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Best Public Service Announcement Ever (NSFW) - Printable Version

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Best Public Service Announcement Ever (NSFW) - Epsilon - 07-06-2007

Contains naughty words.

Re: Best Public Service Announcement Ever (NSFW) - Bob Schroeck - 07-07-2007

I'm looking for a word that combines LOL and BWAH? and can't find one...

-- Bob
The Internet Is For Norns.

Words Fail... - Rev Dark - 07-07-2007

Words fail me for the moment, so I will use theirs.
Read a book!

Re: Words Fail... - LilFluff - 07-07-2007

And remember, "It's called Speed Stick, it's not expensive!"

Will the transhumanist future have catgirls? Does Japan still exist? Well, there is your answer.