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cross-posting something of mine from a TTGL bunny-thread on space battles. - Printable Version

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cross-posting something of mine from a TTGL bunny-thread on space battles. - VladimirTherin - 06-24-2010

I had an idea for a TTGL/Naruto cross ( I know, shame on me)

The start would be Simon after walking into the sunset at the end.

He comes to a shore with a mist covered island in the distance. A
faceless boatman explains to him its the Island of True Kings where
they rest until they are needed once more.

He mentions that you cant take any swords there (its a rule), and that it can be lonely (There is a "No Girls" rule too)

A throwaway comment "There are other worlds that need heroes too, you
know" makes Simon turn down the offered ride across and turn back upon
the path that took him there.

Basically just a thinly disguised excuse to have Simon start
curb-stomping through some of the more crap-sack worlds, "Believe in
the me that believes in you!"-ing all along the way.

My idea for him in the Naruto-verse was getting there some time before
the kyuubi-incident. He'd stomp some Bandits harassing a hamlet too
poor to afford ninjas, and mosie towards Konoha to look into things
more, just in time to see them getting messed up by the Fox.

Queue an epic throwdown between bunny-fufu and a giant green swirly giant.

Plot points:

Every Uchiha nearby with a manifested sharingan at that time has their
head explode due to sheer awesomeness overload. (Inadvertently
partially achieving Madara's goal for sicing the Kyuubi on Konoha)

Large portions of the Hyuuga would be permanently blinded as well.

Final showdown is so awesome that it leaves a spiral-shaped crater
outside Konoha several miles across. The only survivor and direct
witness is a newborn Naruto at the center. No one knows exactly *what*
happened at the end.

Doubts are raised as to who/what may be sealed within Naruto. Is it the "Giant of Light" AND the Kyuubi? Or just one of them?

Queue the surviving Hyuuga coming to a realization about how they have
been so wrong to repress their emotions. Queue them radically breaking
with tradition to pursue their new "Burning Blood/Will of Fire"
philosophy. ( this would be played for great lulz all around)
Edited after initial post-fail.

- Rod.H - 06-24-2010

Is blank Text now! Idea wrong to the order of many Rei's, so only one person in the world can write it......

- Black Aeronaut - 06-24-2010


- Necratoid - 06-24-2010

A few issues come to mind... first is this comees across as a Doujutsu hate fic.  Everything seems oriented as hating the eyes.
One of the main reasons for this is that so very many of them were in range to be effected.  Now, I haven't seen a map showing its relative location to Leaf, but I'm pretty sure that the Forest of Death is several kilometers from Leaf proper.  Meaning out of range of the White Eye for the most part.  So only the super stronger ones could actually see the battle in the first place unless you let the 9-tails get far closer than in canon.  I think one of the reasons the Hyuuga is such a large clan is simply because their powers (chakra sight and melee range attacks, they seem to avoid ranged chakra attacks like a plague, possibly to avoid blinding their eyes at least temporarily, from their own attacks) are such a mismatch to fighting a biju that they were left on guard duty.  The Leaf knew what kind of causualties a Biju inflicts and wanted a home guard for the follow up attacks by rival villages.  Also, the thing holding the Hyuuga backs is tradition... specifically as inflicted by the ultraconservative elders.  Which are under no circumstances going to be in range of the Buji or the Giant of Light.  So taking out most/many of the clans' eys is ultimately a useless act for foward advancement.... the problem will be fuly intact and still there.
The Red Eye issues are more open to debate.  First problem is that even though they are apparently a major part of the village on coat tails of their reported ability to control biju with their eyes, not a single (non-Mandara) Utciha seems to have gotten anywhere near the Kyubi while it rampaged.  A lot of this can be explained away by them being the police force and Biju attacks and aura cause glorious amounts of panic... another part is that the actually move that lets them control said Kaiju is from the betrayal monkey half of the family and they all went off with Mandara... meaning they didn't actually have anyone capable of the move at the time.
In short, without dropping the Kyubi in the village and bypassing the ninja blockade around Kohona in the first place both those Clan slaughters seem counter logical.  Both these Clans managed to avoid taking causalties like the rest of the villages Clans, by simple virtue of not being involved.  However, in order to pull off your scenario your going to need to explain this scenario in a way that explains this away.
First, I'd suggest making the Fourth Hokage out of town that week and the issue resolved before he can get back.  Maybe have the defensive plans influenced by Danzo's clever plan... 'clever' in exactly the way that solid, granite bricks float.  Possibly intentionally so... Even then your going to run into the issue of who survives instead.  Why no one could see the Epic Battle well enough to tell what happened.... and of course GL is a two man show... so someone has to be the second pilot.
I agree with the crapsack world view... the main thing that avoids that in canon is the Fourth.  First, he pwns the Rock villages impression of a Mongol hoard... likely averting a Dark Age basically single handedly.  Then he manages to screw up the Great and Powerful Plan: Moon the Kyubi! For Great Justice!  It doesn't hurt that Mist is so trigger happy that it keeps declaring open war on its own super weapons in ginormous fits of paranoia.
Come to think of it... Outside of Leaf only Cloud really seems to have its act anywhere near together.

