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NGE: Nobody Dies - Printable Version

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NGE: Nobody Dies - Shay Guy - 01-10-2010

Well, I may not have considered
, but I wasn't too far off in my WMG.

And while Gendo and Yui's scheming is certainly impressive, I'm not exactly sure I approve of it, though that may just be my tendency toward the Watsonian perspective.

Pronounced "shy guy."

- Necratoid - 01-10-2010

I was far, far less impressed with the Scheming then you and they are... I mean they declare Kyoko NOT responsible.... which is like saying Charles Manson
would/should have got off scott free if only he was paying less attention to the results of his proclamations. The difference between what I though it was and
what it was it was, that I though that those were the result of something Kyoko did do, rather than something she didn't do. Lets not even go into her
choice of a 'pet name' for someone that gets degrees in her teens. That most of this could have been prevented by droping two sentences over the
course of a literal decade means that for me, Kyoko went from bullet to the pycho's head to death a a thousand cuts territory.

- Matrix Dragon - 01-10-2010

Well, yeah Necratoid... what do you think they're doing? Smile

- Morganite - 01-10-2010

"You can't kill Kyoko. We need her another week."

-Morgan. This Rei is too dangerous, any more and I'll seriously fall in love...

- OpMegs - 01-10-2010

Yeah, that was the feeling I got from it....and note that such manipulations were played as comedic just a chapter earlier with Rei's blackmail scheme.

Frankly, I think this is the beginning of a rather rocky road to recovery for Kyoko, though by no means quick.

Alternatively, Unit-02 could potentially go Beast Mode and bite her head off ala EoE Gendo.
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay

- Necratoid - 01-10-2010

Can't wait for page 2 so we can be less vague... Anyway, I don't think that the Ikari elders have realized that Rei does not share there take on the
situation. She does hold Kyoko responable. Rei has a group of people that actually count as such to her... and was just told that it doesn't count in
anyway as Kyoko's fault. I don't think Rei will blow off the 'no kill order'. but they basically just told her that they didn't burn down
her tree house... blaim the matches that lit the gas. I think they are missing the point here. Well, Kyoko just became Rei's 'special friend' in
the Animaniacs way.

- s3yang - 01-10-2010

I more or less agree with OpMegs, this really reads like the start of Kyoko's rehabilitation, especially given the author's treatment of this
particular story. The last bits at least, seem at least somewhat sympathetic to Kyoko. On a different note.... Last scene, going seraphim? Or released

Personally I think it's the former, considering the way that they opened/closed and the implied arrangement thereof. (And It's already been stated she
has a few other forms.).

- Black Aeronaut - 01-10-2010

I'm simply enjoying the hell outta this one. The squeaky mallet was a nice little touch, I think. (^_^)

- Evil Midnight Lurker - 01-11-2010

And if she can do all that with a squeaky mallet, just imagine what she can accomplish with


"Why are you wearing the last Angel on your head?"

- ordnance11 - 01-11-2010

Maya Ibuki in a blue spandex suit...*drool*
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell

- Herr Bad Moon - 01-11-2010

Quote:“Is there a single person in the building without parent issues?”

“Shinji,” Ritsuko responds...

Even though it was stated somewhat straightforwardly, this killed me.
"And that must have caused my dad's brain to break in half, replaced by a purely mechanical engine of revenge!"

- Shay Guy - 01-12-2010

Quote:“And Rei is no more a danger to you than anyone else,” she continues.

"Than anyone else is," or "than to anyone else?"

Pronounced "shy guy."

- Valles - 01-12-2010

Oh. Fuck.

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."

- drakensis - 01-12-2010

Nobody Dies/Aeon Natum Engel crossover Omake

Quote: The old man paused. "Well, how are we going to explain her total change in colouration and temperament?"

"I'm sure if we use the word 'arcano' enough, they'll accept it. That isn't our major problem, though. If their Rei is
this..." he shuddered, "this... thisness, then imagine what their version of the Second Child must be like."

"Oh dear."


