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Asking members for a short self insert in a "toy" RPG universe - Printable Version

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Asking members for a short self insert in a "toy" RPG universe - hmelton - 03-04-2012

I'd like to ask members for short self inserts set in one of my "toy" wargame/RPG universe's.
Specifically I'd like to request interested site members to read over the info pointed to in the links below and then write a short self inserts of what they think their reaction would be to the described attack and attempted invasion of the US in march of 1998 of my wargame/RPG universe..
One thing to remember is that the Star Trek franchise doesn't exist in this version of the Star Gate universe instead it was "Galaxy Quest".  Other than the mentioned Star Trek it is safe to assume that all other science fiction from our universe also exist within this "toy" universe.
To save bandwith on this site if you write something for the wargame/RGP "toy"  I've labeled "Voyages End" you can email your work to me at this email address.
As an added benefit, unless the person submitting the self insert says otherwise I'll merge it with any others sent my way and put them all in a single HTML file and place a link to the short stories and snippets file on my Hobbies page and within the Voyages End file.
Before I forget please keep it PG-13 if you want your self insert posted I've got some young family members that have my hobbie page link and like Starfleet Battles, so they probably won't be able to resist reading the self inserts.
My reasons for this thread is to find out what other people(both in the US and around the world) think the version of themselves living in the Star Gate universe on march 6th and 7th in 1998 would do when they see the "Fires in the Sky" and are able to watch on TV and/or experience live the actual attacks of alien fighters flying almost randomly over both Canada and the eastern half of the United States.
What would your self insert of march 1998 think about the live televised Emergency Broadcast from the President stating the US was under attack, but currently all incoming fire was being intercepted by Reagan era star wars technology, but please seek shelter below ground level?
What would they think of a unedited or live video showing what at first was a series of high altitude explosions, followed by becoming a glowing cloud that quickly descends, dims and resolves in the camera's telephoto lenses into a swarm of what must be thousands of alien fighters?
What would your self insert make of the camera's audio pickup as he or she finally notices an ever increasing rumble that is air force Jets starting to fill the sky over DC? Then follow this with the sudden appearance of contrails pointing toward the descending swarm each representing climbing missiles fired from all around the viewers horizon as the massive attack drops below 100,000 feet over Washington DC.
What would your self insert think/do  when the US military and even the military of nations know for being close US allies are reported to be activating science fiction energy fields over bases and around Navy vessels?
How would your self insert react during the hours of partially and confusingly  televised invasion firefights both on the ground in D. C. and in the skis over half of America and parts of Canada?
What would he or she be thinking as telescopic cameras are sending live feeds of a large US Navy carrier group complete with two Battleships moving in close to the East coast around  Washington DC and are engaged by several alien gunships and alien fighter craft?
What would you/they think of seeing world wide video and news reports of what must be immense explosion occurring sometimes close enough to the upper atmosphere to make it glow for long periods and at other times what must be tens of thousands of kilometers from the planet.
What would your self insert think/do when they see the video or worse yet are a eye witness to several alien gunships rising up and taking on a large US Navy fleet off the east coast near DC?
What would they think when they see two Battleships firing 16 inch shells at the area where reports say alien infantry has landed and then notice that those Battleships and other Navy ships are using energy weapons and force fields or energy shields to partially protect themselves from what ever the aliens are firing at them.  
What would your self insert think after roughly six hours of the above alien attack reports complete with unedited video suddenly again being replaced by a calm US President speaking to US citizens telling them the invasion force has nearly been defeated and  revealing that the fires and lights in the skies around the Earth is a single US star ship standing off two alien battleships and as soon as the rest of America's star ship fleet returns from interstellar space they will overwhelm and destroy the two Gou'ald star ships.
There are links provided to my note file that give more detail, but after the links at the bottom of this message I'll give a quick over view, warnings and some samples from the "Voyages End" note file.

