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Yamato 2199 movie #5 (23-26)
Yamato 2199 movie #5 (23-26)
No, the sub is not all up at the usual places. It is half up. However, I happen to have a bluray copy of disk #7.

I'll just say, damn, all the feels for the last episode. And Kodai....well he's back to a triangle, the ASB faction were left behind on Iscander.

Still, aside from the one sighting of a large framed female figure, who has not noticed that all the women on board have pretty much the same general body shape with set degree variations of ur hum 'talent'. Must make the uniform stores somewhat easier to manage. But I think it makes the laundry a nightmare.

It also boils down to now what's left. I suppose I can start building the models, watch the live action movie and wait for the next voyage of this version of the Yamato. If they decide to go on.

Have to DL it once I get solid internet connections again.
Canadian lighthouse to U.S. Warship approaching it:  "This is a lighthouse.  Your call!"
Having just watched ep. 23 last night, I need to ask:  who is that bald Garmillan, and what has he done with the real Lord Hyss?  Because skidding to a stop in the middle of the evacuation to personally carry unconscious Hilde Shultz to safety seems a bit out of character for Hyss as we've seen him before....
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
For the original series Hyss? For original series ANY Gamilon? Yes that'd be out of character, since they were all, to a man, mustache-twirling villains.
Not so much for Yamato 2199, where they've gone out of the way to make clear that there are some good and honorable people on the Gamilas side. (Or at least if they're villains, they're usually only of the "punch-clock" kind.)
There are even times when I find the politics and machinations on the Gamilas side more interesting than what the Yamato crew is doing!
Melda is just damn adorable (Magellen Parfait! OMG the cute...). Captain Fraken (the guy in the dimensional "Space Sub") is one of THE
coolest characters EVER and he really gets a good moment to shine in Ep
25 when he FINALLY gives Goer what was coming to him! ^_^ And let's have a moment of silence for Domel. He may have been kicking the Yamato's ass before the tables got turned on him. But he's STILL one of the ones I'd not have minded hoisting a drink with.
Overall I'm so impressed with what was done to humanize the Gamilons and make the more prominent of them into fully realized characters that I'm willing to overlook the fact that --
I still don't know what the whole deal was with why they planet-bombed Earth. What the heck was the plan, there? Was there a plan? Or was it just a part of Desslok's whole -- "I must conquer the Galaxy to bring order to it so that we may have peace" thing?
Even leaving the original series out of it ('cause I didn't see it), Hyss in this series never, until this episode, showed anything that I, at least, recognized as hints of the basic decency to do what I cited in ep. 23.  He seemed like a sycophant, marginally competent at best -- I'm thinking of how often Dessler's orders or information requests would catch him unprepared and off balance, and then the Amazon bodyguards would giggle contemptuously while the Leader smirked.  He was a kind of comic relief ... and then, this....

Ref. Domel, and considering that ep. that, as you complained and I silently agreed, skimmed over a "Lot of good stuff via flashback that I REALLY wish they'd spent an extra episode on" -- I had to wonder if Yamato's crew hadn't kept, and played back for the Garmillans, Domel's last message.  If anything would've bridged the hard feelings at least on the Garmillan side, what Domel said just before blowing himself up should've done the trick.  (And what's up with those hard feelings, anyway?  Until Yamato launched, it seemed the Gammies were stomping Earth's forces without major loss to themselves, so why're they holding such a grudge?)

Note:  The Garmillans claim we started the war by attacking when they entered our system.  But considering the means they've used to deal with other worlds that weren't happy as part of their empire, they "came in peace" the way the Spanish conquistadors came in peace to the Native Americans ... and them coming to Sol was an act of war in and of itself.

As always, curse the transliteration discrepancies.

Edit:  Having now finished the series , a comment on ep. 25:  A while back, I commented that either Yabu, the porky, cowardly junior engineer, was a nearly-Spark-level technical genius, or someone in Personnel thought they were in an anime and the ship needed a "comic relief" character.  I hereby withdraw my objection.  He's only been part of the "space submarine" crew a few months, but already learned its workings so well that when the system malfs so they can't dive, he's apparently the one to figure out an unconventional fix that saves all their butts.  Tech wizard, sho nuff.
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.

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