- VladimirTherin - 06-24-2010

Not so much Jutsu hate as a way to abuse an Outside Context Problem to shuffle the deck a little.

It may be fanon, but I've always thought the idea that Hyuuga and Uchiha casualities in the Kyuubi Incident would have been disproportionate.

But then, I've always favored the idea of the Kyubi being more of an eldritch horror than hes usually portrayed as.

Running around with the ability to see portions of the "True Reality" of such a thing would be very, very bad.

It could also be used to describe how 2 people were enough to kill most of the Uchiha, if a lot of their better troops had not survived.

It wouldn't have to be a binary thing either. Have a gradient of injuries depending on how close they were to the fight and what moments they got caught watching. Anyone smart enough to duck and cover might have survived relatively unharmed too.

- Jorlem - 06-25-2010

For the Hyuuga, instead of being blinded, why not have their eyes send what amounts to error messages intead? It's something literally impossible, and their eyes are supposed to be able see everything under the sun (or something like that, I think), so it would just appear to be a blank spot to them when they look using their eye powers. This could stick with Naruto, rendering him partially invisible to the Byakugan.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber."  --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.

- Sweno - 06-25-2010

well if you are going for the eldrich horror route, those who look upon it with enhanced sight abilities could be driven varying levels of crazy
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy

- Necratoid - 06-25-2010

Oh I don't have issues with an Outside Context Problem scrambling them or anything... but you have to explain why the cops and a Clan grossly unsuited to fight a giant corrosive chakra abomination would be doing so.  I have no problem with spiral power blowing Hyuuga minds... I mean they see chakra.  Spiral Power is not chakra.  They'd be seeing the effects of energy that they could only see the effects of and not the actual power itself.  That and getting the feeling they were missing something just plain Awesome... which could cause them to do stupid, unwise things to attempt to see the missing Awesomeness.
The Sharigan is the 10 tails.  You worship it by doing increasingly violent and disturbed things to gain power from it (life or death struggle, kill your best friend in cold blood (or in some theories be fully willing and trying to/think you did), rip out your sibling's eyes and use them, absorb a soul eating abomination and star in your own nonsensical badly written spin off, possibly off your clan).  Seriously, being a bad person is a life skill for the Utchiha.
I think your trying to put the pile of raw materials, that will become the pile of parts that will be the wagon before the pony that will grow up to be the draft horse here.  Give us more plot and we can flesh it out and then flesh out the details your starting with here.  Start off with what are the largest features that are changed by this... so far we have Simon is wandering around and a lot of Doujutsu users suffering...  lets start off easy: Is Leaf better or worse off come the first episode of the series?  Stop obsessing over a pair of cotter pins and tell us if you building a wagon, stereo cabinet or a tube of lip gloss first.

- VladimirTherin - 06-25-2010


As for the Uchiha fighting the Kyubi, they were the *target* of its rampage, right? They didn't really have a choice but to flee, except for maybe outright flight.

The idea of them coming to the realization that there is something more powerful beyond chakra that there sight is powerless for would server almost as well to break them out of their rut. That would also serve to cause MORE strife between staunch traditionalists that try to deny it.

Is that thing about the 10 tails actually canon? I don't bother to read most of the manga post-timeskip.

- Jorlem - 06-25-2010

I thought it was Konoha in general that Madara was using the Kyuubi to try to destroy. I could be wrong though.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber."  --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.

- Black Aeronaut - 06-25-2010

Konoha in general, yes... But the Uchiha do hold a very special place in Uchiha Madara's heart... in that Terrifying!Rei way.

Suffice to say that he feels the Uchiha should be ruling the world by now, complete with skull-thrones and feasting upon their fallen foes after sucking out their living souls. Since they aren't, Madara feels that they are trash unworthy of bearing the name Uchiha and must be destroyed. Wink