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Musing on webcomic-dom
Musing on webcomic-dom
I do a lot of creative work outside of my everyday employment.  Art as 10cc sang so eloquently, for Art's Sake.  They also sang something about I'm Mandy, fly me; but that is for another time.  I also do some light fetish art work and a few other projects on the side (Recently the submission to the Decoder Ring Theatre contest).
So I am considering a webcomic; here are some thoughts I am kicking around.
While Tales of the Legendary is fun, it is hampered by a number of factors, the first being that it exists in the COH universe with characters (my own at any rate) that predate COH; and uses their backgrounds, world etc.
Theme: Superheroes mixing four colour and pulp sensibilities.
So going forward with a new continuity/universe is the first step.  Bella, Jackie, Gil, and the whole ALPO crew are definitely going to be there; with some new faces, and lots of unique villains.  The core will be a large city based up-and-coming superhero team.  There will be some established archtype heroes who are famous in the city.  (I may have to reuse the dubious Captain Starbolt); a plucky reporter with an alliterative name (Rachel Rivers... Sandy Souter... Xena Xerxes... no that last one is headed for the top of the villain's list - the Persian Pummeler.)
I am unlikely to do it as 'issues' per se.  It is more likely that I will be doing mini-story arcs, with arbitrary 'Issue' covers being thrown in.  A constantly evolving storyline; recurring characters, etc.
Update frequency.
1-3 pages weekly; on a set schedule.  If you endeavor to do something like this; you have have to talk the talk and walk the walk.  I would rather update less frequently and make every single deadline than faff about with a more aggresive update schedule and drop the ball like a sports cliche.  While I love what Pete Abrams does with Sluggy, his breaks/inserts/vacations etc, drive me to distraction.  I like the model that OGLAF uses ( -Extremely not safe for work, but great art and wicked, if mean sense of humour- if the page errors out on you, hit reload.) where an update/comic may be a single page, or a trio of pages; whatever is needed to tell the joke/story.
Light Drama, superheroic action, comedy.  Not in that order.
About the same as TOTL extremely racy, without sliding into full on hard R territory.
Not high; though you never know.  These days throwing comics on the web is akin to taking coal to Newcastle.  No - coal is utile.  It is like dropping a turd upon an already extant pile.  There are so many that for yours to stand out it has to really be a cut above.
Prep: 3-6 months of updates done, locked, loaded and in the can ready for publication.
(Besides have you seen this.. ... -Webcomics )
You can focus by twiddling the knobs or moving your eye towards, or away from the microscope.  I think in best Jackie fashion, fiddling with the knobs (and anything else) is the way to go.
So here is what I have and don't have:
Title: NOTHING HERE YET.; something URLable.
City: I went with Angel's Bay - a city on the sunny part of the West Coast.  That allows me beaches, docks, hills and the potential for a few swamps; as well as an undercity left over from earlier Spanish Exploration.
Super Team: The Heavenly Host (A team which is financially endowed by an unrevealed benefactor)
For Sure Members:
Bella Fuego
Jackie (To avoid the whole DC Jackie Frost thing, she will be going by her full name, and a superheroine name that very few are willing to use)
(Though team interviews might make for an interesting storyline)
Other possibles
Endiku - The guy who turns in to a giant huge-arsed monkey
Lady Macbeth - SAS tough gal with unfortunate mental powers
Morgan - Will have to talk to Cindy more on this one; possible team member, possible independent.
I suspect that I will slip in an Inventor/Support character/s at some point.  I may re-vision Simon and Naoko from the IST stories to fit in there.
Other Heroes in town
Gil MacHeath (For the hardboiled/pulp side of the city)
Princeps!  The First Citizen - Roman themed protector of all that is good and right.
Plucky Reporter: Connie Cabot
For Villains
ALPO (Who truly belong on the west coast)
Draconarius (He doesn't feel the need for a gratuitous exclamation point.) Princep's! mortal enemy.
Mr. Chairman (Still a bit nebulous; for some reason I want him to operate out of a chain of coffee/smoothie shops.)
Lord and Lady Schaedenfreude:  One tries to end the world through tech, the other through magic.
Iron Klan (this needs no explanation)
The Homeopath (Again, one of those villains who belongs on the West Coast)
The Fun-Damentalists - Just what we need Apocalyptic Clowns.
I should warn you that if you do your art entirely in Poser people will think its porn. It's just sort of become internet shorthand for porn these days. Even if you include no actual porn, they will assume it is porn.
A webcomic about the racier side of superheros could be done, but you're limiting your own audience by doing so. The only problem I see there is that there is a tendancy to equate "adult" with "grimdark" which I don't think you have to worry about. I suggest watching a lot of Benny Hill and other British sex farce stuff, try to capture that elusive point between fetish and parody.
Also, lay off the puns a bit. Naming a gay pirate Long Dong Silver is funny in a way thirteen year olds find funny. You'll want to aim a little higher in your audience, so try for a bit more sophistication. Which doens't mean no sex puns, it just means less of them.
Quote:Endiku - The guy who turns in to a giant huge-arsed monkey
Do you mean "Enkidu"? Or is the misspelling intentional?
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

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