Stephen Mann
Book search
07-31-2010, 08:23 AM
I read a fantasy book years ago, and am trying to track it down again. The only thing that I remember is the main character is some form of (techno/rune?) mage who creates a metal wing harness with metal feathers that allowed him to fly. I think there was some additional fire powers too. The character was enslaved or crippled by his lord to keep him from leaving (thus the wings). I know this is not the Northworld series by Drake, but beyond that I'm stumped.
Can anyone jog my memory?
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Not sure. Sorry.
What you described sounds a lot like the myth of Icarus though. Was it referenced in the title or any of the character names? That would make it easier to track down.
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Stephen Mann
Nope, Icarus wasn't a major part of the story (I think). Yeah, now that you mention it, it's an obvious connection, but I don't think it was in the story.
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Have you ever played Exalted? Because you just described one of the chapter-break stories.
Stephen Mann
I played Exalted once years ago, but haven't read enough of the books to recognize it from the chapter breaks. I read this story years before Exalted came out.
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Since you say it's not Northworld, it sounds to me like The Hammer of the Sun, third book of Michael Scott Rohan's The Winter of the World trilogy. It's set in a magitek civilization during the last ice age; the duergar later degenerated into what we know as Neanderthals.
The story is implied to be the basis of Finnish and Norse mythology especially (though not exclusively): the hero's girlfriend is a Valkyrie, but in service to Louhi (who's lots better looking than in the myths) rather than Odin -- who's named Raven, here. Also, the hero, Elof Valantor, is the inspiration not only for the Daedalus, Vulcan, Ilmarinen, Wayland, and Volund myths, but also for Thor -- you do NOT want to get hit with his hammer, particularly when he ... well, I'll let you read that for yourself.
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Stephen Mann
Hmm, Rohan sounds vaguely familiar. I'll have to check it out. Thanks, DhBirr.
EDIT: Drat, the covers don't look familiar. Or, rather, the cover looks familiar but I suspect I recognize them from the book store.
Stephen Mann
Yeah, I checked a couple of other sites that had covers too, just to checki. The middle one is similar in it's color scheme, but it showed a castle/keep I believe.
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Well, if none of the covers look like what you recall, and you don't recognize the plot details I mentioned, I've exhausted my capability to help. Regrets.
Big Brother is watching you. And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
Stephen Mann
Yeah, thanks anyway DHBirr. I appreciate the attempt.