, recall right from where they hit and throw, repeat as needed.
Almost as good as an inexhaustible supply, except that if they get damaged she has to fall back to her usual carried ones and she has to actually wait for them to reach the target before recalling them to throw again, and she can't use them to deliver an explosion tag since the tag would come too when they were recalled. Of course, most of her clothes are one big mass of hidden pockets... It's a good thing for her there aren't airports in the shinobi world, because she'd never get through the security checkpoint. Immediately removing the blades would also heighten blood loss, unless she's fqacing someone with jinchuuriki-like regeneration abilities. Or, maybe that's what she'd think of as another application for the seal, and your avatar could come up with a similar but more effective approach. It's probably the thing that she would most want to have learnt from Neshan (which my fingers insist on mistyping 'Nechan' [Image: happy.gif] ) (GDWTF!? The message just posted itself, unfinished...) given her preferred combat mode.
Hmm, for that matter, could a variation on that seal be made that's effectively a reloading kunai trap? - when given a triggering chakra burst, a kunai of mass of them come flying out, then are reset when a defferent trigger pattern is used? This and a few normal bunshins would duplicate the ambush the Mist-nin used on Team7 plus Kabuto in the Forest of Death. Actually making the bunshins would probably be Sakura and Sasuke's job, thoguh it's hard to tell if Tenten isn't good at/doesn't like ninjutsu and genjutsu or if she hasn't used any because almost no one has used a normal bunshin (I think Sakura did, once) since the Academy exams. It makes you wonder why they bothered to put it on the final if no one ever uses them in battle... maybe just because it's a genjutsu genin can learn, and thereby show whether they have an aptitude for it?
Eh, whatever.
- CD
What, you think Samuel L. Jackson isn't going to survive the zombie apocalypse?

SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

Re: Tenten/Neshan convo - classicdrogn - 07-29-2005

I just now (yes, only NOW) realised that a lot of what Tenten says seems to contradict itself without knowing what's actually going on - mainly with Sasuke. Tha boy's probablem has always been that he thinks too much, and right now he's in heavy-uty denial that he has, or even could have, interest in any girl, let alone his slightly older team mate. He acknowledges her as a serious ninja, and therefore rationalises that she's quite able to handle her share of their lame D missions, so he goes and does whatever will keep him farthest away from her, because he DOESN'T WANT TO HANG AROUND HER LIKE THOSE ANNOYING FANGIRLS HANG AROUND HIM! No way! Even if he did, it's not because he likes her like that, and he doesn't! It doesn't matter if his ears keep getting hot...
Meanwhile, every time Sakura starts to feel like she could get along with Tenten, whom she also sees as being worthy of respect as a kunoichi (when she's not busy with jealous suspsicion), puffball-head says something and makes Sasuke-kun feel so uncomfortable his ears turn red. (That bitch! Can't she see Sasuke-kun is MINE MINE MINE!? SHANNARO!) This is still a wek or two before Sakura vs. Tenten (round one) - that happens when Sasuke starts watching her dreamily while they wait for Kakashi to show up, Tenten teases him a litle, Sakura takes offense, and Sasuke is too emabarrassed to be caught acting like a fangirl to say anything, let alone break them up. Kakashi just figures they've gotten it out of their system and now everything will be fine, having popped in after it's all over, sakura hvaing stormed off in a huff to bandage the scrapes and (very shallow - Tenten's not going to go for serious wounds on a team mate, if if she is a jealous little brat) cuts she picked up, (Eh? Well, I guess she can miss today. She'll settle down, and then train a little extra next week to make it up. It's a simple mission for you anyway, just getting some grocieries...) Tenten Perched on a tree limb and not in the best of moods either, Sasuke STILL red-eared from getting caught on the other side of the admiring line. The next day is normally the first of two days off for Team 7, but Sakura shows up early to get Kakashi to train her...
- CD
What, you think Samuel L. Jackson isn't going to survive the zombie apocalypse?

SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows