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Old School - Printable Version

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Old School - Kokuten - 01-09-2006

Stefan Gagne's Sailor Nothing, a delightful piece of original Magical Girl dark fiction.
Old Old Old school, but Twoflower did a wonderful job on this - it stands the test of time, IMO. I dropped it on my PDA and was up all night reading.[Image: kokbanner.jpg]
--- Kokuten Daysleeper, Retired Epicced Officered DorfWire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979

Re: Old School - Sweno - 01-09-2006

I picked this up from some other thread, but I will heartily second this. Very nice, and very realistic. Also with a few twists that hit me out of left field.-Terry
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Re: Old School - Bob Schroeck - 01-09-2006

Probably you saw the link I put into the thread on my COH heroes. I remember waiting eagerly for the next installment of Sailor Nothing, back when Gagne was writing it (if "writing" is the right word for some of those installments), and I never hesitate to recommend it to folks who weren't around (or weren't into magical girls) when it first came out.

-- Bob
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