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Crossovers that MUST be - Printable Version +- Drunkard's Walk Forums (http://www.accessdenied-rms.net/forums) +-- Forum: General (http://www.accessdenied-rms.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=1) +--- Forum: Other People's Fanfiction (http://www.accessdenied-rms.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=8) +--- Thread: Crossovers that MUST be (/showthread.php?tid=8024) |
Crossovers that MUST be - Bob Schroeck - 06-01-2009 Harry Dresden-Bishop Blackie Ryan -- Bob --------- Then the horns kicked in... ...and my shoes began to squeak. - drakensis - 06-01-2009 Agreed. For another, a crossover of Katherine Kurtz Deryni books with Katherine Kerr's Deverry books. D for Drakensis You're only young once, but immaturity is forever. - Black Aeronaut - 06-03-2009 Hrm... I wonder what Diane Duane's Young Wizards series would crossover well with... - ECSNorway - 06-03-2009 Quote:Hrm... I wonder what Diane Duane's Young Wizards series would crossover well with... Hm. Tanya Huff's Summon the Keeper, maybe? Or a Nanoha crossover... perhaps the manuals get mistaken for some sort of Lost Logia, or the Book of Night Sky was an attempt to create one (or a prototype for them).... -- Sucrose Octanitrate. Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode. - Wiregeek - 06-03-2009 Young Wizards/Potter "So you're telling me that in Europe, they have Wizardry _schools_?!" Young Wizards/Dresden Harry Dresden, Senior Wizard for Chicago. Young Wizards/Potter/Dresden "Congratulations. If you're in this room, you've either graduated from one of Europe's academies, or you've been endorsed from your Senior as ready for the next level. I'm Harry Dresden, and I'm here to teach you what's really out there." "No can brain today. Want cheezeburger." From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5579457/1/NGE_Nobody_Dies - Ebony - 06-03-2009 War for the Oaks by Emma Bull and Gossamer Axe by Gael Baudino. Eddi and the Fey versus Gossamer Axe in a Battle of the Bands! Ebony the Black Dragon http://ebony14.livejournal.com "Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you." - Shepherd - 06-03-2009 Quote: blackaeronaut wrote:If I Pay Thee Not in Gold, by Piers Anthony and Mercedes Lackey. In that book, each era has different rules of magic and each time magic reboots it becomes stronger while affecting a group that is different from the last group. Perhaps the magic from Young Wizards is the way that magic works in the modern era. Now that I think about it, If I Pay Thee Not in Gold would also work well with Harry Potter. Perhaps Harry decides that Wizarding society is too corrupt to be allowed to exist and so reboots magic so that wand magic ceases to work and some new form of magic replaces it. In that case 'the power the dark lord knows not' could be the power to change the nature of magic itself. ---------------------------------------------------- "Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV - Evil Midnight Lurker - 06-04-2009 nBSG w/canon ending, and BGC. Because you can't tell me the second doesn't follow on from the first. --Sam "Surf's up, space ponies -- I'M MAKIN' GRAVY WITHOUT THE LUMPS!!!!!" - drakensis - 06-04-2009 Druss the Legend/Boondock Saints "Never violate a woman, nor harm a child. Do not lie, cheat or steal, These thingsare for lesser men. Protect the weak against the evil strong. And never allow thoughts of gain to lead you into the pursuit of evil." "Do not kill, do not rape, do not steal, these are principles which every man of every faith can embrace. These are not polite suggestions, these are codes of behavior and those of you that ignore them will pay the dearest cost." D for Drakensis You're only young once, but immaturity is forever. - Black Aeronaut - 06-04-2009 The Book of Night With Moon being Mistaken as Lost Logia... That's... Wow. It'd have to be slightly AU, seeing as the Powers That Be took measures to make sure that it wouldn't be found by anyone who wasn't supposed to find it... Not unless they wanted Nanoha to, for whatever reason. More likely, they somehow stumble upon the little pocket that Nita and Kit made for that Wyrm and recover the Lone Power's twisted version of the book. Now, I can see why TSAB would be interested in the thing, because while the Book of Night with Moon radiates a vague sense of danger due to the power it holds, the Lone Power's version simply radiates wrongness to such a degree that holding it for extended periods of time can actually hurt. So, Nanoha and Fate try getting this book back to the TSAB so they can figure out how to dispose of it properly (of course, not realizing that due to Karma, the book must exist as long as it's counterpart does as well), The Lone Power is hopping mad, trying to get it back... And then the Powers That Be scramble their best and brightest when dealing with The Lone Power directly: Juanita Calahan, Kit Rodriguez, Dairine Calahan, and poossibly a few others. (The wizard from A Wizard Apart who was autistic comes to mind - TSAB's gonna have fits with him!) - ECSNorway - 06-04-2009 Actually, I was thinking more of the inverse situation... the Wizards' Manuals being mistaken for Lost Logia, and then some sort of plot inversion revealing that Hayate's 'Book of Darkness/Book of the Night Sky' was originally a prototype for them, or an attempt to duplicate them... But, yeah, if anyone's liable to find the Wyrm's pocket-D, it's the TSAB... -- Sucrose Octanitrate. Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode. - Black Aeronaut - 06-04-2009 Quote: ECSNorway wrote:OH! Quote: ECSNorway wrote:And that book's gonna cause all kinds of trouble once it gets loose. - ECSNorway - 06-08-2009 Over on TFF there's a lengthy thread of Fate-Stay/Night crossovers with a rather wide variety of people popping up as Servants. After the following quote: Quote:How about Sonny Wong, instead? It's hard to be more versatile than a Paper Master. Given enough of their tool of choice, they can do anything. I was ... inspired. Emeril "BAM!" Lagasse as Berserker Bobby "Throwdown" Flay as Assassin Masharu "Iron Chef" Morimoto as Saber. Chen "The Szechuan Sage" Kenichi as Caster. Alton "Good Eats" Brown as Archer. Rachel Ray as Lancer. Gordon Elliot as Rider. -- Sucrose Octanitrate. Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode. - Werehawk - 06-09-2009 On the Science Fiction front.... David Weber's Apocalypse Troll is one book that would make a basis for a great crossover... With first/second season Stargate SG1... Or with Babylon 5 take the events in the book then bring it forward with the effects of the technology from Apocalypse Troll as well as how the Babylon 5 universe future history would differ as a result...Up to the Minbari war I'd suggest the Dahakverse with Battlestar Galactica only do it at the point just after Imperial Terra self destructs ragtag fleet meets the sublight parasite battleship Israel....(The few Dahakverse crossovers that have been done for one reason or another haven't quite lived up to their potential... The other Dahakverse possibility is the ragtag fleet arrives just in time to experience the Achuultani siege of Earth... Kris Longknife/nBSG.... On the Anime Front... How about a straight Nanoha/Sailormoon crossover at some point in A's...Maybe having the inners be vacationing in Uminari city... Or how about a Nanoha A's/Harry Potter xover drawing on Hayate visiting retired Admiral Graham in England only to be drawn into an incident with the ministry of Magic... Although I just got hit by an evil idea for YAHF for Buffy...Willow dressed as Nanoha. With Buffy as Fate.... --Werehawk-- My mom's brief take on upcoming Guatemalan Elections "In last throes of preelection activities. Much loudspeaker vote pleading." - Bob Schroeck - 06-09-2009 The only problem with most YAHFs is that the author doesn't pay attention to time frames, and you get the Scoobies dressed as characters from stuff that came out five and ten years after that Halloween. That blows suspension of disbelief out of the water for me. -- Bob --------- Then the horns kicked in... ...and my shoes began to squeak. - Werehawk - 06-09-2009 Bob: Point...The time frame issue does at times make the suspension of disbelief a bit on the difficult side. but I have seen some YAHFs done with series in which the focus was an item belonging to the character from another series is used as a focus for the Halloween change... And for the matter I've seen more than one xover bite the dust on time frame mismatch...There is one Naruto x-over in which we find an immortal Naruto reading James Clavells Shogun then he goes to Japan a a century or so later and runs into Ranma and the Sailor Senshi...Shogun was published in 1975... Side note I sometimes get the feeling from some of the fragments of Naruto that I've watched that the series is set in a post civilization collapse setting...You have scattered elements of high tech gear and then you've got all this low tech or early industrial age stuff mixed in... --Werehawk-- My mom's brief take on upcoming Guatemalan Elections "In last throes of preelection activities. Much loudspeaker vote pleading." - zojojojo - 06-09-2009 werehawk Wrote:Side note I sometimes get the feeling from some of the fragments of Naruto that I've watched that the series is set in a post civilization collapse setting...You have scattered elements of high tech gear and then you've got all this low tech or early industrial age stuff mixed in... it seems to me like a lot of anime: they cherry-picked the technology they wanted to use and left the rest with no explanation.... the ninja have electricity, radios and tv, but no automobiles... and guns are rarer than hen's teeth, but not entirely unknown. i've seen some fanfic explain it away as post-apocalypse left-overs and others as "summoned" gear that they had to figure out how to use, but could not innovate or improve upon... in either case, i apply the bellesarius maxim and move on... -Z, Post-reader at Medium ---- If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization. - Black Aeronaut - 06-09-2009 Meh. I'd chalk it all up to how a modern Ninja village would stay 'hidden'. The society is not dependent on energy-intensive applications ot technology. Therefore you can get by with a small powerplant that doesn't need a lot of fuel. Less fuel = easier to hide. Same with cars - extreme energy consumption, plus noisy and polluting. Someone would notice that cloud of smog. - ECSNorway - 06-09-2009 I don't have any personal issues with just saying "season 1 was 2008-2009 school year"... -- Sucrose Octanitrate. Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode. - ordnance11 - 06-09-2009 GI Joe and the first book of Alan Dean Foster's "Spellsinger" series The Plated Folk stole one of the Pentagon's computer wargaming mainframes..GI Joe was dispatched to retrieved it. Gives the words "Bug Bomb" and "Raid" a whole new level of meaning, no? __________________ Into terror!, Into valour! Charge ahead! No! Never turn Yes, it's into the fire we fly And the devil will burn! - Scarlett Pimpernell - Evil Midnight Lurker - 06-10-2009 In the asteroid field that was once the planet Zebes, a strange new installation has appeared: a weird amalgamation of Pirate biotech and ancient Earth architecture. An ancient evil has awakened, and found a new avatar. METROIDVANIA: Demon Castle Ridley --Sam "What is a Chozo? A miserable little pile of secrets." - darwithe - 06-10-2009 Quote: Zojojojo wrote: Don't forget that they also have motor-boats and construction cranes too, and they are common enough for Wave country, a place small enough not to have a significant military presence, to have had them - al103 - 06-10-2009 Quote: werehawk wrote: IIRC there was also some abandoned skyscraper ruins in manga... - Norgarth - 06-10-2009 In an Anime Addventure episode I read recently, it was suggested that the major ninja villages restricted some technologies in their territories. In areas where ninjas aren't as predominant (like Wave) these technologies are more common. ___________________________ "I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin - Epsilon - 06-10-2009 Quote: Timote wrote: It wouldn't surprise me. The existence of ninja and how jealousy they gaurd their secrets seems to have propped up feudalism longer than normal and given the supression of firearms in real world Japan due to an attempt by the feudal state to keep itself in power its a safe assumption. --------------- Epsilon |