First the front page of my hobby site it has a little more info and the shortcut  links for civilian and military self inserts.
"Voyages End"  reference point to read from for a civilian self insert for march 1998 invasion.
Unless your self insert was a civilian very closely associated with the military use this as your starting point because the first you will know about the invasion is when the "fires in the sky" are lit above Washington DC. 
Use this if your self insert was in the military or is a civilian very closely associated with the military.
For completeness a link to the head of the "Voyages End" RPG file
I know it's only a very remote possibility, but in case of a Bandwidth overload here is a backup link for the "Voyages End" file.
Voyages End is a rough RPG/wargame universe that mixes a Star Gate alternate universe with elements of Star Trek Voyager and a Star Trek war game called "Star Fleet Battles".
I've been playing with this private wargame/RPG for the past few years and making background notes and rough rules about how  it mentally games out, at least how I mentally game it out.
First let me warn you the original point for me was the mixing of modern 20th century technology, Star fleet Battle's take on trekology and Star Gate technology so there are large sections that will probably only interest a gamer or engineer. Feel free to skim or completely skip those sections if you want to read all the notes.
Also I'll mention that I was more interested in creating a internally consistent game universe than in closely matching what was seen in any individual episode of Star Trek or Star Gate, so some of the RPG background and rules will contradict episodes of both Star Gate and Star Trek.

SAMPLES from Voyages End
1310:15 EST March 6, 1998
The 100 megaton range plasma explosions slowly walking down into the upper atmosphere above the east coast are clearly visible across more than half the continent.  The President uses the EBS or Emergency Broadcast System sending warnings of the attack and orders all civilians to seek shelter below ground.  He also assures the general public that the military is fully prepared and that secret "star wars" equipment developed during the Reagan era is currently intercepting all incoming rounds at least a 1000 kilometers above the surface.
The 1147 Death Gliders that succeed in escorting the troop transports through the waves of unguided long range Battleship scramjet shells and then through the barrage of guided missiles fired from surface bases, several coast guard vessels and land based fighter jets quickly sweep the sky clean of all airborne American aircraft and then follow this up minutes later by overwhelming and burning the unshielded coast guard vessels. Less than ten minutes after reaching 1000 meters the swarm of troop transports Death Gliders have achieved complete air superiority over Washington and the surrounding area as all unshielded military anti-aircraft assets are overwhelmed and destroyed and the heavily shielded bases run dry of missiles and are forced hide behind their shields with only a few obsolete small caliber anti-aircraft guns to reply to the Death Gliders.
What follows for Voyager and the world is a highly visible running battle that spirals and hop scotches in and out around the Earth and Moon dozens of times and includes several  dozen atmosphere grazing approaches to Earth over the next six hours. This constant if unpredictable "FIRE IN THE SKY" almost upstages the news video being broadcast world wide of the Death Gliders attacking first Washington DC and then moving on to other towns and cities of America's  Eastern coast and Canada. This initial devastating attack is followed by ever spreading dog fights and ground strafing raids that ultimately reach beyond the Mississippi river into the central part of  the United States.  The alien craft are shown world wide via live news feeds from terrified news crews as they watch American and Canadian forces engaging them with fighters, helicopters and surface missiles shooting down alien craft often just before they are overwhelmed by what at first seems to be a unlimited number of alien fighters firing energy weapons.
 The Voyager's battle circles the planet dozens of times as Janeway and her swarm of phaser armed shuttles desperately fight the Ha'taks. Her battle is putting on a irregular show that varies from distant, but intensely bright pin prick flashes to atmosphere churning close approaches that cause the extreme upper atmosphere to glow brightly on the day side and creates frightening levels of light for unnervingly long periods on the night side. The spray of multiple megaton range Plasma bolts being intercepted and detonated prematurely along with direct shield hits from multiple 64 megaton and 500 kiloton photons makes for a clearly noticeable show even when the battle in space races out to the moon on the night side of the planet and is an almost unnoticeable, series of  pinpricks of intensely bright light in the blue sky of Earth's day side.

