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This film needs a few exclamation points after it.  It is not Machete.  It is MACHETE!!!!!.


This is an awesome bit of exploitation, or rather mexploitation.  You want blood?  MACHETE!!!! has it.  You want Boobage?  MACHETE!!!! has it.  You want beasts?  MACHETE!! has it.  Danny Oedipal-Gerund Trejo! Steven Conjugating Seagal!  Tom Obscene-literary-construction Savini!  Taking the exploitation genre and kicking it up to 11, Rodriguez has brought his B+ game to this film; not his greatest work, but I have spent time with a lot worse movies.


The supporting cast is solid, and a lot of Rodriguez favorites show up – DeNiro and Cheech Marin; and some newcomers including a smoking hot Michelle Rodriguez whost pose cyclopean alteration reveal is the things that dreams are made of.  Jessica Alba shows up; and Lindsay Lohan pops top, pops caps and pops pills (Which is pretty much her normal day.)

Worth every penny.

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