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Expanding the UF Page on TVTropes - Printable Version

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Expanding the UF Page on TVTropes - Bob Schroeck - 07-08-2010

As the folks here who frequent TVTropes already know, over the last few months a system has been put in place that allows the use of separate pages for basic description, Crowning Moments, Characters, etc. for a series and conveniently ties them all together as a set of buttons across the top of any of the pages.  I've decided it'd be a good idea to try to do that for Undocumented Features, but I wanted to solicit a little help from anyone who'd like to give it -- suggestions for Crowning Moments of Awesome, Funny and Heartwarming, minibios of characters, stuff like that.  Anyone care to contribute?
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

- HoagieOfDoom - 07-10-2010

How much detail are we talking about here? Because if we do everything that falls under those criteria we'll be working on the page until well into next year. Minibios especially, given the ludicrous number of characters present.

- Bob Schroeck - 07-11-2010

Well, the minibios I'd figure should be about a paragraph apiece, and should probably cover only the active Wedge folks of the Symphony era -- Gryphon, Zoner, Kei, Yuri, Truss, a few others -- plus key members of their extended families like Corwin, Utena, Kaitlyn, Azalynn, Amanda, Len Hutchins, plus selected folks from other areas of the story world like Don Griffin. No more than 30 or 40 at the most? With, of course, a caveat at the top that this is a bare sampling.

For the Crowning moments -- those get to be large pages, I've noticed, so I'm less concerned about that. For funny, the relevant couple of paragraphs, with citation saying what story they're from. For the others, a summary plus citation should be sufficient.

As for how long we'll be working on it, it's a wiki. We throw the first few things we get up on the pages, add the rest as we think of/write them, and blink when someone we didn't expect beats us to them.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

- HoagieOfDoom - 07-11-2010

Alright then, count me in. I've been re-reading the Symphony (again) as of late, so I'll make a note of anything, uh, noteworthy.

- Bob Schroeck - 07-11-2010

Cool. I've pulled a few Funny and Heartwarming from my quotefile and a thread on the EPU forums I stumbled across via Google, but I haven't started anything else yet.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

- Black Aeronaut - 07-11-2010

How about things we can think of off the top of our heads? One of my favorites has always been the flash-back to when Eris slipped Zoner the Mask of Loki back in the Exile period and then nearly died laughing at the result. Smile

- Bob Schroeck - 07-12-2010

Sure, that's all I was really asking for -- I wasn't asking people to comb through the stories, just throw out favorites as they come to mind.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

- Black Aeronaut - 07-12-2010

Crowning moment of awesome then... The entire... fucking... battle... that culminated in Utena and Anthy taking out a White Elite.
Oh, and Chad's line before zorching a Klingon aerospace fighter: "Man-portable Getter Beam rifle. I must be outta my fuckin' mind."
Oh, and Xander Cage. Just... Xander Cage. 'Nuff said.
(Really, The Revolution Will Be Televised is just one big CMoA.)

- HoagieOfDoom - 07-12-2010

The CMOA that always comes to mind when I think of UF in general is Corwin's batshit insane rescue in Daggerdisc at the end of S1.

Others I can think of off the top of my head:

*Like blackaeronaut said, the entirety of The Revolution Will Be Televised should count as an extended CMOA.
*The reveal of the Butcher in Manhunt.
*Wakaba leveling the Black Omega facility with a Dragon Slave in S4.
*The Valiant's counter-boarding operation against Klayvor's ship in S3.
*Gryphon fighting with the Teikokukagekidan again in Aegis Florea 2: Commander Moreau Reprise (more specifically, when they start singing the theme song).
*Gryphon and Sumire's duels in both parts of Aegis Florea.
*Juniper taking on the spawn of Nidhogg solo at the beginning of S5.
*Corwin, Utena and Kozue's recapture of the Valiant in S4.
*Liza Shustal's reintroduction to the cast in S2.
*Knights of the Tenth World, Part 3.
*Corwin's instatement as a god.
*Utena and Anthy's wedding, as officiated by Corwin.
*Utena's speech in S5 to the wedding guests about why there will be no actual wedding.
*Utena and Corwin's "mini" wedding ceremony.
*Corwin's aborted curse on Mike Carpenter.
*Utena blasting Gryphon through the dojo in S1 (which subsequently becomes a CMOF).

...and I think that's it for now. It's sleepy time.

- Star Ranger4 - 07-12-2010

A night to remember.

Kate's Mastery Trial

Corwin reprograming Old Exterminator on the fly to win his duel with Domon

Saonji vs Tremane

Saonji vs LaFarga

Juni vs Tremane

the escapes from Toronto and the subsequent battle of Titan

Utena pounding the living carp outa Carpenter, and then staring down Kei over it

The escape from WPI
Utena and Corwin at bancroft tower after his classmate is killed (CMOH)
just about anything with G'Kon and Mac interacting for (CMOF0
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children

- Bob Schroeck - 07-12-2010

Wow, that's a lot right there, more than enough to start the page. Thanks!
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

- Black Aeronaut - 07-12-2010

No problem, Bob. (^_^)

'nother crowning moment of awesome? From the Golden Age period, Transformers: Flesh and Steel where Optimus Prime's newly rebuilt body, along with the Autobot Matrix spacfolds to them so Optimus can defeat Beastwars!Megatron. And Gryphon's line is priceless: "Shh! I want to enjoy this. I haven't seen him work in years."

- zojojojo - 07-12-2010

* You put a REFLEX CANNON in the Daggerdisc?!???
* Utena's speech at Dorothy's Turing Board hearing
* Utena's speech at the hearing to allow a Dueslist club at WPI (and her reaction afterwards)
* Utena's speech at Batista's Jedi hearing (are we sensing a theme yet?)
* May, Clarkson and Hammond commenting on the ride quality of their destroids mid-battle

there's more, i'm sure..
-Z, Post-reader at Medium
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.

- Bob Schroeck - 07-15-2010

Okay, I've just put up a skeleton http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/C ... edFeatures]Characters page. There're no actual biographies on it yet, just some suggested categories with lists of characters. It'd be great if interested parties would take a look and help lick it into a proper shape before/as we start doing up the actual bio texts.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.