Even if you don't write anything I hope you have fun gaming your self insert in the Voyages End universe.


- classicdrogn - 03-07-2012

In 1998, it had been two years since I owned a television, and I played music on my computer rather than listen to the radio. I wouldn't have found out about it until I went to work and found the place closed because everyone was taking shelter below ground Smile

- CD
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

- hmelton - 03-10-2012

Sorry for taking so long to reply my ISP is a fair weather friend, which means I only have useful internet access when the weather is clear.
Thanks ClassicDrogn I never thought of the attack from that point of view.  Specifically of some one out of touch and relatively isolated suddenly leaving their isolation and finding their work place, a Quick mart or supermarket empty of all people and possibly showing the signs of a sudden and abrupt abandonment.
The closer to the East Coast and Washington DC you lived in this 1998 attempted invasion the more likely you were to see something in the sky or actually be subjected to an attack by the Death Gliders.
Did the place where you worked have a radio or TV that was constantly
turned on?  Say something in the break room that you would discover as
you checked around for your coworkers?

My family has been CBer's and/or HAM operators since the late 1960's and if we are awake then there is usually at least two radios turned on, one listening to our standby channel and the other scanning our favorite HAM bands.  In contrast the TV and AM/FM radios are almost never on unless there is a specific target such as a news broadcastor or other programming we want to see.  For example back in 2001 I found out about the twin towers via local Garbage men breaking the squelch on the radio talking about a airplane hitting one of the towers, then the TV was turned on.  
In this story/RPG idea once the EBS is activated and the warning given the president and military make the decision to allow all commercial radio/TV Satellite stations to return full broadcasting if the station crew are willing to keep them going. It's not mentioned, but Captain Janeway in a discussion with high ranking military officers had pointed out that if only the military were using radio transmitters after the Gou'ald spacecraft arrive it would make it very easy for that spacecraft to pick out their signals and positions and target them. 

- classicdrogn - 03-10-2012

Well, I wouldn't have been able to get inside since I didn't have a door key then - it was in what's called "the greater Boston area," meaning the never-ending sprawl of suburbs around the city proper. If you look on a map and see Route 128 (which is also US 95 for a fair bit of it) curving around the crossroads of highways labeled as being Boston, I was near the north end of that in Peabody and my work in Beverly, close enough to see the Prudential Building on a low-smog day. So, it's fairly likely that there would have been ships visible in the sky, and if they were actually firing on ground targets, once I realised that I'd probably have taken advantage of the empty road to proceed at a high rate of speed in my 92 Camaro "Amelia" to the nearest underpass and park in the shadow of it, possibly pulling off the actual road to get under an elevated ramp with less sky view if one was nearby (I know of at least two on the route I followed then, and the Camaro was surprisingly off-roadable as long as one stayed aware of things that might get caught on the low body clearance, and maintained momentum through tall grass or soft ground. I loved that car.)

I routinely kept a couple of blankets, roll of TP, gallon jug of water and 2-4 boxes of thawed but unopened Hot Pockets in Amelia (they're almost as durable as Twinkies; I've left one sealed in the cellophane defrosted on the counter for months as an experiment and it never developed mold, smelled fine when I finally opened it, and didn't taste off or give me stomach trouble) so I'd probably have been alright for a day or two, until either being found by patrols (hopefully Earthling) or hearing the all-clear on the car radio, turned on for a short time every few hours to see if the PSA's were still owning the airwaves and saying to stay bunkered up. A nearby corner outside the car would be rather foul, however.

- CD
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

Washington DC airport that was operating in 1998. - hmelton - 03-11-2012

I need a name for the D. C. airport used as a foothold base by the Jaffa invasion anyone have ideas, it needs to be within say roughly 30 kilometers of the coast for the 16inch guns.

Hiding under an overpass isn't a bad idea the Jaffa are rather out of their element with both their weapons, training and experience. The urban sprawl and road network is something that is almost unique to Earth.

