So I'm wandering around the Amazon store when I go ahead and type in 'Seraphic Fearther' into the search box. And they have volumes 7, 8, and 9 in stock. In French. A little bit of reading later and I find that volume 9 was released 2003 in Japan (2005 for the French edition). Heck, event the German editions are up to vol.9.
And a bit later I see pre-release info for volumes 10 and 11 in Japanese for November and March next year respectively.
OK, so I can understand the author getting tired of it or getting involved with other projects and such. But why the heck has Dark Horse not released them in English? Have they lost the licence since 2006 when they released vol.6 (Which was 3 years after vol.5, itself 2 years after vol.4), or what?
Oh, and I bought the French editions. Need to brush up on my atrophied French.
And a bit later I see pre-release info for volumes 10 and 11 in Japanese for November and March next year respectively.
OK, so I can understand the author getting tired of it or getting involved with other projects and such. But why the heck has Dark Horse not released them in English? Have they lost the licence since 2006 when they released vol.6 (Which was 3 years after vol.5, itself 2 years after vol.4), or what?
Oh, and I bought the French editions. Need to brush up on my atrophied French.