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Pre Series Seven Buffy/Xander fics? - Printable Version

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Pre Series Seven Buffy/Xander fics? - David Lewis - 06-07-2008

Here we go again. I'm back on a Buffy kick, and given the success of my
previous Sailor Moon, Dragonball, Tenchi Muyo and most importently Buffy fic searches (the exercise was worth it for McGregor's I Am What I Am alone,
especially the commentary version :-)), and given the the huge variety of experience and depth of knowledge of the subject of fanfiction here (and buffy
mentions aplenty), I was hoping for some more suggestions? What in your opinion are the best Buffyverse stories out there? And to make it easier/difficult,
This time with the caveat, Buffy/Xander pre-series seven fics, something I've had hardly any luck in finding. I'll start off with a few for a change.

http://www.geocities.com/melissa_rae.geo/brownie.html - The First Annual Brownie Bake-Off and Rootin' Tootin' Jamboree- by Pete Mellinger - Not a romance as such, but a very sweet B/W/X friendship fic set early seasons, from Joyce's

http://archive.shriftweb.org/archive/27/sugarwater.html - Sugar Water - By Saz -
In his mind it had never played out like this. An author's take on Xander's thoughts during the Bronze scene in When She Was Bad. More angst then
Romance, but quite good.

http://www.livejournal.com/tools/memori ... filter=all
- I Am What I Am - m_mcgregor - Easily one of my favourite stories ever from any fandom,
McGregor takes the common 'Halloween' fic and spins it out into one of the most gripping, well written and ... well, GOOD fics I've ever read.
Don't let the 60+ plus chapters and somewhat haphazard organisation throw you, this is a MUST read. There's even a version with DVD-style commentary
where he notes down his thoughts on the story, characters and relationships in both his fic and the show itself that are very illuminating and surprisingly
enjoyable. Despite being Xander-centric, he goes to great lengths to make it believable, focus on how the entire scooby gang is affected and changed and not
wander into SuperXander!(although he admits to missing in one or two scenes:-) ) The plot - During the episode Halloween, Xander chose to dress not as a
Soldier, but as Himself. The spell effects him differently, by turning him into everything he's ever or will ever be. In essence, he remembers his entire
life, including the future, up until his death. Now the teenage bodied Zeppo is suddenly a much older and experienced (but not necessarily mature) man, and
has a chance to help the people he cares about, save some lives, and change the world. But will it be for the better... or worse?

- Bob Schroeck - 06-07-2008

I heartily second "I Am What I Am". Easily one of my favorite Buffy stories.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

- David Lewis - 06-08-2008

None yet? I'll post a few more to keep
it rolling...

- Who Would Win? - M.C.McGreggor - A short fluffy piece (set
post chosen, sorry) About Buffy and Xander realising their feelings
for each other in the quintessential way: arguing about
http://wickedraygun.herocomplex.co.uk/f ... lelate.htm
- Too Little Too Late - Wicked Raygun - An angsty dialogue
piece between Buffy and Xander set Season 6, when he starts going out
with Amy(!?!)
http://www.geocities.com/bxfanfic/ourday.html -
Our Day Has Come - A Diabetes-inducingly sweet fic that's low
on plot and high on fluff, set after Riley leaves and Buffy realises
how much she wants the Zeppo.

- CattyNebulart - 06-08-2008

http://www.echonyc.com/~stax/Buffy/nwhe ... ittle.html

The best Buffy fanfic I have read. It's set post chosen, taking a look at one of the new slayers to be called.

EDIT: Granted it fails on all requierments (it's not Buffy/Xander, it's not before season 7 etc..) but still... maybe next time I should actualy read
the opening post.
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."