Boston will see large numbers of Death Gliders and fires from them flying around almost randomly firing their weapons at everything, but really only badly damaging the wood frame buildings and all the airports.

The Jaffa would recognize the importance of a bridge, but an overpass isn't something they wouldn't think was very important, after all it doesn't cross water and when you add in how resistant reinforced concrete will be to a Death Gliders relatively tiny plasma cannon most Jaffa Pilots are going to focus on target they see their weapons quickly damaging.

The jaffa are going to be going wild, but slowly gravitate to attacking civilian homes, moving vehicles and airports and aircraft just because those are about the only things that their weapons are effective on.

It seems cruel, but the death Gliders that discover oil refineries, tank farms and other such vulnerable targets are going to be the US military's main targets and those death gliders won't last long, it's the ones that discover how flammable the standard wood frame house is that last the longest and ultimately reach the states just west of the Mississippi river.

Naturally the Sky scrapers and any other large buildings of the cities are going to be targets, but the Jaffa are going to be very discouraged by how tough reinforced concrete and metal building protected by automated sprinklers systems will be to small caliber plasma bolts. Jaffa Pilots use to firing a few shots from their weapons to shatter stone foundations and burn entire villages are going to get extremely worried when they discover that it's taking literally hundreds of shots to even get a sky scrapper to burn for more than a few minutes.

Better to attack those funny buildings all rowed up on the roadsides that start to burn after only 1 or 2 shots fired into them and they make it so easy for their god to see what they have done.

The Jaffa quickly learn to respect the "Slaves" aircraft and to recognize a airport so all aircraft and airports be they military or civilian are going to be priority targets for the Jaffa Pilots as they spread out.


- Black Aeronaut - 03-12-2012

Wonder how they'll react when they find out that any straight length of Interstate Highway can be quickly transformed into an airstrip. No shit, that's really the SOP of the National Guard if US borders are overrun and airfields start to become scarce. In fact, they were built that way. They'll probably crap their pants once they realize that potential airstrips are everywhere and that it's by design.

Rock scissors paper - hmelton - 03-13-2012

Sadly the Jaffa won't get to notice so much that many roads have become runways because of the Rock, Scissors, Paper nature of the Death Gliders vs fighter jet battle. The helicopters and ground attacked fixed wing aircraft have been distributed and several highways have been staged with supplies, but the sad fact is once a group of Fighter jet runs dry of missiles it's little more than a paper target for the Death gliders.


High speed guided missiles are not going to be something that the Jaffa pilots have encounter before and their numbers and attacks are going to be very much blunted by flying into waves of missiles fired well out of range their plasma cannon.


The Death Glider's relatively unlimited ammunition and endurance coupled with it being at least 4 times tougher than a fighter jet means the fighter jet's missile advantage is going to only blunt and relatively slowly whittle at the Swarm of Death Gliders and not stop it dead. (I estimate that each Death Glider kill is going to require a minimum of four side winder sized missiles.)


Modern fighter jets are little more than flying fuel tanks or paper airplanes firing 20 mm spitwads once they have expended all the missiles they carry and if any Death Gliders survive to plasma cannon range your going to lose every jet fighter. To make it worse the jet fighters can't really out run the Death gliders leaving little chance for them to survive to be reloaded.

In this case the Jaffa won't notice the secondary use of high ways and mostly are going after airports only because they can see various aircraft on the ground and after the death toll they have been taking from aircraft firing missiles don't want any more of the aircraft to get in the air.

The Jaffa's entire set of orders from their so called god consisted of "Burn the city below." and "Go punish the rest of the slaves on this continent." and almost all their training and experience is in attack of near stone age civilization. The only reason the Jaffa Death Gliders did as well as they did is the large number of Death Gliders and the technological advantage the Death Glider has over a fighter jet forced to rely on large amounts of liquid fuel store nearly everywhere within the fighter.
