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A Naruto Note - Printable Version

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A Naruto Note - Evil Midnight Lurker - 06-29-2007

Growing impatient with the slow pace of the American Shonen Jump, I downloaded and read through the entire scanslated series to date.
One thought trumps all my other reactions: The Kyuubi is the only manga character I've ever seen who has the Power Kirby. Smile
"I'm taking off the kid gloves, and putting on the very mad gloves."

Re: A Naruto Note - Epsilon - 06-29-2007

Shounen Jump will soon be both a) releasing more Naruto chapters per issue and b) skipping ahead to the "two-years later" part of the manga.

Re: A Naruto Note - Evil Midnight Lurker - 06-29-2007

So I hear. But it's too late now, TOO LATE! AHAHAHAHA!
...But my fiancee got me a subscription to SJ for my birthday anyway, so it's even too late for it to be too late. Smile
"I hate broccoli, and yet, in a certain sense, I am broccoli."