The old man ran his hand over his forehead. "Well, what are we going to do about... her?"

There was another explosion, and another whoop of joy.

"I... honestly don't know," admitted Gendo. "This was not part of the plan. At all. She's just so... destructive. And energetic.

Fuyutsuki muffled a smile at the unexpected outburst. "She is a force of nature, isn't she? Like some kind of hurricane or storm."

There was a frozen moment, as the genius of that statement hit them.

"Of course!" both men said simultaneously. "We can just drop her on Leng!"
What did the poor cthulhu-esque horrors ever do to you? ...did I just ask that?
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.

- OpMegs - 01-12-2010

I'm sorry, I'm terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought.
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay

- Wiregeek - 01-12-2010

'Loss of Ocular Virginity' is my new favorite phrase =^_^=
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman

- Sweno - 01-12-2010

I'm just horribly currious as to what was used as a substitute. Or if she just bent him in half
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy

- Evil Midnight Lurker - 01-12-2010

She had a polar bear right there... x.x


"Egad! Too much anatomy!"

- OpMegs - 01-14-2010

Oh dear. Oh deary, deary me.

Here's hoping Mana gets out of this with nothing more than a bit of nerve damage.

That said, I was NOT expecting ADAM to just *vaporize* another Angel the minute it came into contact.
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay

- Necratoid - 01-14-2010

It melted, not vaporized. Solid genetics carring light stuff to liquid LCL is melting. More importantly, when the angel of mind rape shows up and basically
screams, "Hey Pops! Suprize Butt SECKS!!!" at you.... its time to put down the retarded crab. Basically. this version of that angel was too stupid
to live.

I mean Adam is the definition of 'Not a morning person', first he wakes up and explodes (hey roll a D20 to see how you feel waking up today... Hmm...
1, 1, and 1), then he whines about how its someone else's fault... so now he thinks he is the avatar of 'Rocks Fall: Everyone Dies!'. Seriously,
he makes a body immune to coffee and spends all his waking time in genocidal rampages... and then blames everyone else. At this point, I wouldn't put it
past Lilith to have stuck around on Earth because Monkeys are inherently funny. The whole thing about man being her descendants being Adam jumping to
conclusions. Basically, Adam is a crappy roommate and Eve wasn't really worth living with for long... so Adam is Lilith's psycho ex-roommate. atalker.

- ordnance11 - 01-14-2010

Now what would be the appropriate BG music for the next scene:

"Emiya" from Fate/Stay Night?

"The Unsung War" from Air Combat 5?

Geki! Teikoku Kagekidan! from Sakura Taisen?
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell

- VladimirTherin - 01-14-2010

There was speculation as to the identity of "Ichi".

Has it already been discounted that its actually Unit 01?

- Matrix Dragon - 01-14-2010

Glancing over at the thread on Space Battles where Greg's replying? No comment either way.

- OpMegs - 01-14-2010

Quote: Necratoid wrote:

It melted, not vaporized. Solid genetics carring light stuff to liquid LCL is melting. More importantly, when the angel of mind rape shows up and basically
screams, "Hey Pops! Suprize Butt SECKS!!!" at you.... its time to put down the retarded crab. Basically. this version of that angel was too stupid
to live.
Nah, the angel of Mind Rape is Arael, who has yet to appear in this incarnation. And I have to wonder if it really will, given that it was pretty
much an excuse to traumatize Asuka and Greg's managed that quite fine already, thank you. :lol:

That said, the Angel of Surprise Buttsecks is possibly the most entertaining term I have heard today. :lol
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay

- Necratoid - 01-15-2010

So this was the one that lost in a dance fight? The 'crablike' descriptor is throwing me off here.

Asuka is what I refer to as a Trauma Queen, when it comes to being traumatised, notablely due to random chance, she ends up that target. That and she ended up
playing in the S.P.E.C.IA.L. system and used Luck as her dump stat. Probably used the Jinxed trait before learning the A.o.E. didn't extend outside her